MuonNeutrino wrote:Weird Harold wrote:FWIW, you'd [Sigs would] fit right in with the High Ridge administration and Janecek admiralty....
That's rather uncalled for.
Why? Is Sigs too paranoid even for Janacek's Admiralty?
MuonNeutrino wrote:IMO, systems that want actual manty tech are going to have to do more than just sign a mutual defense treaty.
What exactly would they have to do? Signing a mutual defense treaty is how Alizon and Zanzibar became "full members of the MA" What more is one of Beowulf's daughter colonies, for example, going to have to do to get Manticoran Tech?
What are you offering to a potential ally that they can't buy from the Andermani or Erewhon?
In some cases, surplus RHN
Cimmeterre A and a Moriarty C3 set will be adequate -- although almost everyone is going to demand at least dual drive system defense missiles.
In other cases, something closer to Beowulf's defensive systems is going to be the minimum acceptable package to get someone to sign a mutual defense treaty.
The GA needs those mutual defense treaties to build a stable peace, or at least block the formation of a large treaty organization to replace the league.
Storm From The Shadows
Chapter Forty-four
Honor Alexander-Harrington speaking: wrote:And once we have those peace treaties, we have to not only honor them, but step beyond them. We need to use trade incentives, mutual defense pacts, educational assistance, every single thing we can think of to show them that we are—and to really be, not just pretend to be—the sort of neighbor and ally they'll want around. In other words, once we break the League militarily, once we splinter it into multiple, mutually independent star nations, we have to see to it that none of those star nations have any motive to fuse themselves back together and gang up on us all over again."
Answers! I got lots of answers!
(Now if I could just find the right questions.)