Duckk wrote:HB of CJ wrote:If Manticore never saw the Mesan attack coming, what makes anybody think the Sollies will not see Earth's attack coming either?
That's the
whole point. Manticoran stealth isn't even remotely close to granting total invisibility on the scale necessary to launch an attack on Oyster Bay. So if someone launches an attack on the Sol system using hitherto unknown and impossible capabilities, and that
same someone also kicked the shit out of the Manticore system, then by golly
maybe those Manticorans are onto something about this Mesan Alignment thing. A direct attack on the Sol system by the Alignment would be irrefutable evidence that there's someone out there pulling the strings. It is literally
the exact opposite of what the Alignment wants, so they damn well aren't going to do it.
I, for one, am not so certain of that Duckk. Entities have been snowing the public over "actual military truth" for eons. Hitler - case in point. Keep in mind that the average Solly in the street doesn't know squat about the actual intimate details about the SLN's defeat in the Manticoran system. The MAlign (and even the League) could use the existing notion that is already in place regarding Manty Super Weapons and spin it any way they like.
The thread that they should pull at, is the fact that the MAlign, via the vulnerability of the Mandarins, could take advantage of the fact that public opinion would logically follow the same erroneous and quite predictable path that Manticore warned the League
it was doing - of assuming that the successful MAligh attack gutted the Home System's defenses. And if that was an easily acquired assumption by the entire knowledgeable military, why can't the disconnect also be assumed of "Joe and his public?" The League can play ruthlessly on that easily made and predictable faulty logic - that leads down the road to "Of course Oyster Bay was staged by the Manticorans. Would an actual successful attack have
been so successful had it not first overcome the Home System's defenses and not left Home Fleet intact? The Manticorans attacked themselves to draw sympahy to save their arses from the juggernaut that is the SLN."
The Mandarins are crashing and about to burn. When you are falling to the ground you reflexively reach out to catch yourself on anything, or anyone - sometimes, even at their own peril. I don't doubt for a minute that if the MAlign "set up" something like that clandestinely, and just as clandestinely presented it to the Mandarins, that they would bite. In for a penny, in for a pound - regardless of what we think the MAlign would do. Or even should do.
Present it as a challenge to Anisimovna. I surely don't purport to be qualified enough to suggest the limitations on her powers of persuasion.