Daryl wrote:Every time someone says "The bible says" to justify their argument they have lost credibility with me. Why is the bible any more authoritive than any other religious book? Or for that matter literature like Lord of The Rings or Hubbard's nonsense?
When people quote a holy book, they tend to only quote part of it and usually only the parts that they agree with.
The problem is that many holy scriptures were written to be fair for the age they were written in. Things change. Understanding grows and with it, civilization advances. Things that were once seen as fair become unfair and outdated. Things that were seen as impossible/ungodly become everyday occurrences. Technology changes the underlying foundations of society, transforming and elevating peoples lives, reducing drudgery and bringing forth the potential for equality.
Naturally, those who cling most tightly to what their grandparents taught tend to see only the bad side and often voice a desire to return to the "good old ways".
Quite a few of the extremist Islamists who have traveled into the lands claimed by ISIS have discovered that their promised golden-age-where-men-were-studly-men-and-women-were-virtually-mindless-yet-incredibly-eager-sex-slaves-for-their-pleasure paradise is no such thing. Bereft of the conveniences that let people devote so much time to the things they wanted (reading, playing computer games, contributing to forums etc), they find themselves caught in a world where they cannot date or look at pictures of the opposite gender, but instead are assigned "spouses" that they have never met before the "wedding" and often have nothing at all in common with, obeying a tyrannical regime that forces them to fight and brutally kills those who try to leave.
Plus, there's apparently no Nutella there.
Seriously. Quite a few of the more recent intercepted recruiting messages include requests for the new arrivals to bring Nutella and other (decadently western) foodstuffs.

So, to reiterate. As societal experience increases, new paradigms form. New things are discovered that old religions did not foresee. Religions either change or become outdated. They either examine themselves or resort to trying to smash society back down to a state that the writings can once again apply to (cough ISIS cough).
IMHO, religion is like money. It generally makes good people better and bad people worse, although it can sometimes redeem the bad and corrupt the good.
And it hates those who ask questions when it is not in a self-examining state.