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TV Series instead of Films

Discussion concerning the TV, film, and comic adaptations.
Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by Bruno Behrends   » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:29 am

Bruno Behrends
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A mini-series (or series) would be great news. Comparted to a movie it's much better suited for adapting the Honorverse IMO. Also it allows for testing the market with a pilot.

hvb wrote:Miniseries is probably a good idea for most of the mainline/trifurcation books. Or British run-length series for the most of them, with a few of them potentially encroaching on the lower end of American length series.

For a 114 minute script, I think we need to look at the anthologies: "Ms. Midshipwoman Harrington" & "Let's Dance" would both make sense lengthwise.
I would go with "Let's Dance" to introduce the character to a new audience, with the middie cruise held back for a 'prequel movie' if interest in the 'verse blossoms to a sufficient degree.

dreamrider wrote:For what its worth, DW said at Manticon that Evergreen has pretty clearly shifted its planning to a limited series/mini-series a la GoT for Honor of the Queen.


The problem would remain: what Honor book, or logical portion of one of the books, could be crammed into a 114 min screenplay?

Any of you guys want to take a shot at that one?

Can SVW be tightened down into a 2-hour film? My opinion: maybe, because it is one of the purest 'military adventure & battle' titles in the series.

Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by SharkHunter   » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:49 am

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So here's a good Evergreen forum question...

Given that we've got good stories enough for several years, and plenty of smart people interested, what will spark this into forward motion in terms of putting folks on film?

Granted, TV even HD is not the easiest destination "realm" to translate a hard sci-fi series like the Honorverse. (Let's face it: Star Trek, Star Wars, have the advantage of warping right up to the edge of battle or whatever and getting 'er done without a little detail known as space/time reality, and the Stargate series sorta brings the trouble to the main characters conveniently quickly...)

Granted, we need a good Nimitz, but as a writer, that seems less of a problem than the making the "space chess" and "political chess" in the book series relevant, fast and fun in another medium. Yes/no; submit a set of screenplay treatments or go away and quit bothering the big kids....

All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all
Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by aairfccha   » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:15 pm


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Star Trek might not be the best analogy, rather look to Dune. David Lynch turned in a bit of a monster movie but the miniseries got the balance story/time about right.
Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by George J. Smith   » Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:13 pm

George J. Smith

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aairfccha wrote:Star Trek might not be the best analogy, rather look to Dune. David Lynch turned in a bit of a monster movie but the miniseries got the balance story/time about right.

I agree whole heartedly, the film was rubbish but the 3 part mini series came over quite well.

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Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by aairfccha   » Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:07 pm


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George J. Smith wrote:I agree whole heartedly, the film was rubbish but the 3 part mini series came over quite well.

Actually there were two of them: Dune (covering first book) and Children of Dune (secong and third book).
Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by Michael Everett   » Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:06 pm

Michael Everett

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I remember reading Dune...

I found it rather dry...

:twisted: :lol:

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Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by George J. Smith   » Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:53 pm

George J. Smith

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Michael Everett wrote:I remember reading Dune...

I found it rather dry...

:twisted: :lol:

That is so..... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

A man should live forever, or die in the attempt
Spider Robinson Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (1977) A voice is heard in Ramah
Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by Hellmer   » Wed Jul 15, 2015 3:49 pm


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aairfccha wrote:Star Trek might not be the best analogy, rather look to Dune. David Lynch turned in a bit of a monster movie but the miniseries got the balance story/time about right.

I don't think Dune serves as a better analogy in this case. If I remember correctly, the plan is to start with Honor of the Queen, which is a very different kind of story in terms of scope and complexity. A better example would be Dune vs On Basilisk Station, at least in terms of structure, but the latter is a much simpler narrative.

The story of Dune required a lot of world-building to work, but the narrative was substantial enough to support it. But Dune made sense as a series due of its sheer scale.

On Basilisk Station requires a lot of world-building to work, but the narrative is too modest to support it. The scale of the narrative makes it a poor fit for a series, but the scale of the world-building made it unsuitable for a film.

Honor of the Queen has narrative of similar scale to On Basilisk Station, but requires much less world-building to function. It doesn't fit as a series for the same reason, but it could work as a film.
Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by Lord Skimper   » Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:35 pm

Lord Skimper
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Given the state of Movies made from books or TV shows, I'd vote for TV. Get a major studio on board, Maybe the Star Gate Guys in Vancouver, the Dollar is favourable for Hollywood North once again. Save yourselves 30-40%. The Expanse, Dark Matter and Killjoys are all made in Canada, because it is 30-40% cheaper sometimes even more so. Canadian Actors also get paid less and there are lots of us.
Just don't ask what is in the protein bars.
Re: TV Series instead of Films
Post by Rob Mac F   » Wed Feb 10, 2016 7:55 pm

Rob Mac F

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Hey everyone, I liked a lot of what was said earlier.
Personally I would like "Honor of the Queen" to be a trilogy movie, because it has many parallels to the real world; religion, politics, sexism, etc.

might make a good kick start for a TV series like the "Star Gate" film did for SG1, SGA, etc. "Star Trek" films for the TV series.

I'd love to see the scene where Honor beats a certain wanna-be political leader for cowardice.

real world issues is one of the reasons the X-men comic did so well during a time of heavy racism, and "Star Trek, Undiscovered Country" during the fall of the berlin wall. We have a war against extremists, no bars against women in combat units, and Hilary Clinton running for president.

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