I went back into SoS to take another look, and it seems we are both wrong about some things.
Quote SoS: Warlock would also have a slight range advantage over the Monican battlecruisers, but it wasn't great enough to change the tactical equation significantly. Her tubes were simply too small; she couldn't handle even the Mark 14 missiles the Saganami-Bs had been designed to fire,
The Mk 4 are the ERM's, so definatly no ERM for warlock, and since most of the ships in talbot were older ones, IMO it is unlikely that any of the other ships had ERM's or LERM's
The controlling factor was the speed of the kitty's launch rate. Per SoS:
If they couldn't stop, or at least severely damage, those oncoming leviathans before the two forces interpenetrated, there would be no tomorrow, and so as the range dropped to 11.4 million kilometers, they went to rapid fire at Hexapuma's maximum rate.
I suspect that warlock goofed and fired early.
The next SOS reference had multiple parts sections, I goofed and didn't see the second part. Quote SoS:
In the next two hundred and sixteen seconds, Aivars Terekhov's cruisers and destroyers fired nine hundred and ninety attack missiles and one hundred and twenty Dazzlers and Dragon's Teeth. Seven hundred and thirteen missiles and seventy-nine of the electronic warfare birds were in space before the first salvo landed. In the same time period, Cyclone and Hurricane fired three hundred and thirty-six missiles . . . and no dedicated EW platforms at all.
713+79=792 birds and 88 launchers = 9 salvo's at 18 seconds = 162-179 seconds acutal flight time for the manticoran missiles.
Depending on how fast the monicans could clear their broadsides and how soon they started their turn, they could have fired their first broadside anytime between 1 and 19 seconds after manticore fired theirs.
216 seconds is the total time it took to shoot everyone dry. That is 12 salvo's, the first 9 would be in space before the first one hit home. The last salvo would have detonated about 5 1/2 minutes after the first one was fired and the forces would still be about 5Mkm apart.
Although the squadron opened fire at I did forget to figure in closing velocity. When figured in it would have been the same 7.3Mkm range at rest of a manty SDM. There was also two parts of the quote, and I missed the second part on my read through.
Weird Harold wrote:darrell wrote:Vipers and Mk 31 CM's have 3.6Mkm range. could not find an acceleration or an endurance figure. IMO the most likely possibility is: 92Kg's @90 seconds = 3,655,206km. The next logical step down in time is: 130Kg's @ 75 seconds = 3,586,781km
No, the next logical step is that CM drives got the same improvements as ship-killer drives: 92KG/85KG * 92KG = 99.5KGdarrell wrote:The ERM's fired at the battle of monica by manticore had an endurance of 225 seconds = 75 seconds @ 92Kg's = 11,422,519km from rest. remember that both forces were approaching each other, and that is the reason that rang was longer.
I'm not sure how much more range Warlock had but Warlock fired one salvo and the rest fired "shortly thereafter" -- probably with Warlock's second double broadside. The closing velocity between the Monican BCs and Terekhov's ships closed the distance by Warlock's range advantage in the 18 seconds (or so) between salvos for Warlock.darrell wrote:The BC missiles mesa/technodyne supplied monica also had 75/225 second drives and roughly equal range as both sides started firing within seconds of each other, or somewhere between 11Mkm and 12Mkm range.
"Within seconds" covers a lot of distance at relavistic closing velocities; the entire 11Mkm from their first missiles to there wreckage passing Terekov's ships was "within seconds."darrell wrote:The BC missiles supplied to monica are not standard solly issue.darrell wrote:Quote: Torch of freedom:
and he had to admit that the Cataphracts in his battlecruisers' magazines
indicates that Monica's BC missiles are Cataphracts. Remember that monica's Cataphracts had 225 second drive time and a range from rest of 11.5Mkm plus or minus a few hundred thousand. The BC missiles supplied to monica are not standard solly issue.
Your conflating two different battles with two different sets of missile types. As far as can be determined, Monica was provided with current SLN (FF) equipment including missiles.darrell wrote:Quote: Torch of freedom:
Commander Raycraft's head jerked around in astonishment. That couldn't be right! Hammer Force was still eleven million kilometers from the enemy!
If we have a 180 second missile drive at 44Kg's plus a 45 second CM drive at 88K G's, that is 225 seconds and a powered range from rest of 11,362,923Km, which is almost exactly what was observed in both Monica and torch.
In the battle of Torch, it is made abundantly clear that Adm Roszak(sp?) closed a great deal closer than he had to; to just outside the range he assumed the PNE was capable of.
The range figures for Monica were NOT "From rest" but with a relativistic closing velocity. The ranges in the battle of Torch were shorter than either side was actually capable of.
This does put a new spin on some of my ASSumptions.

there is now nothing I am aware of that conflicts with ducks drive statement for the Cataphracts.
Duckk wrote:Cataphracts go 467 KPS^2 for 180 seconds, then 961 for 75. = 47K g's at 180 seconds @98Kg's for 75 seconds which works out as a range from rest of 16.4Mkm
BTW, double check your figures, you initially said 1st stage 180s @50% power (47600g) which is 600g's high.
This still dosen't give us the duration, acceleration or range of the ERM/LRM. IMO the most logical would be that since the viper is 3.6Mkm which works out to 90 seconds @ 92K g's, the ERM/LERM would be 90/270 seconds for a range of 3.6/16.5Mkm, which gives them about the same range as the Cataphrects.