StealthSeeker wrote:my idea on attacking Earth was that the GA would have a hard time getting the people of the SL not to get all indigent about it if the GA just attacked. However, if the GA attacked with Beowulf in response to what seems to be an inevitable attack on Beowulf by the SLN, there might be a great deal of grudging understanding as to why it happened. Not that they would like it, but they may not be able to believe in themselves as innocent or undeserving of an attack if it was done is response to an attack on Beowulf by the SLN.
A second strategy might be that rather than destroying civilian infrastructure they just attacked military infrastructure and then left, rather than trying to force a surrender followed by an occupation. The destruction of all things military could be justified by Beowulf as an act of reprisal and defense rather than an unreasonable attack.
one tactic I like is to send a task force to each of the half dozen planets that have mothballed reserve fleets and destroy those empty hulls before any of them can be brought back into service in support of the SLN commerce raiding plan. To save on torpedoes, I would lure the main defense out to meet a "visible" attack force while a bunch of LAC's "ghost" through and use their grazers to destroy the inactive, unoccupied and unarmed ships.
But, as I say, the attack on Beowulf has to occur first to provide justification.
There's no point in destroying the Reserve. Actually
trying to reactivate it would break the SLN, and the League.
Nothing in it has any meaningful combat value, much of it is old and obsolete, even by the standards of the SLN, no real maintenance has been performed, and there's jack all for crew.
It would be cheaper and faster to design and build an entire new fleet than to reactivate the SLN Reserve. You'd almost certainly end up with better ships if you started from scratch, too.