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Anything new on Maps?

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Anything new on Maps?
Post by dobriennm   » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:36 pm


Posts: 169
Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:44 pm

In early November of last year RFC mentioned updated scalable maps he sent off to Joe at Jiltanith. Anyone know if something new has been posted? The paperback version with a link to the maps at TOR (not scalable) won't be out until August 30, 2016 (at least according to Amazon)

From Topic: Safehold: Map and story integration
runsforcelery wrote:
I will be sending the complete map file to Joe at Jiltanith shortly, and he will be posting an updated scalable version as of the end of HFQ. It's not going to happen tomorrow, but I talked to him about it at a convention over the weekend and it will happen sometime soon. In addition, TOR was supposed to set up an online site where all of the maps which I had handed in would be available in the same graphic format as the maps printed in the books. I.e., they would not be jpegs, they would not be scalable, but they would be complete. Unfortunately, that also hasn't been accomplished yet and the link for it was not inserted into the hardcover. It should be inserted into the paperback.

Re: Anything new on Maps?
Post by Duncan_Macdonald   » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:33 am


Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:37 pm

I contacted Joe Buckley - he said that he had not seen the updated maps and was going to get RFC to send them (again?).
dobriennm wrote:In early November of last year RFC mentioned updated scalable maps he sent off to Joe at Jiltanith. Anyone know if something new has been posted? The paperback version with a link to the maps at TOR (not scalable) won't be out until August 30, 2016 (at least according to Amazon)

From Topic: Safehold: Map and story integration
runsforcelery wrote:
I will be sending the complete map file to Joe at Jiltanith shortly, and he will be posting an updated scalable version as of the end of HFQ. It's not going to happen tomorrow, but I talked to him about it at a convention over the weekend and it will happen sometime soon. In addition, TOR was supposed to set up an online site where all of the maps which I had handed in would be available in the same graphic format as the maps printed in the books. I.e., they would not be jpegs, they would not be scalable, but they would be complete. Unfortunately, that also hasn't been accomplished yet and the link for it was not inserted into the hardcover. It should be inserted into the paperback.

Re: Anything new on Maps?
Post by dobriennm   » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:41 pm


Posts: 169
Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:44 pm

Duncan_Macdonald wrote:I contacted Joe Buckley - he said that he had not seen the updated maps and was going to get RFC to send them (again?).

Thank you! (I try not to bother people too much as they actually have lives outside of this forum ;) )

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