Daryl wrote:Regarding "An aside:
Is the prolong treatment reversible? If so, that could be a punishment in itself. Or an additional punishment."
As I said earlier someone who has really gone beyond the pale has given up the right to benefit from an advanced society. That includes everything from - protection from others by the state, to freedom from essential needs, up to ongoing medical treatment. My understanding is that prolong gives people the potential to live beyond two centuries. It wouldn't fix specific illnesses, or damage from being a pioneer on a primitive planet. Little things like broken bones, staph infections, or just being eaten would happen long before the two centuries.
My solution means that no civilised person has to live with the fact that they directly executed another sentient being in cold blood. End result is the same with a bit of panic and running built in.
Indeed. Understood.
However. I can conceive of a ... let's say conscientious planet, which agrees with your idea that they no longer have any rights. And where the government might insist keeping them alive for eons -- or as long as it might take to solicit remorse. Remorse that may lead to a repentance and a seeking of forgiveness for such heinous crimes. Governments that may feel that a life belongs to a much higher power and not theirs to take.
Is it proper punishment and respect to a family or families if a serial killer of babies gets summarily executed before he's had a chance to ponder and come face to face with his inner demons?