Maldorian wrote:In world war one the britain´s had not so much Maschine guns like the Germans, but their rifles reloaded automaticly, so they were eaquall in efficenc to the Germans.
Dauntless wrote:the M96 is magazine fed and i belive almost automatic.
There is a world of difference between a bolt-action and an auto-loader (usually described as "semi-automatic) rifle, and neither can really be compared to a machine gun.
FWIW, there were no autoloading rifles issued to anyone in WWI -- at least not as genearl issue. The first general issue autoloading rifle was the American M1 Garand in WWII. There may have been isolated cases of man-portable automatic or semiautomatic weapons deployed in small numbers, but the had no noticeable effect on the war.
The Thompson SMG and BAR were both invented during WWI but not deployed with the America Expeditionary Force for fear that they would be captured and copied.

Most soldiers on all sides of WWI used some variant of the Mauser bolt action, which is comparable to the Charisian M96 rifle.