Kytheros wrote:Jonathan_S wrote:[Just s correction. Bellerophon only turned a few degrees, nowhere close to 90. But given the engagement angles a few degrees was all it took to interpose the leading edge of the sidewall. (Since those extend to the front if the wedge, about 150 km forward of a waller, you don't need much of a turn to skew the vulnerable unoritected throat away from an enemy.
I suspect that even with near-perfect engagement geometry, most RMN ships would be able to get a sidewall or buckler in the way in time. Worst case scenario, the RMN ship has to go to a full bow-wall, and finish its skew turn on thrusters. Unless the RMN ship is too old to have been refitted with bow-wall technology. Or stern-walls, I suppose.
That being said, I have rather more faith in the competence levels of Admiral Pierre and his crews than I do in the vast majority of SLN types. Well, most Battle Fleet types anyways. Frontier Fleet is actually probably somewhat similar to the Legislaturalist PRHN skill level.
Point is, they were aiming for single drive missile range on an entirely different ship, and Bellerophon's being in energy range was a total fluke. I also have more faith in the the PRHN crews that went for the Basilisk terminus and missed.
I expect that single drive missile range is probably extremely good navigation. And, I'd expect that the slower a ship is when exiting hyperspace the more accurate it's going to be, so for maximum accuracy, you're probably leaving hyper and reentering realspace with an extremely low velocity.
Coming in at SDM range for a completely different ship or not, Admiral Theisman's crews came in expecting a fight. The Bellerophon was totally at peace, the war warning's hadn't been passed yet so they had zero reason to be on a hair trigger, and still managed to turn and computer override on weapons.
Any ships that partook in Laocoon II are going to be on hair triggers, and expecting possible combat until the later (and heavier) relief forces show up. And being mere destroyers and light cruisers, they're going to be agile enough you'd have to use 4+ SLN battlecruisers to bracket each RMN ship that it can't roll ship to stop everything. Which brings it back to the other point I observed, either the RMN ship hops up into hyper itself, negating the SLN's expert hyper-exit ambush, or more likely the SLN horribly failed and over-shot/under-shot their planned ambush.
And in AAC, Admiral Chin's Fifth fleet had near zero velocity and couldn't properly translate out of hyper to be in the planned 'ambush' of Kuzak's Third Fleet in BoMa. Even when they had perfect intell on exactly where Kuzak's ships were, so textev says even near-zero velocity translations are still a small crapshoot when you're talking translating out in a very specific place, rather than a general volume. Cause space is big, and reasons like that, even aiming at a general volume is still pretty specific compared to the volume of space contained by a hyper limit.