The E wrote:Have you talked to anyone from Kiribati recently? I'm sure they'd be delighted to hear that their plans to abandon their islands in the face of climate change related issues are wholly unnecessary.
Just a few days ago here, the news on TV had a report from Yakutsk, largest city built on permafrost ground.
And just how much more trouble with that, that they have started seeing in the last decade especially.
Houses that in some cases have stood literally hundreds of years, with just some minor "fixing" done every few decades, some of them, now they´re suddenly sinking per year what used to be per decade or two, or even three.
An old barn just outside the city was used as a very graphical example. It was probably first built sometime early 17th century(might have been earlier), and because it was light and had been given good and well spread out supports when it was built, as far as anyone knows, it has never once needed any fixing due to sinking into the ground.
Until now.
As I said, the climate changes but can humans mitigate it?
Stupid, irrelevant question. Because we already KNOW that humans CAN change the climate, the only argument is about HOW MUCH.
And from the evidence, so far it seems "how much" equals "pretty darn much".
And as i´ve noted elsewhere before, the sun is the single largest contributor to changing climates, and right now the sun should be making the earth colder. Except that´s not happening.
What a surprise.