Why do the forts have mobility? Surely the mobility helps in the initial deployment but does it play any other tactical or logistic role or do the forts' location remain static during battle? I can imagine certain forts shifting towards an enemy prong of attack in support, as ships in a formation move in closer or alter position in a formation to help cover wounded ships and bolster their CM envelope. Textev has given at least some rudimentary tactical elements of ACS from At All Costs with this...
"..bring Admiral Havlicek up to speed on what we've already done. I'm sure we're going to have drones incoming from these people in the next thirty or forty minutes, and I'm sure he's got his own plans for dealing with them, but ask him if there's anything we can do to help. I'm thinking we may need to be looking at ways to stack the incoming wallers to block the drones' LOS to the terminus, keep them from getting a close enough look to tell the Peeps what's coming or when. Whatever JDC needs and we can do, he's got, but I need to know what he wants now."
I have this imagery of a forts utility as being in a strictly defensive role, but with the ability to move suggests a possible offensive capability if push comes to shove. We as readers are always hearing, "surely they won't come into range of the forts." I always wondered why the forts couldn't employ their own joint tactical maneuvers to trap, impede or decrease operating space of a maneuvering fleet. In other words, playing a more active than a wait-n-see passive role to join the fray. I know the max accel of forts is minuscule relative to the hundreds of gees that a ship can pull. But 150g of accel can be used ruthlessly by a keen Admiral it seems, certainly in conjunction with her own maneuvers.
The downside is the potential of the forts being caught out of position of junction support.
I'm aware that a forts' historical definition is to hunker down and fortify a position, but that was all during the times of the Civil War and beyond when they couldn't have wheels or wedges.
Am I stark-raving-mad? If so, I can simply apply for employment with the MAlign -- seems a prerequisite.