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Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?

Discussion concerning the TV, film, and comic adaptations.
Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by d-eye   » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:31 pm

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Posts: 29
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So over on the tales of Honor forums, devs and admins seem to have disappeared. Support is non responsive and the game has become very glitchy.

The community there feel as though the game has been abandoned, does anyone here know if that's the case?
Re: Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by CarstenRS   » Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:27 am


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I got a message from one of the developers who confirmed the game to be Unsupported. It is a shame as the players were very dedicated and had all spent significant amount of time building and maturing their ships. Not to mention playing all the missions multiple times.

The worst thing is that it has been allowed to just turn into a zombie application and when everyone except the diehard fans have left no one will care if it is quietly being terminated. I think this is what we are seeing now....

Not to mention the money people have paid expecting an experience of some longevity. Its a shame as the game is incredibly well put together......
Re: Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by d-eye   » Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:40 am

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That would seem to be an odd thing to do for a movie tie in when the movie hasn't been released yet.
Re: Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:46 am

Michael Everett

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...If the game is dying, then I would guess that one of the three following potential reasons is to blame.

1) The game is not generating nearly as much money as anticipated (not enough people buying Prestige) and the decision has been made to abandon it before the costs outweigh the income.

2) The game has taken so much criticism for ship design that it is being junked in favor of something with designs that fit in with the film, probably with a total overhaul of the control system and gameplay modes as well.

3) Development Hell has hit Evergreen Studios and the release date has been pushed back to 2025. As such, the new concept is to either re-release the game a year beforehand or to create a new one fitting in with the aesthetics of the film/series.

Those are the most likely reasons from the limited information I have available.

I await a comment from Evergreen to clarify the situation...

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Re: Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by Fireflair   » Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:24 pm

Captain of the List

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I noticed the same thing with the game. There are plenty of issues, still. I till a long break from playing it, and while it seems better, there are still issues.

PvP is a new part of the game, to me. However, it is not pleasant to PvP.

1. Everyone I get matched to has ridiculously powerful ships. I die in the first wave of attacks.

2. It takes forever to be matched to some one.(I know that part of this is the lack of players) Often when trying to match I am disconnected from the server. Or my opponent is.

There are two events currently on going, a PvP event, and a solo event. I'm not sure what sort of support there is. But I suspect it is, indeed, a dead game.
Re: Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by orelsi   » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:41 pm


Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:32 pm

I'll necro this, after all, I made an account specifically for that purpose.

I enjoyed it while it lasted. I still have it installed on an old device, but it goes to a black screen after the evergreen logo splash. Has anyone done anything with the game since it closed? A fan project? offline mode? Is there a way to play it at all?
Re: Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by Fiannawolf   » Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:48 pm

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I would like a way to play this. Missed out on it back in the day. Watched some youtube vids and I liked the setup.
Re: Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet - alive or dead?
Post by Shannon_Foraker   » Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:08 pm


Posts: 197
Joined: Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:33 pm

orelsi wrote:I'll necro this, after all, I made an account specifically for that purpose.

I enjoyed it while it lasted. I still have it installed on an old device, but it goes to a black screen after the evergreen logo splash. Has anyone done anything with the game since it closed? A fan project? offline mode? Is there a way to play it at all?

I got a copy of the apk file, from a site somewhere, looked through it, and it appears to be a server-based game, so there is no offline mode or fan project. No, you can't play it anymore. I tested things on several devices as well.

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