Toss in the fact that Clyntahn now sees reality as what he wants it to be, and there's a recipe for complete disaster. I can see him trying to purge the vicarate of anyone he sees as "defeatist," which includes Duchairn and Magwair.Henry Brown wrote:Yep.Expert snuggler wrote:It would be insane for the Inquisition to bump off the King of Dohlar.
Clyntahn might do it.
He proved with the attack on Charis that he doesn't understand that terrorizing secular rulers will backfire. Can't you just see him thinking that torturing Ranyld to death for lack of zeal would fire up others to greater efforts?
Furthermore, he proved he did not learn from the attack on Charis when he launched the Sword of Scheuler against Siddarmark a few years later. Plus there were a few sections in HFQ where he is characterized as starting to feel frightened and desperate. Not good traits for rational decision making.
That would seal the fate of the CoGA's armies, as the logistics that support them would completely fall apart, and they'd be torn by internal dissension between those who supported Magwair and are infuriated that their commander was murdered, and those who feel that their duty requires them to continue to fight for Mother Church regardless of who is running it.
So the question for those three members of the Go4 is "Who kills who first?"

Merlin may end up disappointed that he won't have the opportunity to pin Clyntahn to a handy wall with a sword. (Clyntahn is too fat for a midshipman's dirk to do the job.)