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Industrial Modules

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Industrial Modules
Post by Michae   » Mon May 09, 2016 6:24 am

Lieutenant (Senior Grade)

Posts: 68
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Just a question:say that there are some of the industrial modules left from the war,but they are buried under mountains and such. Would locating them be very easy,if at all possible and worth the effort,seeing that they'd be dormant or at the best,in standby mode?

Having even the possibility to reverse engineer them for some select people in secrecy would open up new possibilities in the future maybe?
Re: Industrial Modules
Post by Weird Harold   » Mon May 09, 2016 6:35 am

Weird Harold
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Michae wrote:Just a question:say that there are some of the industrial modules left from the war,but they are buried under mountains and such. Would locating them be very easy,if at all possible and worth the effort,seeing that they'd be dormant or at the best,in standby mode?

Finding such a cache would be extremely difficult -- on the order of finding the Lost Dutchman Mine. Anything that wasn't well hidden would have been found during the war and/or targeted by the Orbital Bombardment System (OBS.)

Looking for them would be wasted effort because OWL has details and drawings for just about everything the Terran Federation had.

There is also the "problem" of not allowing Safehold tech to develop on its own and possible finding different and/or more effective answers. Merlin and the inner circle are dispersing some dribs and drabs of TF tech, but mostly on a "general science" level for the time being.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Industrial Modules
Post by Dauntless   » Mon May 09, 2016 9:29 am

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once the big reveal has happened they might consider looking for them but before that as has been said previously, having industrial modules would hamper the efforts to get people innovating.
Re: Industrial Modules
Post by evilauthor   » Mon May 09, 2016 1:19 pm

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Dauntless wrote:once the big reveal has happened they might consider looking for them but before that as has been said previously, having industrial modules would hamper the efforts to get people innovating.

Once the "big reveal" happens, I imagine there would be a "gold rush" by regular people to find these lost industrial modules. Most of them will fail of course, but it takes only one success to cause a ruckus...
Re: Industrial Modules
Post by Henry Brown   » Mon May 09, 2016 7:48 pm

Henry Brown

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We have already had a few underground groups enter the storyline which have been hidden for hundreds of years. Wonder if there is another hidden group somewhere that knows the location of an industrial module and/or a cache of Federation tech?
Re: Industrial Modules
Post by Louis R   » Tue May 10, 2016 10:06 am

Louis R
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If, like the SSK, they were, fundamentally, loyal to the Church-as-it-should-have-been, it's not impossible that they could have persisted without leaving any clear tracks. They would not, until fairly recently - and may still not, in fact - have felt any overwhelming need to rock boats.

Given the truly demonic nature of such a facility, however, I can't see any reason for loyalists to conceal it. That means that any group centered on it, unless they've lost any knowledge of what it is and who they are, will have to be, like the OSZh, fundamentally _opposed_ to the Church in any way shape or form. And people like the Brethren will, like the Brethren, have left a clear, if extremely subtle, imprint on the society that they are concealed within. IOW, Clyntahn's instincts will have been screaming as loudly about them as about Charis.

Hmmm... that last bit sounds familiar, doesn't it? Which is why the persistent speculation about Siddarmark. Speculation that IIRC Himself has denied, if not exactly emphatically. All-in-all, I have to say that I find the suggestion improbable. But I wouldn't cry 'foul' if something does pop up - we certainly couldn't claim that the ground was never prepared for it, after all 8-)

Henry Brown wrote:We have already had a few underground groups enter the storyline which have been hidden for hundreds of years. Wonder if there is another hidden group somewhere that knows the location of an industrial module and/or a cache of Federation tech?
Re: Industrial Modules
Post by n7axw   » Tue May 10, 2016 11:44 pm

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Weird Harold wrote:
Michae wrote:Just a question:say that there are some of the industrial modules left from the war,but they are buried under mountains and such. Would locating them be very easy,if at all possible and worth the effort,seeing that they'd be dormant or at the best,in standby mode?

Finding such a cache would be extremely difficult -- on the order of finding the Lost Dutchman Mine. Anything that wasn't well hidden would have been found during the war and/or targeted by the Orbital Bombardment System (OBS.)

Looking for them would be wasted effort because OWL has details and drawings for just about everything the Terran Federation had.

There is also the "problem" of not allowing Safehold tech to develop on its own and possible finding different and/or more effective answers. Merlin and the inner circle are dispersing some dribs and drabs of TF tech, but mostly on a "general science" level for the time being.

I would suspect that the future for Safehold is going to include both absorbing TF tech and homegrown innovation. Once the proscriptions are overthrown, it's not going to be a case of either-or, but rather both-and.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.

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