If you back an opponent into the corner, he'll attack.
I keep trying to second guess our antagonists. We don't know where they live. We don't know all of the tech they are working on and what other "new" type of warfare they'll introduce.
What strategy and tactics will or should they use to attack the GA should they attack If their hand is forced like Haven's, when they begin to hear GA footsteps getting too close?
What even newer tech do you feel will likely be introduced by the MAlign?
In what ways should they go about using that tech against the GA, if their hand is forced at some point in the future?
What tech should they be working on?
RFC has said that he'll unravel the League in a manner of his readers' approval. What about the MAlign? Surely David won't leave that thread ravelled? Surely by end of the remaining books it will have been done. Yet surely we don't expect the MAlign to turn out to be the TWATS (The Wishy Washy Wimps With All Those Ships) that the League has become.
We definititely must give the MAlign the credit for not suffering the affliction of poor foresight. Surely there's a mockup contingency plan already formulated and all laid out in their War Room as a motivation -- and for ongoing tweaking as the current theater of war, along with their own technologies and capabilities, changes.
As Haven's ultimate thrust "to kill a Manticore" was in its Operation Beatrice... As the SLN's own ultimate thrust at the heart of the legendary beast was in its Operation Raging Justice... so too, I imagine, has the MAlign envisioned their own grand brand of military justice to be carried out and executed by their greatest military commander to ride herd on the back of its most powerful fleet as a Knight which will thrust its lance into the heart of this three headed beast. Perhaps in an Operation Decapitate?
Space-faring status changes things quite a bit. Suddenly it's child's play to find a needle in a haystack rather than a boltHOLE in space, or a Malignant tumor.