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MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets

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MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by cthia   » Sun May 29, 2016 8:49 pm

Fleet Admiral

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What if Detweiler asked for worst case scenarios in the same spirit as Eloise asked of Thomas Theisman - which was a series of scenarios of escalating attacks on Manticore such as Beatrice?

To bend the galaxy and reshape it to his megalomaniacal will - should he think it needs reforming - what might Detweiler think would be the most optimal targets in the Honorverse to receive a game changing kinetic strike? What would likely be his most logical strategic targets?

I'd say Torch would appeal to him somewhat. They could eliminate lots of firepower in the form of nuisances with one there and may also get some git-back from the Victor&Cachat team. But a strike there would seem to be suboptimal to one delivered to Beowulf, Haven or Manticore.

If the MAlign would be willing to spend one, where would an EE violation best be... administered? We all know what a formal kinetic warfare strategy that the Lennys may deliver. A true scorched earth policy.

If the MA would be willing to buck what's considered smart, where would they gain the most bang for their buck?

Written onto the hull of the Lenny Dets...
Be thankful for what ye are about to receive.

Perfect for Beowulf.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by kzt   » Sun May 29, 2016 9:02 pm

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Cripples the entire GA build strategy, cripples the reindustialization of Manticore, kills off a major backer of the anti-mesa movement, and they are not fond of them.

Won't if be cool when all those new Haven ships show up to get their fire control system installed and find they are SOL?

The trick is convincingly blaming someone else for it, and by convincingly I mean such that the frame holds up for at least a century under all reasonably possible conditions.
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by SharkHunter   » Sun May 29, 2016 11:59 pm

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Easy: Old Chicago, with a single false-flagged RMMN ship. Given how active Manpower was for centuries in Silesia, you wouldn't't think they might more than one old transponder from a captured ship tucked away in some corner of their closet, do you? Drop a couple tungsten rods out of a bot bay with just the right aim and acceleration and ka-boom.

Heck, they wouldn't even need to keep the ship after the "maniacal Manticorans" have attacked, just tell the SLN that they're continuing on to target two. A few nukes or laser heads will erase the evidence just fine.
All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by kzt   » Mon May 30, 2016 12:21 am

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Location: Albuquerque, NM

There are two big problems with that.

First, it won't break up the SL and more than Al Qaeda bringing down the WTC brought down the US government. So it will produce a result 100% counter to their plans. There might be some people who would want this, but they are not the MA.

Second, it won't stand up to detailed investigation.
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by Kytheros   » Mon May 30, 2016 5:31 am

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kzt wrote:There are two big problems with that.

First, it won't break up the SL and more than Al Qaeda bringing down the WTC brought down the US government. So it will produce a result 100% counter to their plans. There might be some people who would want this, but they are not the MA.

Second, it won't stand up to detailed investigation.

Concur completely.

Along with the first point, attacking Old Chicago with an EE violation would be a rallying point to pull the League together in such a way that it would actually work. And, it's been quite clear that the MAlign wants the League to break apart, and is engaging in operations to make that happen.
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by Loren Pechtel   » Mon May 30, 2016 3:22 pm

Loren Pechtel
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kzt wrote:There are two big problems with that.

First, it won't break up the SL and more than Al Qaeda bringing down the WTC brought down the US government. So it will produce a result 100% counter to their plans. There might be some people who would want this, but they are not the MA.

Second, it won't stand up to detailed investigation.

Agreed. The only way I can see a MAlign KEW working at all is if it's fired from a Solarian ship in a situation where it's not unreasonable to have fired. They could have pulled it at Second Manticore, they still could pull it at Beowulf but it's unlikely there will be another such battle.

Note, also, that they would be painting a major bullseye on themselves by doing so. It's going to end up with the GA being the biggest fish in the pond, they'll be the ones to enforce the Eridani Edict. I don't think the MAlign is going to hand the GA the right to c-frac the MAlign unless they're sure they can get off without detection.
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by cthia   » Mon May 30, 2016 6:15 pm

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If there was some prestigious event, like a certain monumental wedding that brought many of Her Majesty's military officers and many of its alliance partners together on-planet at Mount Royal Palace - and perhaps if the MA can learn of this event and location enough in advance, perhaps it can serve up a kinetic strike to decapitate many of the GA's crème de la crème.

Imagine, Honor, Michelle, Theisman, Truman, White Haven, Hemphill, The Admiralty and quite possibly the Queen herself. EE violations of the Lenny Det type can decapitate an entire government.

Yet, what one event would cause so many to assemble in one spot? A wedding perhaps??? What certain wedding can cause the GA, in a sentimental moment of weakness, to place so many of its officers in one Mount Royal basket? If a Grayson, say Abigail, married the right Manticoran it would be big. Huge! Monumental!! Many would attend.

A successful kinetic strike by the MA on Manticore, meant to decapitate several navies command structure by removing so many of the most important tactical and strategic commanders would be devastating to the GA and would weaken them considerably. A Manticore laid to waste just may incite the League's desperate gorilla to pound on its chest again, prompting the chiseled down gorilla to launch another "Kick 'Em When They're Down attack!" With that, the MA could speed things up a bit with a renewed war.

Although I can't think of a single event that would be so monumental that so many seasoned officers couldn't miss - except perhaps a marriage between a certain Grayson and a Manticoran.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by Vince   » Mon May 30, 2016 6:45 pm

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cthia wrote:If there was some prestigious event, like a certain monumental wedding that brought many of Her Majesty's military officers and many of its alliance partners together on-planet at Mount Royal Palace - and perhaps if the MA can learn of this event and location enough in advance, perhaps it can serve up a kinetic strike to decapitate many of the GA's crème de la crème.

Imagine, Honor, Michelle, Theisman, Truman, White Haven, Hemphill, The Admiralty and quite possibly the Queen herself. EE violations of the Lenny Det type can decapitate an entire government.

Yet, what one event would cause so many to assemble in one spot? A wedding perhaps??? What certain wedding can cause the GA, in a sentimental moment of weakness, to place so many of its officers in one Mount Royal basket? If a Grayson, say Abigail, married the right Manticoran it would be big. Huge! Monumental!! Many would attend.

A successful kinetic strike by the MA on Manticore, meant to decapitate several navies command structure by removing so many of the most important tactical and strategic commanders would be devastating to the GA and would weaken them considerably. A Manticore laid to waste just may incite the League's desperate gorilla to pound on its chest again, prompting the chiseled down gorilla to launch another "Kick 'Em When They're Down attack!" With that, the MA could speed things up a bit with a renewed war.

Although I can't think of a single event that would be so monumental that so many seasoned officers couldn't miss - except perhaps a marriage between a certain Grayson and a Manticoran.

The problem for the MAlign is in the part of your post that I bolded. Since a wedding recently took place on Manticore without incident that included everyone on your list except Michelle Henke, plus some others in:
A Rising Thunder, Chapter 33 wrote:Now, as Honor looked across to where Roger and Rivka stood on the terrace, smiling easily, laughing as they chatted with one guest after another, she knew how right she’d been.
“It is an impressive guest list, I suppose, Jacques,” Hamish said now, his tone judicious.
“‘Impressive’?” another voice repeated. “What? Is that your studied understatement of the day?”
Honor turned with a chuckle as a life-support chair slid up beside her.
“I think it’s probably as good a description as Uncle Jacques’s ‘remarkable,’ Emily,” she said. “And you have to remember the source. Neither of them is all that good with the language, you know.”
“You’ll pay for that later,” Hamish promised her with a devilish glint, and Nimitz bleeked a laugh on Honor’s shoulder.
“I await the moment with trepidation,” Honor told her husband sweetly, then turned back to her uncle. “However, I have to say that in your own language-challenged ways, you’re both right. I wonder if there’s ever been a wedding quite like it?”
“I doubt it,” Emily said. “In fact, I’m pretty darn sure there hasn’t been one like it since the Diaspora got everybody off Old Earth, anyway! Let’s see, we’ve got the Empress of Manticore, the President of the Republic of Haven, the Protector of Grayson, the chairman of the Beowulf Board of Directors, Queen Berry, and the Andermani emperor’s first cousin. Not to mention your own humble self as Steadholder Harrington and the commander of the Grand Fleet, followed by a scattering of mere planetary grand dukes, dukes, earls, members of the Havenite cabinet, three other members of the Beowulf Board of Directors, the chairman of the Alliance joint chiefs of staff, the First Space Lord, the Havenite chief of naval operations, the Beowulfan chief of naval operations, High Admiral Yanakov, Admiral Yu, two or three dozen ambassadors, and God alone only knows who else. I’m sure there’ve been other weddings that had the same guest count or better, but bringing all of these people together in one place?”
She shook her head, and Honor found herself nodding in agreement.
Italics are the author's.
And Emily forgot to mention many of the other RMN Admirals which were mentioned by Rivka in:
A Rising Thunder, Chapter 28 wrote:“I think so,” Roger agreed, then looked at Rivka as she laughed suddenly. “What’s so funny?” he asked.
“I was just thinking that the Navy’s going to be pretty well represented, anyway,” she explained. “Your uncle’s going to be present in uniform, and so is Admiral Truman, Earl White Haven, Admiral Caparelli, Admiral Givens, and Admiral Hemphill. Then there’s Admiral Theisman, Admiral Tourville, Admiral Yu, and High Admiral Yanakov for the foreign contingent.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Elizabeth agreed with a smile, not mentioning the one flag officer Rivka hadn’t named and who was not going to be in uniform. Honor Alexander-Harrington had agreed to serve as one of Rivka Rosenfeld’s matrons of honor, but she would be present in her persona as Steadholder Harrington, not Admiral Harrington.
Well, technically she’ll also be present as Duchess Harrington, I suppose, Elizabeth thought. On the other hand—
Italics are the author's, boldface is my emphasis.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by kzt   » Mon May 30, 2016 6:54 pm

Fleet Admiral

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Location: Albuquerque, NM

Now an interesting question is who is willing and able to nuke the SL government and blame it on Manticore. And you know, David did that before. When he had the government of Haven get all blowed up.
Re: MA: Most Optimal Kinetic Strike Targets
Post by cthia   » Mon May 30, 2016 7:16 pm

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kzt wrote:Now an interesting question is who is willing and able to nuke the SL government and blame it on Manticore. And you know, David did that before. When he had the government of Haven get all blowed up.

The Mandarins? They can deliver a miracle to themselves - with the overall best interest of the League, you see. "The needs of the many"... yatta yatta yatta...

Last edited by cthia on Mon May 30, 2016 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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