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(SPOILERS) New Weapons

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by PeterZ   » Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:07 pm

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I think the most immediate new weapons will be smokeless powder and true high explosive shell filler for the King Haaralds. 8" & 10" shells fired with smokeless powder and filled with TNT or some other high explosive will be devastating both to a target and to the morale of any observers. Something that powerful must either be a product of demonic intervention or approved of by God. Since there is no divine intervention inhibiting those guns from working, God must approve.

Any weapon that encourages such logic in the minds of Safeholdians is devastating for that reason alone.
Re: New Weapons
Post by saber964   » Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:01 pm


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SciFi90 wrote:
saber964 wrote:I was thinking, with the appearance of Katyusha by the AoG and the rifle grenade by the ICA. What other weapons could come out that would not use electricity. Then it hit what about a Bazooka with a fuse ignited rocket and contact explosive as a bunker buster not a anti-tank/armor weapon. The last generation Bazooka's had a range of 1000 yds with an effective range of 2-300 yds. If the ICA makes a bazooka half that effective it could be very useful.

A bazooka is useful against machinery, like a tank. Of greater use would be a machine gun, either water-cooled (like a .30 caliber) or air-cooled (like a .50 Caliber). Ammunition and linkage problems would have to be solved. The effect against the AofG masses of troops could be considerable, perhaps decisive. Weapon development is, of course, up to Mr. Weber.

The Bazooka was more often than not used as a bunker buster than it was as a AT weapon especially in the Pacific as the IJA had very few tanks that where not vulnerable to just about everything in the US arsenal
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by Jonathan_S   » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:12 am

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StealthSeeker wrote:The CoGA katyusha is going to change things about fixed fortifications and trench warfare. I see next summer's battles being more a case of manoeuvre and fire operations. I can see modified gorilla style of fighting where you hit them hard then reposition before the katyusha's can be put to use and then fire again. I want lots of 3 inch mortars that small units can move around with easily.

When katyusha's are involved, I cant see sitting in one place letting the CoGA armies use them effectively. Manoeuvre the enemy into an open position where anti-personal shrapnel shells can be used to devastating effect.
CoGA katushas have fairly weak (black powder) warheads. They're not going to have any noticeable penetration power against armor or overhead cover.

So I can't see them being effective at clearing out fixed fortifications / trenches. It's too easy to add overhead cover capable of stopping relatively low velocity shrapnel.

On the other hand being used to help defend fixed fortifications or trenches... They're not really accurate enough to want to use for final protective fire (unless your defenders all have overhead cover), but they could provide counterbattery fire against any artillery concentrations within reach. Kind of hard to smash up forts using angle guns when the angle gun battery is targeted by katyushas.
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by StealthSeeker   » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:40 am


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Jonathan_S wrote:CoGA katushas have fairly weak (black powder) warheads. They're not going to have any noticeable penetration power against armor or overhead cover.

So I can't see them being effective at clearing out fixed fortifications / trenches. It's too easy to add overhead cover capable of stopping relatively low velocity shrapnel.

On the other hand being used to help defend fixed fortifications or trenches... They're not really accurate enough to want to use for final protective fire (unless your defenders all have overhead cover), but they could provide counterbattery fire against any artillery concentrations within reach. Kind of hard to smash up forts using angle guns when the angle gun battery is targeted by katyushas.

I am remembering the chapter where the "inner circle" was discussing the CoGA demonstration that was viewed by SNARK. Everybody in the "circle" thought the demonstration was depressingly effective. They discussed building their own version which would have longer range and a dynamite explosive charge. They also discussed the CoGA building larger versions that could be used as shore batteries against ships. It was said that as the arch of the munition would make it "plunging" fire, it would pose a threat to the KH-VII's as the thickness of the deck armor may not hold up.

With that in mind, I'm doubting that any fortification is going to be more protective than the KH-VII's. So if they can get the rockets in range of a fixed fortification, I don't expect that fortification to be in very good shape after a barrage or 2 of rockets.
I think therefore I am.... I think
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by Castenea   » Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:00 pm

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StealthSeeker wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:CoGA katushas have fairly weak (black powder) warheads. They're not going to have any noticeable penetration power against armor or overhead cover.

So I can't see them being effective at clearing out fixed fortifications / trenches. It's too easy to add overhead cover capable of stopping relatively low velocity shrapnel.

On the other hand being used to help defend fixed fortifications or trenches... They're not really accurate enough to want to use for final protective fire (unless your defenders all have overhead cover), but they could provide counterbattery fire against any artillery concentrations within reach. Kind of hard to smash up forts using angle guns when the angle gun battery is targeted by katyushas.

I am remembering the chapter where the "inner circle" was discussing the CoGA demonstration that was viewed by SNARK. Everybody in the "circle" thought the demonstration was depressingly effective. They discussed building their own version which would have longer range and a dynamite explosive charge. They also discussed the CoGA building larger versions that could be used as shore batteries against ships. It was said that as the arch of the munition would make it "plunging" fire, it would pose a threat to the KH-VII's as the thickness of the deck armor may not hold up.

With that in mind, I'm doubting that any fortification is going to be more protective than the KH-VII's. So if they can get the rockets in range of a fixed fortification, I don't expect that fortification to be in very good shape after a barrage or 2 of rockets.
Depends on the fortification. With muzzle loading black powder one of the advantages that forts had over ships was that much of the fort was above the maximum height that the biggest guns that most non-specialist ships carried (frigates and ships of the line carried their largest most powerful guns in the lower center of the broadside), and thus would often have the gun platforms exposed.

American coastal forts built before the second world war had no permanent hard overhead protection of the biggest guns, e.g. 12" disappearing rifles The rest of the fort would have very good protection. Not all coastal forts were built the same way as US forts were. At least some of the fortifications on the "Atlantic wall" had very thick reinforced concrete over the gun mounts.
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by Randomiser   » Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:28 am

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I suspect a whole lot of Katyusha launchers, certainly the big ones, are going to be one use vehicles. If they manage to get their load off they will be obvious targets for any mortar companies around and for indirect fire from angle guns further back out of their range if spotters are available.
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by JustCurious   » Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:47 am


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StealthSeeker wrote:The CoGA is going to bring to the battleground some new rockets that were compared to Russian katyusha rockets from WWII.

Charis is intending to bring to production a better version using better propellants with dynamite explosive charges that results in longer range and more destructive power.

What I am wondering is if they couldn't also start to make man portable shoulder fire versions of these. Can any body say "R P G." They could come in handy in street fighting or in ambushes. And unlike the Harchong "sling" weapon they can be fired from cover. (more or less)

The CoGA katyusha is going to change things about fixed fortifications and trench warfare. I see next summer's battles being more a case of manoeuvre and fire operations. I can see modified gorilla style of fighting where you hit them hard then reposition before the katyusha's can be put to use and then fire again. I want lots of 3 inch mortars that small units can move around with easily.

When katyusha's are involved, I cant see sitting in one place letting the CoGA armies use them effectively. Manoeuvre the enemy into an open position where anti-personal shrapnel shells can be used to devastating effect.

Charis has not introduced every weapon that they could have. They have not introduced weapons that the other side could easily copy and which usage by both sides would eventually work to their disadvantage. The Katushas are a good example, Sea mines are a better one. So are bazookas and panzerfausts such a development?
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by JeffEngel   » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:18 am


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JustCurious wrote:
StealthSeeker wrote:The CoGA is going to bring to the battleground some new rockets that were compared to Russian katyusha rockets from WWII.

Charis is intending to bring to production a better version using better propellants with dynamite explosive charges that results in longer range and more destructive power.

What I am wondering is if they couldn't also start to make man portable shoulder fire versions of these. Can any body say "R P G." They could come in handy in street fighting or in ambushes. And unlike the Harchong "sling" weapon they can be fired from cover. (more or less)

Charis has not introduced every weapon that they could have. They have not introduced weapons that the other side could easily copy and which usage by both sides would eventually work to their disadvantage. The Katushas are a good example, Sea mines are a better one. So are bazookas and panzerfausts such a development?

If it's something that you can pretty well count on the other side coming up with on their own soon enough, you may as well get to producing it on your own as soon as practical. Rockets as weapons and explosive shells they could hope would not occur to the enemy in a hurry, so they were not introduced as quickly as could be. Man-portable rocket launchers probably count as something the Temple would introduce soon enough on their own, with their own katyushas in production, with the example of rifle grenades on the Allied side, and with the sling grenadiers filling a similar tactical role already on their own.
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by phillies   » Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:30 pm


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Rocket batteries?

Mindful of the historical roots of Harchong, one might wonder whether the CoG katyushas will turn out in the end to be modestly more effective than 19th century Chinese rocket artillery, which is to say, primarily a danger to the people firing them.
Re: (SPOILERS) New Weapons
Post by JeffEngel   » Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:54 pm


Posts: 2074
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phillies wrote:Rocket batteries?

Mindful of the historical roots of Harchong, one might wonder whether the CoG katyushas will turn out in the end to be modestly more effective than 19th century Chinese rocket artillery, which is to say, primarily a danger to the people firing them.

They seem to be very well aware of how inaccurate the things can be and not to expect much in terms of them directionally beyond "thataway". The demonstration ones haven't looped back at the launchers in the course of a whole lot of rockets being fired. So - if they can maintain that level of manufacturing quality - they should be all right. If they can't....

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