C. O. Thompson wrote:I was surprised that the "territory" she was given did not include some of the crown preserve on Sphinx
saber964 wrote:IMHO the geographical name of some of the peerages were named by the first owners before they became peerage titles because that's what they named their land holdings or they could have named them after terrain features. Look at some of the estates in the US currently like Hearst San Simeon, Washington Mount Vernon, Jefferson Monticello, T Roosevelt Saginaw Hill.
Her Majesty is probably waiting until the opportune moment to turn the Harrington Freehold into a Barony and complete their set of titles.
It's possible the Sphinx Crown Reserve wasn't anywhere near the Harrington home. If it was on the other side of the planet, for example, that might be somewhat inconvenient even if Honor could afford a small fleet of shuttles. Or the Crown Reserve on Gryphon was larger than on the other two planets. I'm not saying Elizabeth did it on the cheap - the Jason Bay house was very expensive - but remember the duchy was lightly populated and hadn't really been invested into.