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Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...

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Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by kzt   » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:50 pm

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I'll like to be the only mil spec qualified vendor of space-rated superconductor harnesses. You get deeply involved in every single project at the prototype design stage.
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by Sheila   » Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:19 pm


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While the attacks on the space stations were devastating, I suspected that at least 5% of the stations personal survived by the simple mechism of not accually being on the station during the attack. They were elsewhere on vacation, dirtside for the weekend seeing friends and family, dirtside for meetings, in transit between stations, etc.. In addition there would have been a handful of ridiculousy lucky people who just survived the attack. In devastating of this scale there general is.
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by Brigade XO   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:08 am

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Manticure is going to have to educate and train almost a compleatly new workforce for all of the space-based manufacturing industry and the logistic tails for all of that. Manufacture (or buy) all of the components of the SIX new stations to replace the three that were destoryed.

That includes the equipment and facilities to manufacture all the components nessisary to build and equip the stations right down to the wrenches, testing tools computers, enviornmental systems, communications, etc, etc, etc.

1st find and then train the people to build the things to build the things to build the things to start manufacturing everything from simple screws & bolts to molycrylic circuit cards and cover panels and safety shields on equipment.

Sure, they can contract out all sorts of contracts for both basic machines and components to Beowulf (until the war reality and the SL/Malign problems catch up to Beowulf) and then there is Haven (and Bolthole) plus Erwhon and the Aldermani. Exactly where are they going to find the 250,000 plus people to train to build and operate the equipment and build and operate the stations? You know, the ones who they also have to train to work in space even if it is (eventually) going to be inside the new stations when the internal environments have been established and the new equipment is being installed?

Can't take them from the Navy though that is your largest pool of people who might actualy have skills closest to the what you need in recreating and troubleshooting the construction of the stations.

So the Government's position is that they are going to be back in production (not really clear on the actual volume) of missiles and weapons which presumes they are going to have all the related production and subdidiary lines set up to supply components and testing---in what kind of volume? How about the dedicated maintenance and repair people just for the stations? You are going to have to clean them, spend a lot of time checking on things because these are NEW construction by inexperienced people and you are going to have to continue to fine-tune every system and component thereove that you install. You are also going to be opening the new stations in a long series of essentialy modular statrts as you compleat various sections, intalll everything in them, hook up to the modulal's own power/communications/enviornmental piece or stand-alone parts of the greater planned systems and then make sure you can cover any glitches that surface.

What survived of the lighters and workboats for the stations? Some of them should have been off-station doing things but I would have expected that any not actually working would have been docked in boat-bays or loading bays and been destroyed (along with thier crews) with the stations. You are going to need to replace all the small craft that are needed by stations. You are going to need to reestablish manufacturing (right down to all subsystems and components for the various levels of enviornmental suites (from basis skinsuites to full-up hard suites for vaccume construction/repair and military/Marine power armor. How much of the clothing for civilian and naval use was being manufactured in the stations?

How much of your undergraduate and post-graduate population in the sciences did you lose along with instructors and professors because those level classes (and thier living quarters) were aboard the stations where they were also doing their lab/research work in practical application of studies?
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by Dauntless   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:20 am

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on the issue of workers don't forget the repatriated staff from when grendalsbane was captured, that the havenits returned. that figure was about 30K wasn't it?

not enough true but a core staff that can at least make a start as hardware comes available
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by Weird Harold   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:45 am

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Dauntless wrote:on the issue of workers don't forget the repatriated staff from when grendalsbane was captured, that the havenits returned. that figure was about 30K wasn't it?

not enough true but a core staff that can at least make a start as hardware comes available

There is also a pool of skilled people in the members of the old Manticoran Alliance. Manitcore sponsored small-ish shipyards and contracted some small warships from Zanzibar, Alizon, and others; There are bound to be some Manticoran cadre that can be recalled and some yard workers and machinery that can be bought back. Not to mention if thos shipyards can build ships, the star nations can probably build ships components and accessories (like missiles, pinnaces, fusion plants, etc.)

San Martin is already gearing (geared?) up to produce missiles. Basilisk has extensive orbital infrastructure and space-rated personnel.

Manticore has ample resources, they just aren't as concentrated as the were before the Yawata Strike.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by kzt   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:46 am

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They just got back from years of being in a prison camp. I would tend to suspect fewer would be enthusiastic at doing this than you think.
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by Weird Harold   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:58 am

Weird Harold
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kzt wrote:They just got back from years of being in a prison camp. I would tend to suspect fewer would be enthusiastic at doing this than you think.

Don't need "Enthusiastic," just competent.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by Dauntless   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:42 am

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kzt wrote:They just got back from years of being in a prison camp. I would tend to suspect fewer would be enthusiastic at doing this than you think.

but a camp run by Theisman not saint-just.

more like a stay at scout camp that you couldn't leave, rather then interment/concentration camps ala WW2 or Vietnam.

so a long but not completely awful forced vacation. I mean boredom and less then 5 star accommodations will have been the worst thy suffered.
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by noblehunter   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:19 am

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I'm sure they were offered every opportunity to keep their skills up to date, too. :evil:
Re: Total $Tax Rates$ In The Honorverse? ...
Post by The E   » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:05 pm

The E

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noblehunter wrote:I'm sure they were offered every opportunity to keep their skills up to date, too. :evil:

.... That ... does not actually work. These aren't carpenters or woodcutters who you can press-gang into making ship hulls, these are highly trained engineers who have all manner of subtle ways of fucking up things intentionally if they don't feel particularly motivated to help you build ships with which to kill their countrymen. Just as you wouldn't trust captured pirates to serve as crew on your ships, you wouldn't trust these people to build ships for you (And that's before we consider that the Grendelsbane workers were captured by the Havenite Republic under Theisman and Pritchard, who do not seem like the kind of people who would allow POWs to be used in forced labor camps).

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