The E wrote:
The wrongness is not in the Math. It's in you. You're saying "These events are astronomically unlikely, so much so that they can't occur naturally". Which is a statement you must prove before adding in a creator entity.
"Unlikely" does not mean "impossible". Simple as that.
Astronomical odds calculate to only 10^139 in the most conservative calculation I've seen. This isn't even in the same galaxy as the odds against the first life happening. Any time provable odds get greater than 10^12:1 about something, it is about time to call it proven. I wouldn't bet my life against odds of even 10^9:1
E, when I started investing, only the possibility of things was looked at, and money was lost. When the focus was changed to testing the probabilities, that changed. This is very much more work, but ROI has averaged above 30% annualized with the new strategy for the last five months - eighteen more months of that rate and all that was lost will have been recovered.
Whether I can continue to figure the probabilities well ...
The E wrote:To just say there were precursor steps doesn't provide any evidence for them.
Does the term "Abiogenesis" mean anything to you? No? Then please, feel free to research it, paying particular attention to the results of the
Miller-Urey experiment.
The Miller-Urey experiment was carefully arranged using a mixture of gasses we now know wasn't correct, contained a trap to prevent the supplied energy from decomposing the results as well as producing them, and would have required some means to have only one handedness picked out in order to produce proteins. These inserted information into the setup. Also, amino-amino bonds produced a sludge, rather than a peptide linked functional result. I'm currently studying ... mation.PDFand have a hopefully improved definition of information:
Information is improbable, specified, functional data. The function can be communication, as now; or control, as in DNA or a CNC program.
Experience to date has shown production of even medium amounts of information only by intelligent choice. Although, as in the M-U experiment, often the information is inserted without admitting that is being done.
The E wrote:He is consistent in providing real choices and requiring accountability, even to the point of taking the penalty
Please explain, in detail, what chain of events led to the Hebrews being condemmed to hate and genocide, given how exalted they were at first. If there is consistency, then surely the causal relationship should be easy to explain.
Who says they were exalted? The Bible calls them the least of all the peoples. Counting Joseph's sons, there were only seventy people at the start in Egypt. If the estimates of Egyptian population (which vary widely) are roughly correct, and the estimate of two million leaving at the exodus is approximately correct, it is easy to see why Pharoah was concerned about their growth in numbers!
They behaved so badly they got an extra forty years in the wilderness. Chosen does not mean better. Read Deuteronomy chapter 28. The land was given to them, but they specifically were told that if they chose to rebel against God they would be out of it for a time, and suffering. The causal element is accountability. The Bible also speaks of an enemy who was the first to rebel against God, and led many others into rebellion. It says hell was made for the devil and his angels.
What other people who have been out of their homeland for ten generations or more, have remained a people, and have returned to it are you able to present for a counter example
The evidence presented by Islam for the Quran being God's word is the improbability of an illiterate producing high quality poetry in Arabic, stating that it was from God. The development of much travel, and a great increase in knowledge (Daniel 12:4) while true, are peanuts compared to the improbability of this specific people being still in existence, and back in the land