By now, everyone knows about the baggage that I carry with me from other media when I'm immersed in storyline. It's difficult not to be reminded of certain things from other sources when you're reading. And for me, these other sources are quite varied.
Take American football for instance. I was fortunate enough to play the prestigious position of quarterback, from Midget League through High School. I'm sure that everyone -- every male anyways -- is aware of the common "screen." This is a misdirection of a running play that begins as a short pass. (Perfect example of Honor's teaching regarding showing the enemy what they want to see, making them comfortable with the familiar. Then, BAM!)
The dynamics of it is to setup a "wall" of your best and fastest blockers in front of the running back to screen him from the big bad wolves of defensive players that are out for blood. I recall that the screening elements were the fastest, hardest hitting, muscular players. The dynamics have always been intuitive. You place the bigger players out in front of the smaller players. If the subject you are screening for, just so happens to be as big as the screeners... fine. That's a bonus. But the meat and potatoes are always placed out in front. The idea is for them to 'plow the field' and cut a swathe through the enemy. Never is this more profound than in sand lot football where you have a very young little guy on the team. You give him the ball and you screen for his run with the biggest of the team out in front.
In a street brawl, you put the bigger guys out front to protect the weak.
I always found the idea of a screen somewhat at odds to this in war. (See baggage.) Where the opposite is the rule. You place the smaller, less powerful Cruisers and LACs out in front, in the Honorverse, to protect the big powerful Dreadnaughts and SuperDreadnaughts.
You big babies! Get your asses out front! LOL
But seriously. LACs and Cruisers screen for Battlecrusers and SDs. If there are only BCs and SDs, say fifty of each. Would the BCs automatically screen for the SDs?
What if, like the RHN, there is a surplus of BCs in the system. Say, 250 BCs and 25 SDs. It seems your more powerful force in that scenario would be your more numerous BCs. Then would the SDs screen for the BCs?
Now. To ease the pain, somewhat, of most of you who are screaming at your comp, "cthia are you that dizzy?" Yes, I know that the smaller units are placed out front to utilize their more numerous wedges to block the sensor arrays of the enemy ships and not to actually absorb any damage. Except with CM fire. (I suppose that is true and not just a fortunate side effect.) But these smaller ships are not ordered to drop back at the crucial point. They actually do soak up damage. I'm aware that the the SDs are more valuable. It just seems wrong somehow, filtered through the baggage in my brain.
Tactics. Somehow, Stratego was a lot simpler. LOL.
This is what Wikipedia has to say on the origin of the screen...
A smoke screen is smoke released to mask the movement or location of military units such as infantry, tanks, aircraft or ships.
Smoke screens are commonly deployed either by a canister (such as a grenade) or generated by a vehicle (such as a tank or a warship).
Whereas smoke screens were originally used to hide movement from enemies' line of sight, modern technology means that they are now also available in new forms; they can screen in the infrared as well as visible spectrum of light to prevent detection by infrared sensors or viewers, and they are also available for vehicles in a superdense form used to block laser beams of enemy target designators or range finders.
Interesting reading...
Another question. Things may have changed since then. But when Honor set up that sucker punch (the name of the battle escapes me, but it is when the resident Havenite tac witch saw right through it. But too late to help) and arranged her screen in a haphazard manner to keep the Havenite fleet from seeing what was really in her order of battle. There came a point when they had to spread out to give Honor's more capable arrays a better look at what they faced. With Apollo, is that necessary now? Even buried deep in your formation, can't a flag ship -- shouldn't a flag ship have benefit of the Apollo feed as well, without uncovering?