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Re: Climate
Post by Spacekiwi   » Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:07 am


Posts: 2634
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Location: New Zealand

Sorry if i miscommunicated, but part of what i was trying to say is that we have to base our predictions of our data, and the trend for the carter speech, and the data behind it did predict disaster around now, but due to that situation being taken seriously (or at least factors leading to that situation such as geopolitics, pricing etc) saw to it that the disaster that was potentially waiting was averted. So, prior to the speech, the end may not have been nigh, but ceratinly at least in part ni, if you forgive the joke.....

The point I was trying to make was, in all these previous situations, the end/problems have been coming, and we took steps to prevent them, directly and indirectly, and in doing so, kept on going. However, there have been times we have only just caught it, and failing to do so could have lead to problems. For ex: Hole in the ozone was a disaster that was beginning to happen by the time we noticed, and we were lucky we managed to stop further growth of it, but even so, New Zealand and Australia are still paying the price in terms of skin cancer. Had we ignored the problem, it is possible the rest of the world would now be suffering high skin cancer rates too, and plants which rely on uv sensitive bacteria, such as some rices, may have had issues.

For the CO2 and pop levels, im not sure, but could hazard a guess or two: improved building methods, imrpoved factory recycling of waste gas, replacement of old industry equipment after hurricanes, more polluting industry moving out, all sorts of reasons.

Unfortunately, our govt doesnt believe too much in globabl warming, or the aphormism that you cant have gain without pain, and arent really focusing on any industry policy that may cause short term problems for long term gain. However, in spite of this, we are looking at meeting a target of 5% below 1990 levels of emissions, and still having surplus CO2 credits from prior to 2013 equivalent to about a full years production under the Kyoto agreement. We could do better, i just dont expect it to happen for at least another election cycle.

Energy footprint of my pc? gaming or non gaming? Non gaming, about the same as yours, currently using 15w on the overclocked and overvolted cpu, so if i drop it back to stock, this would drop, plus another 10-15w for the overvolted gpu, and 25 to 30 for the screen according to its specs. Gaming, when I do have time, about 400w to 450w. Planning on upgrading it this year with newer, faster and more efficient parts, so that should drop by 50w or so.

My laptop is about 15 to 20w when i use it, as it lasts about 3 hours or so on a 45whr battery.

My car I have is a bit more fuel efficient than my first one, the first being about 29mpg, and the second 33-34mpg. I plan to upgrade to a newer car with even better efficiency when this one is past its usability date, as its creeping up towards 15 years old now, and its becoming a bit worn.

I also carpooled through Uni, my girlfriend takes public transport, I use low energy bulbs, Use blankets as opposed to a heater, and have multiple houses in my family runnign solar, both power and for hot water. I may not know my footprint size, But every year i help decrease it.....

thinkstoomuch wrote:
I really do think we are not communicating well. Forest and tress problem maybe. I meant to be pointing out that scientists have been predicting the end is neigh, might as well be preachers, for the most part for quite a while. Might talk about nuclear winter as well. Yet we are still here. But if you want collection plate filled ...

Post rambles my apologies.

How many farmers did the west put out of business in Africa by offering free food. Kind of hard to compete with free. Same problem I have with the various US farm aid bills. Pay people not to grow stuff and such. Though there does need to be regulation about down stream affects. The US is mandated 10% food into my gas to save the environment making a worse mess of the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.

But we still have 53 years of oil left. Something like 20 years after we were supposed to run out. Guess that will solve the oil part of the CO2 emissions. ;)

Why are we using less today than we did then? Technology had nothing to do with it? Did you happen to look at that last post of mine. Florida whose population grew by ~22% is emitting 9.1% less CO2 than it did in 2000. Why is that? Technology wouldn't have a thing to do with it.

California, with tree hugging culture and government intervention, did alright they reduced CO2 output by 7.5% yet their population only grew by 14%.

Florida has its share of climate deniers and greenies managed much better results.

How is New Zealand doing compared to 2000?

For that matter how many people actually measure their carbon footprint? My house around 1.5 tons a year. My ~50 mpg vehicle (using 80's tech if you are generous) 322 gallons of gas to go 16+k miles. Not so good ~3.15 tons. According to the EIA. Of course if we count that food we put in the tank it goes down by 2 pounds a gallon. Or the fact of a new car costs as much to produce as for one year of operation. My vehicle is 8 years old. Average greenie I don't know but seems a lot less and gets less fuel mileage from what I have observed.

Of course it could be as was pointed on Energy Matters a good economic depression is a great way to save CO2 as well. <shrug>

Have fun,

PS Random stray thought how many people have been killed installing solar panels. Wonder how that compares to people killed in Nuclear plant accidents. Might have to look that up.

its not paranoia if its justified... :D
Re: Climate
Post by Daryl   » Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:33 am

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Using my personal example to illustrate how things have changed -
Cars - we tend to own two main vehicles, a warm hatch and a one ton pick up (my sports/racing cars & our motorhomes come and go), and replace them with new every 10 years (five times now). Each model has been more powerful than the last yet much more economical as well.
House - incandescent lights went to fluros to lcds. I replaced a 500 watt flood light with a 30 watt lcd yesterday and its just as bright. We have insulated our ceiling, floors and walls. As discussed now have solar HWS and electricity. My computers (laptop, tablet, and desktop) all have sleep modes and use less power.
Travel - still do long haul to Europe most years but now in AB380 or Dreamliner carbon fibre planes that use much less fuel per passenger kilometer.

From this we use much less fossil fuels than previously yet still have an improving standard of living, this is from new tech not really our efforts. So naturally middle class westerners are using much less on average.
Postscript, with our acres of woodland and grassland we are better than carbon neutral anyway.
Spacekiwi has just posted ahead & I'll add to his that he is right about the ozone hole situation, and also mention the Y2k computer bug that was real until averted as well by human effort. Hopefully we can mitigate climate change, but only if like these we accept it is real and work at it.
Re: Climate
Post by thinkstoomuch   » Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:36 am


Posts: 2727
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Location: United States of America

Spacekiwi wrote:Sorry if i miscommunicated, but part of what i was trying to say is that we have to base our predictions of our data, and the trend for the carter speech, and the data behind it did predict disaster around now, but due to that situation being taken seriously (or at least factors leading to that situation such as geopolitics, pricing etc) saw to it that the disaster that was potentially waiting was averted. So, prior to the speech, the end may not have been nigh, but ceratinly at least in part ni, if you forgive the joke.....

The point I was trying to make was, in all these previous situations, the end/problems have been coming, and we took steps to prevent them, directly and indirectly, and in doing so, kept on going. However, there have been times we have only just caught it, and failing to do so could have lead to problems. For ex: Hole in the ozone was a disaster that was beginning to happen by the time we noticed, and we were lucky we managed to stop further growth of it, but even so, New Zealand and Australia are still paying the price in terms of skin cancer. Had we ignored the problem, it is possible the rest of the world would now be suffering high skin cancer rates too, and plants which rely on uv sensitive bacteria, such as some rices, may have had issues.

For the CO2 and pop levels, im not sure, but could hazard a guess or two: improved building methods, imrpoved factory recycling of waste gas, replacement of old industry equipment after hurricanes, more polluting industry moving out, all sorts of reasons.

I wasn't attributing blame just felt we weren't really communicating. Blame if anywhere would be on me. I pretty much suck at getting what I am thinking across.

In a way I was cheating. Florida used to suck, CO2 wise anyway per capita. That is a major reason. But now not so bad. Though per capita the improvement was 2013 25% less than the 2000 levels. For California the improvement was 20% less CO2.

Not going into levels and quoting some nebulous mandate what does per capita do. Apparently you need to start at home. People get the government they want. Pretty sure parents telling their kids, "Do what I say not what I do," is frowned at.

Which is part of the reason I am looking so hard at putting Solar on the roof. I then become Carbon neutral or negative. Also that much less generating capability needed. Do I believe the government should be involved hell no!!!

More than likely even if I could get off the grid I probably wouldn't. Will I make money, well no. I ride a motorcycle or worse a bicycle (much more dangerous, I have the medical visits to prove it) my chances of living 25 years seem rather small. Leave out the whole smoking thing. Then again when I was in the Navy I always worried about making it to retirement. 10 years after retirement and counting. So I may make it, doubtful but ... So it could happen.

When I was in the Navy I commuted the 10 miles a day each way on a bicycle as well. While I ride my 100% renewable powered bicycle to the store(again not economical). I watch some "greenie" driving a hummer, with a save the planet sticker, drives me to drink. Which of us is actually working to save the planet?

Want my respect. A guy I knew from the motorcycle thing lived in DC Metro area so he could ride a bicycle to work. That is dedication to saving the planet, IMO.

While my heat is set at 65 degrees F and no AC in the house. Yep 65 is cold that is what sweaters are for. 90 degrees and 90% humidity that is what fans are for. My little USB fan takes 10 watts to run for 4 hours. Ceiling fans not so good on high they suck down 245 watts. 5 on low 113 watts or so(God I love digital meters, ain't tech grand).

People want some credibility show me what you have done. Having your fellow citizens pay is not, again IMO, getting much credit.

No offense meant to anyone. But what are you willing to pay to save the planet. Not your fellow citizens but YOU. Not forcing your belief's on others but you.

Little bit of a rant, my apologies to all.

Have fun,
Q: “How can something be worth more than it costs? Isn’t everything ‘worth’ what it costs?”
A: “No. That’s just the price. ...
Christopher Anvil from Top Line in "War Games"
Re: Climate
Post by Spacekiwi   » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:37 pm


Posts: 2634
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:08 am
Location: New Zealand

Hey, no worriesa, its hard sometimes to convey the meaning behind your thoughts just in text.

thinkstoomuch wrote:I wasn't attributing blame just felt we weren't really communicating. Blame if anywhere would be on me. I pretty much suck at getting what I am thinking across.

In a way I was cheating. Florida used to suck, CO2 wise anyway per capita. That is a major reason. But now not so bad. Though per capita the improvement was 2013 25% less than the 2000 levels. For California the improvement was 20% less CO2.

Not going into levels and quoting some nebulous mandate what does per capita do. Apparently you need to start at home. People get the government they want. Pretty sure parents telling their kids, "Do what I say not what I do," is frowned at.

Which is part of the reason I am looking so hard at putting Solar on the roof. I then become Carbon neutral or negative. Also that much less generating capability needed. Do I believe the government should be involved hell no!!!

More than likely even if I could get off the grid I probably wouldn't. Will I make money, well no. I ride a motorcycle or worse a bicycle (much more dangerous, I have the medical visits to prove it) my chances of living 25 years seem rather small. Leave out the whole smoking thing. Then again when I was in the Navy I always worried about making it to retirement. 10 years after retirement and counting. So I may make it, doubtful but ... So it could happen.

When I was in the Navy I commuted the 10 miles a day each way on a bicycle as well. While I ride my 100% renewable powered bicycle to the store(again not economical). I watch some "greenie" driving a hummer, with a save the planet sticker, drives me to drink. Which of us is actually working to save the planet?

Want my respect. A guy I knew from the motorcycle thing lived in DC Metro area so he could ride a bicycle to work. That is dedication to saving the planet, IMO.

While my heat is set at 65 degrees F and no AC in the house. Yep 65 is cold that is what sweaters are for. 90 degrees and 90% humidity that is what fans are for. My little USB fan takes 10 watts to run for 4 hours. Ceiling fans not so good on high they suck down 245 watts. 5 on low 113 watts or so(God I love digital meters, ain't tech grand).

People want some credibility show me what you have done. Having your fellow citizens pay is not, again IMO, getting much credit.

No offense meant to anyone. But what are you willing to pay to save the planet. Not your fellow citizens but YOU. Not forcing your belief's on others but you.

Little bit of a rant, my apologies to all.

Have fun,

its not paranoia if its justified... :D
Re: Climate
Post by Daryl   » Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:44 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3595
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Location: Queensland Australia

T2M, interesting challenge for people to say what they personally have done.
To check if I understand what you mean, my not having an electricity bill to pay for 8 years doesn't count as part of that is an artificially high buy back price, however my having reduced my electricity sourced from the grid to about 30% of what it was before does count.
I spent an hour chopping deadfall wood this morning to prepare for our southern hemisphere winter, so that also would count.

I did think (too much?) about why I have ended up looking like a greenie. Not really about some trendy alternative lifestyle save the planet prepackaged plan, but circumstances.
I grew up on a station (remote ranch) where we didn't have mains electricity, sewerage, town water or most city conveniences. Thus learnt self sufficiency in real terms, growing vegetables, hunting, butchering our own cattle, sheep and pigs, and milking our own cows.

My acreage home that I bought over 40 years ago doesn't have sewerage or town water, but does have mains electricity. It was a vacant block that I had an entire small house trucked onto saving it from demolition. Since then it has been expanded several fold, but mainly using recycled materials. Mind you visitors admire it, the view, our garden and the bushland setting.

Part of my approach is frugality, part a little survivalist, and a love of the countryside.
A motto I learnt as a child was "don't shit in your own nest", and I have applied it to my relationship with the world. My pushing the carbon agenda is partially because I believe it is a problem, but also because I dislike the other pollutants that come with fossil fuels, and the modern consumer society.
Re: Climate
Post by Annachie   » Thu Apr 07, 2016 8:12 am

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Posts: 3099
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Tell me about the skin cancer. My mother, who is hardly an outdoors type person, is into the double digits for melanomas removed.

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You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Climate
Post by thinkstoomuch   » Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:16 am


Posts: 2727
Joined: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:05 pm
Location: United States of America

Daryl wrote:T2M, interesting challenge for people to say what they personally have done.
To check if I understand what you mean, my not having an electricity bill to pay for 8 years doesn't count as part of that is an artificially high buy back price, however my having reduced my electricity sourced from the grid to about 30% of what it was before does count.
I spent an hour chopping deadfall wood this morning to prepare for our southern hemisphere winter, so that also would count.

I did think (too much?) about why I have ended up looking like a greenie. Not really about some trendy alternative lifestyle save the planet prepackaged plan, but circumstances.
I grew up on a station (remote ranch) where we didn't have mains electricity, sewerage, town water or most city conveniences. Thus learnt self sufficiency in real terms, growing vegetables, hunting, butchering our own cattle, sheep and pigs, and milking our own cows.

My acreage home that I bought over 40 years ago doesn't have sewerage or town water, but does have mains electricity. It was a vacant block that I had an entire small house trucked onto saving it from demolition. Since then it has been expanded several fold, but mainly using recycled materials. Mind you visitors admire it, the view, our garden and the bushland setting.

Part of my approach is frugality, part a little survivalist, and a love of the countryside.
A motto I learnt as a child was "don't shit in your own nest", and I have applied it to my relationship with the world. My pushing the carbon agenda is partially because I believe it is a problem, but also because I dislike the other pollutants that come with fossil fuels, and the modern consumer society.

Daryl and all,

That "no offense intended" was sincere.

Actually to a large extent the huge majority here the board are not what I would call a "greenie". There are exceptions. Matter of fact one is on my ignore list. <shrug>

Definitely not you. We have talked about it a great deal, major reason I included that statement. Do I think you take advantage of money making opportunities well yes. But then again so do I!

Commuting to the ship via motorcycle saved me a gallon of gas every two days. That particular motorcycle only got 40 miles to the gallon commuting (but it was a lot of fun up in the twisty's). Also satisfied my PT requirements, saved me time on my commute ... Running only ceiling fan and portable battery powered fans saves me lots of money. Both heating and cooling as people have pointed out.

For that matter driving a motorcycle is one of my great pleasures. Slowing down 5 mph to save 10 percent on fuel, not so much. Especially when a SUV drives by at 70+ with a save the planet sticker. Riding the bicycle another not so much pleasure but many added benefits for the world and for me.

I was aiming more at a typical "greenie" resident of an affluent neighborhood near here (near in the half the world away sense). Only reason they would spend the money last year for a solar PV system was because the ~9 kw system (my estimate) installed for $34k was because at that time FPL offered a $2 w rebate. Which gets passed on to me and my neighbors, thank you very much. She gets to save $18k her fellow citizens and neighbors ...

Did I mention the Ford Expedition pictured in the driveway of the over sized house in the story? Yeah she is worried about the environment. :lol: As long as she has her comforts and someone else pays for it. She probably could paid for that solar system by buying an more economical vehicle and made more money many ways, fuel mileage, cost of ownership, not mention the energy expended in producing the dinosaur.

But she feels much better now. Of course driving that driving a vehicle that gets 20 mpg ~13,000 miles produces just as much CO2 as she just got me to pay for. Just a quick calc using PCWatts and 1 Mwh of electricity produces 1,000 pounds of CO2. Don't even want to know what an Expedition mpg for city driving.

In a lot of ways what you are doing got me to think about what I could do. Well living in a suburban setting options are limited. Though seeing how much CO2 was produced from a gallon of has is eye opening.

I still have major issues with the climate scientists. Their methodology and response to criticism. Different issue but they may be right. I have been wrong many more times than I have been right.

Just some things I think about,
Q: “How can something be worth more than it costs? Isn’t everything ‘worth’ what it costs?”
A: “No. That’s just the price. ...
Christopher Anvil from Top Line in "War Games"
Re: Climate
Post by thinkstoomuch   » Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:10 pm


Posts: 2727
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Location: United States of America

Based on the latest news for the the original topic.

I think I will just shelve the whole solar thing except as it is convenient to me. Might as well be like the rest of the "Save the Planet Types" and countries. $14k buys me a lot of gasoline and miles. At a faster rate. New AC was what about $3k installed sounds fine. Hell I just saved $10k and didn't spend a thing. Matter of fact I now have more time which is money, right.

"Heretic burn." Just this morning I was thinking about Galileo, the then modern scientific community and the inquisition.


PS don't worry about about rich guys fleeing high taxes. Just found out the richest guy in New Jersey is now a registered voter in FL. Look at that he just the whole company headquarters on Jan 1st. Hopefully he brings the whole company down more jobs are always welcome.
Q: “How can something be worth more than it costs? Isn’t everything ‘worth’ what it costs?”
A: “No. That’s just the price. ...
Christopher Anvil from Top Line in "War Games"
Re: Climate
Post by thinkstoomuch   » Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:23 pm


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Location: United States of America

Kinda of interesting reading this and comparing it to FPL and Florida's actions in the recent past. ... y-scandal/

It is a from a climate denier. But he seems to bear out a lot of what Daryl has been saying. If I am understanding Daryl's posts correctly. Though he seems a touch more strident. ;)

Q: “How can something be worth more than it costs? Isn’t everything ‘worth’ what it costs?”
A: “No. That’s just the price. ...
Christopher Anvil from Top Line in "War Games"
Re: Climate
Post by Daryl   » Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:44 am

Fleet Admiral

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Location: Queensland Australia

Thanks T2M, I hadn't seen that particular web page before.
Sorry if I seem strident, will try and be more measured. At 67 I've seen so much change and development, most good, but not all, and I do worry about the future. My environmnt is still excellent where I live, but I travel a lot and see pollution and over development ruining this planet, and while I won't be here in another 40 years, my grand daughters hopefully will be here in another 80 and I fear for them.
For nonAustralians Tasmania is our most southern, bucolic but backward state. Last time I visited I was appalled by how how dry it had become. There were some stupid decisions made by people who should have known better, but to transfer the blame of their stupidity on to a federal Prime Minister whose policy was working every where else is unfair.
As to whether Tasmania's transformation from a cool wet climate for all researched time to the current hot and dry climate on human caused climate change, I suspect that is the case and so do many others.

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