Jonathan_S wrote:Of course Haven wouldn't have gotten their unconditional ceasefire if not for Operation Hassan.
With the Cromarty government still solidly in place there's no reason to give Saint Just more than a short (maybe at most 6-9 month pause) during which he must provide solid terms for Haven's surrender. Otherwise turn 8th fleet loose to finish the job.
It's turning points all the way down
Operation Hassan had four possible outcomes.
A) What happened - Elizabeth alive, Cromarty dead. Resulted in a Lords takeover.
B) Both alive, as Jonathan_S describes
C) Elizabeth dead, Cromarty alive. Really depends on how restrained the new King Roger IV will be, but there's no question of a swift conclusion.
D) Both dead. Probably results in a constitutional crisis, as Roger collides with the Lords.
It would've been a hell of a crisis too. White Haven could have received a direct order from King Roger IV ordering him to go straight to the Haven system and compel surrender by whatever means necessary.
Nothing High Ridge could do about that, especially if Roger pulls the trigger Elizabeth didn't and refuses permission to form a new Cabinet.
And if White Haven won the Battle of Haven and brought a surrender home, the war would have been over. Triggering the elections High Ridge put off and seating the San Martino peers.