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Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits

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Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by Lord Skimper   » Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:58 am

Lord Skimper
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Don't worry these guys don't like micro jumps. In the Honorverse ship combat is basically age of sail in space. If you are interested in controlled micro jump hyperspace have a look at Elizabeth Moon's Trading in Danger and the rest of the Vatta's War series. Discusses it in detail. Coordinated micro jump combat in space. Ironically Moon also has FTL communications which makes a difference in ship combat. Also has her version of the Solaran League. No compensators so ships wear out. Compensators keep ships from wearing out in the Honorverse. Presumably the refits of the Honorverse ships and compensators keep them being stressed and failing.
Just don't ask what is in the protein bars.
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by MAD-4A   » Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:32 am

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Lord Skimper wrote:Don't worry these guys don't like micro jumps. In the Honorverse ship combat is basically age of sail in space...
Right, I don't think they can navigate that close. Jumping in and out is a whole long drawn-out ordeal, not just 'push-the-button'. By the time they get into hyper (even over the alpha wall) they are already going so fast that by the time they transition back they are light minutes out of the system. Remember your own example of Basilisk, the Havenite fleet couldn't just spin around and jump back, they were too close already, and when a wall of missiles came rushing at them (with several minutes flight time) only a few quick-minded Destroyers (likely with suspicious captains) managed to get back over the Alpha wall, even the CLs were too slow.
that being said... the SL has LOTS of SDs and that can mitigate the M/H range advantage by dropping a few hundred right on the wormhole mouth and opening up with Grazers. They could also drop one fleet at a distance. Force the defenders to come out after them and have a 2nd fleet (hold-up in hyper) to drop down and jump through when the junction's clear (bait and switch) if they really want to send one through.
Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Nuclear Weapons. I almost got the Hand-Grenade out the window does not count.
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:50 am

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MAD-4A wrote:that being said... the SL has LOTS of SDs and that can mitigate the M/H range advantage by dropping a few hundred right on the wormhole mouth and opening up with Grazers. They could also drop one fleet at a distance. Force the defenders to come out after them and have a 2nd fleet (hold-up in hyper) to drop down and jump through when the junction's clear (bait and switch) if they really want to send one through.

Of course if Manticore is holding both ends of the wormhole sending that 2nd fleet of SDs through the wormhole is just an painful way to commit suicide.

They'll pop out on the far side, within missile range of the defenders, and be stuck without wedges, sidewalls, towed decoys, CMs, or missiles for several minutes. Just sails, hull armor, PDLCs, and onboard ECM to try to stave off the onboard missiles and/or pods of the defending units. In that situation even Rolands or Avalons could tear big nasty chunks out of SDs...

You really don't want to attack through a defended wormhole if you've any other choice. Much better to take that other terminus through another normal attack from hyper.
Last edited by Jonathan_S on Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by Vince   » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:04 pm

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Jonathan_S wrote:
MAD-4A wrote:that being said... the SL has LOTS of SDs and that can mitigate the M/H range advantage by dropping a few hundred right on the wormhole mouth and opening up with Grazers. They could also drop one fleet at a distance. Force the defenders to come out after them and have a 2nd fleet (hold-up in hyper) to drop down and jump through when the junction's clear (bait and switch) if they really want to send one through.

Of course if Manticore is holding both ends of the wormhole sending that 2nd fleet of SDs through the wormhole is just an painful way to commit suicide.

They'll pop out on the far side, within missile range of the defenders, and be stuck without wedges, sidewalls, towed decoys, CMs, or missiles for several minutes. Just sails, hull armor, PDLCs, and onboard ECM to try to stave off the onboard missiles and/or pods of the defending units. In that situation even Rolands or Avalons could tear big nasty chunks out of SDs...

You really don't want to attack through a wormhole if you've any other choice. Much better to take that other terminus through another normal attack from hyper.

You left out one word in the first sentence of your last paragraph. I would reword it to:

You really don't want to attack through a fortified wormhole if you've any other choice.

Since the RMN essentially did attack (apparently without firing a single shot during the transits) through unfortified wormholes during Lacoön II.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:03 pm

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Vince wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:[snip]
You really don't want to attack through a wormhole if you've any other choice. Much better to take that other terminus through another normal attack from hyper.

You left out one word in the first sentence of your last paragraph. I would reword it to:

You really don't want to attack through a fortified wormhole if you've any other choice.

Since the RMN essentially did attack (apparently without firing a single shot during the transits) through unfortified wormholes during Lacoön II.

I'd quibble the correct word should be "defended", not "fortified" And so that's the word I'm going to go back and edit into the earlier post ;). Even a few cruisers parked within missile range are enough to ruin the day of at least the first several SDs coming through. You don't need a fully fortified terminus for it to be a bad idea to assault through.

But you're right, if there are no defenders then you can easily sail through and then seize the wormhole; as Manticore did during Lacoön II. (Might quibble that transiting an undefended wormhole without permission isn't exactly "attacking through", but that's trying to weasel word out of your valid point :D)
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by Somtaaw   » Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:08 pm

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Jonathan_S wrote:
Somtaaw wrote:Wormholes themselves have their own (small) hyper limits, thats why at uhh... one of the wormholes, a solarian flagged freighter was "escorted" by a squadron of BC's from extended range in. This was partly because of the hyper limit, and partly because they thought the slow approach would unnerve the Manticorans.

Keep in mind that the resonance zone, where it's unsafe to exit hyper, extend in a narrow cone from the terminus towards the system's hyperlimit. That makes it impractical to microjump from the system towards the wormhole; depending on wormhole power its a rough entry to hyper and then you need to ensure you land outside the zone (well off the direct line)

So ships coming from the local system are quite likely to advance on you through n-space; letting you use the missile range advantage you noted; and giving time to pull back through the wormhole before they can take you under fire if they have overwhelming force.

But against an attacker coming from another system you don't have the same kind of warning time. The actual hyperlimit around s terminus is quite small. On I don't even think it's as wide as missile range. So there's a chance that you will get taken under fire the moment they appears. You definitely would not want to retreat through a wormhole under fire; you're too vulnerable and would get destroyed. In this scenario you'd need to retreat through hyper instead.

You're right, the resonance zone isn't very large and you could come from a different direction than the local star, and "pull a Basilisk", however Manticoran ships on wormholes know that form of assault can be done. So they're not just going to be sitting with cold wedges, they're probably operating more like Honor was during her multi-hour "fight" with Thunder of God. Rotating personnel and ships through ready, five just in case Solarian (or hostiles in general) tried to assault from hyper.

However, you must also account for the hyper Alpha wall sickness factor. Even slow, gradual transits such as when Honor took a bunch of merchies to Grayson in Honor of the Queen, there's at least a period of at about 30 seconds where you won't be firing. And crash translations could incapacitate crews for between 15 and 30 minutes... and that was with navies that expected for and trained for combat, namely Manticore, Haven and Andermani navies.

The Solarian League Navy however, sits on its butts and only ran simulations. We don't have any hard data on their training methods, but its highly doubtful they trained new officers and enlisted anywhere near like Manticore or Haven did. So we can figure any high-speed, crash translations intended to surprise Manticorans holding Solarian wormholes to be horrible failures.

They might try to microjump once during a battle, in At All Costs

"Admiral," she said instead, controlling her tone carefully, "the incoming forces we know about are on Zanzibar's side of the primary. They're coming in on the shortest, least-time approach. If we move towards them, we'll remain between them and the inner system. Forces approaching from other directions will have much further to travel, and I think it's unlikely we could be drawn far enough out of position to prevent us from responding if and when they make their alpha translation and we detect their footprints."
"Overall," al-Bakr said, "I agree that your assessment is logical. However, if you advance far enough from the planet under Hilde-brandt, they could execute a polar translation and effectively cut in behind you. Particularly since your base velocity would be directly away from the planet at the moment they made translation."

Padgorny's jaw muscles tightened. What al-Bakr was suggesting was at least theoretically feasible. But it wouldn't be easy, and she couldn't conceive of any rational reason for the Peeps to attempt any such complicated maneuver.

That's pretty clear evidence, micro-jumps by one fleet, to either avoid action or take advantage of defending fleets being drawn out, is both only theory, meaning nobody has actually done it yet, and extremely complicated. And if neither Republican nor Manticoran ships have done it, or feel the risk:reward ratio makes it bad... the Solarians almost definitely won't use it. Or do it once, very badly, and then never again because it was so bad.
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by MAD-4A   » Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:25 pm

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Jonathan_S wrote:...You really don't want to attack through a defended wormhole if you've any other choice. Much better to take that other terminus through another normal attack from hyper.
I'm aware of this, like I said ...
"if they really want to send one through."
perhaps with Intel on a particular junction being vulnerable etc...
Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Nuclear Weapons. I almost got the Hand-Grenade out the window does not count.
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by Vince   » Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:57 am

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Jonathan_S wrote:[snip]
You really don't want to attack through a wormhole if you've any other choice. Much better to take that other terminus through another normal attack from hyper.
Vince wrote:You left out one word in the first sentence of your last paragraph. I would reword it to:

You really don't want to attack through a fortified wormhole if you've any other choice.

Since the RMN essentially did attack (apparently without firing a single shot during the transits) through unfortified wormholes during Lacoön II.
Jonathan_S wrote:I'd quibble the correct word should be "defended", not "fortified" And so that's the word I'm going to go back and edit into the earlier post ;). Even a few cruisers parked within missile range are enough to ruin the day of at least the first several SDs coming through. You don't need a fully fortified terminus for it to be a bad idea to assault through.

But you're right, if there are no defenders then you can easily sail through and then seize the wormhole; as Manticore did during Lacoön II. (Might quibble that transiting an undefended wormhole without permission isn't exactly "attacking through", but that's trying to weasel word out of your valid point :D)

You are right. Shown in Honorverse by what happened to Harvest Joy when it transited the Torch wormhole into the target zone of Mannerheim's ready and waiting BCs (crewed by personnel inside the Mesan Alignment onion). The example isn't exact, since Harvest Joy was surveying a first transit, not attacking.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by StealthSeeker   » Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:00 pm


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MAD-4A wrote:(snip)
that being said... the SL has LOTS of SDs and that can mitigate the M/H range advantage by dropping a few hundred right on the wormhole mouth and opening up with Grazers. They could also drop one fleet at a distance. Force the defenders to come out after them and have a 2nd fleet (hold-up in hyper) to drop down and jump through when the junction's clear (bait and switch) if they really want to send one through.

Yes, this is more of what I have in mind. A one two punch. Or even a one two three punch. Doing manoeuvres to get the occupying force to use it's missiles, to get them out of position so they become susceptible to attack from someone dropping out of hyper on their backside. The RMN force would then have the option of "jumping" out of trouble, then coming back on a micro jump of their own. If the SL is able to take one end of the wormhole, they could lay in wait for any AG ships that might come through. So at the beginning of any attack on a defended wormhole, the defenders would have to send a messenger ship though the wormhole, warning the other side that an attack was under way. If a second ship did not come through with a final status of the battle, then the one end would know that the other end had been taken. They could then be ready to blast anything that comes through.

And I still think mines at and occupied wormhole would be a reasonable substitute for a fort. They could keep the SLN force busy while the AG force manoeuvres back. Space battles that occur outside of areas the prevent jumps could get complicated.
I think therefore I am.... I think
Re: Changes in Battle tactics outside planetary hyper limits
Post by darrell   » Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:47 pm

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StealthSeeker wrote:
MAD-4A wrote:(snip)
that being said... the SL has LOTS of SDs and that can mitigate the M/H range advantage by dropping a few hundred right on the wormhole mouth and opening up with Grazers. They could also drop one fleet at a distance. Force the defenders to come out after them and have a 2nd fleet (hold-up in hyper) to drop down and jump through when the junction's clear (bait and switch) if they really want to send one through.

Yes, this is more of what I have in mind. A one two punch. Or even a one two three punch. Doing manoeuvres to get the occupying force to use it's missiles, to get them out of position so they become susceptible to attack from someone dropping out of hyper on their backside. The RMN force would then have the option of "jumping" out of trouble, then coming back on a micro jump of their own. If the SL is able to take one end of the wormhole, they could lay in wait for any AG ships that might come through. So at the beginning of any attack on a defended wormhole, the defenders would have to send a messenger ship though the wormhole, warning the other side that an attack was under way. If a second ship did not come through with a final status of the battle, then the one end would know that the other end had been taken. They could then be ready to blast anything that comes through.

And I still think mines at and occupied wormhole would be a reasonable substitute for a fort. They could keep the SLN force busy while the AG force manoeuvres back. Space battles that occur outside of areas the prevent jumps could get complicated.

and why would a defending ship ever leave the junction. When fleet a attacks from a long distance out, wait for it to approach. same for fleet B and C. That way you don't leave the wormhole undefended.
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