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Revolutions Not Directly Involving Charis

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Revolutions Not Directly Involving Charis
Post by detljws   » Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:15 am


Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:59 am

I wondered if David Weber was thinking of using revolutions to further the disintegration of the church's power with maybe some Earth parallels. Like it would be great if Lawrync Zhaikybs, the Archbisop in Sarkyn (whose flock was the town where the barge was blown up and massive amount of people were sent to the concentration camps) was friendly kidnapped by someone like Dialydd Mab, and taken to some of his devastated flock who needed him. If he then returned, started to preach and the government tried to remove him like the Hungarian Reformed church pastor László Tőkés (which lead to the Hungarian revolution), causing the whole kingdom to fall apart in days, that might be interesting. Of course, I believe Dave Weber is also hinting at some type of peasant uprising in the Harchong Empire, which could lead to the army's collapse. Just thinking out loud, love the books.
Re: Revolutions Not Directly Involving Charis
Post by thanatos   » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:49 pm

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detljws wrote:I wondered if David Weber was thinking of using revolutions to further the disintegration of the church's power with maybe some Earth parallels. Like it would be great if Lawrync Zhaikybs, the Archbisop in Sarkyn (whose flock was the town where the barge was blown up and massive amount of people were sent to the concentration camps) was friendly kidnapped by someone like Dialydd Mab, and taken to some of his devastated flock who needed him. If he then returned, started to preach and the government tried to remove him like the Hungarian Reformed church pastor László Tőkés (which lead to the Hungarian revolution), causing the whole kingdom to fall apart in days, that might be interesting. Of course, I believe Dave Weber is also hinting at some type of peasant uprising in the Harchong Empire, which could lead to the army's collapse. Just thinking out loud, love the books.

The Inner Circle is already doing this by way of the broadsheets OWL is tacking up all over the mainland behind enemy lines. One point that was not fully explored in HFQ was the part in the synopsis that said "Now major realms have begun to consider switching sides." We know that Desnair is trying to distance itself from the Jihad, which has the Church worried about the border states and Dohlar. Yet there was a conversation in LAMA where Merlin is concerned over a possible peasant (slave/servile) rebellion in Harchong, which might get ugly. So ultimately I think the Inner Circle doesn't want to foment a rebellion behind the Church's lines. Such rebellions would certainly occur on their own but the Circle would certainly prefer not to be involved unless they could control the carnage somehow.

One of the most important factors of this war is CoGA losing it's moral authority in the eyes of the common folks as well as in the eyes of the rich and powerful. Knowing what they know, the Charisian leadership wants to claim that moral authority for itself because they have an even bigger fight to prepare for 20 years down the road. They need to able to tell the truth all the rulers of Safehold eventually and be believed, to be able to apologize for not coming clean sooner and to be believed on the basis of experience that Charis acted in good faith (at least more than the Church ever did). Fomenting an ugly, bloody rebellion in the rear would undermine that, unless they can get the consent of the rebel leaders to follow Charis' directions and abide by the rules of war (for example).

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