How about this: If you can’t get a guest who has direct involvement in a story, could we at least find one with a basic knowledge of the issue at hand that goes beyond having read a news story and/or who has worked in the field for some period of time?
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Back in junior high school, I decided TV was like cotton candy, all taste and little nutrition. So I turned it off and did more reading. This article is discussing the current TV news quality
To determine which side is right in any ideological contest, you have to fire up your brain and go looking for the truth …you can’t just trust what your chosen authority figures think because they may never have been motivated to apply critical thought to what they think, or were taught.
No argument! Reading allows you to investigate various sources and arguments without the pre-digestion effect of television or movies. Of course, this doesn't mean you will correctly evaluate the discussion in the light of reality, it just improves the odds a little