Wasn't the original scenario a single Aggie taking out 16+ SDs?
If you double that to 2 Aggies then yeah, they're going to be more than twice as effective when working together and are far more likely to knock out 16+ old SDs.
See what I get for thinking with one side of my brain and typing with the other?

Correct -- I'd always been thinking two Aggies in mutual support counter-missile wise and bigger stacked salvos. That said, my "current tactical evolution" against the SLN, etc. would do something a bit unusual and try to hit more ships with smaller salvos simply on the theory that the -G is such a heavy hitter.
Picture just two Aggies in action at Spindle for example, given that Crandall's ships only stopped about 10% of the missile fire, and that's without any sneaky ballistic phases to screw with the counterfire timing even more. So, the 4x4x14x2 salvo with 300 shipkillers, why not judiciously select and hit 4-5 SD's really hard with maybe 60-70 missiles apiece.. Next salvo picks and hits 4 more, third stack hits 4 more, you've hit 12 SD's in the space of a couple of minutes and the op force has NO idea who you're shooting at next.
The attrition on command decks, shipkiller tubes, and SLN egos seems like it would have had the same ultimate effect before the attack force would have moved very far. Once the formation's combined defenses are filled with holes, then start salvoing higher quantities for kills... and then the SD's start dying in double chunks.
"Admiral, they're hitting us with just two ships...." but oops, Admiral so and so is dead. Thoughts?