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GA tactics

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Re: GA tactics
Post by George J. Smith   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:08 pm

George J. Smith

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Hutch wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:I don't know. So far the League Government has picked 2, arguable 3 fights with Manticore and lost big each time.

Now the League government is going to be scrambling to raise funds (and hence putting pressure on member governments to help with that).

I'd start by sending a diplomatic message to various core governments portraying this war an an unprovoked vendetta on behalf of the Mandarins. And one that Manticore would be happy to leave you out of if you'd just agree not to assist this illegal undeclared war of aggression against them.

Also, if they'd be interested in resuming trade we do have these idled freighters that would love to get back to work. And if you hint you have security concerns we might be able work something out.

IOW let the League government be the one to apply the pressure, at least in the short term. Manticore is the one offering an out from the pressure.

Now if a system actively participates in future attacks against Manticoran interesting (I don't know, sends their SDF out raiding, hosts a FF base used to mount attacks) then Manticore counter-attacks and shows why they're a bad enemy to provoke.

You can't do this indefinitely, because it gives initiative and time to the League. But in the short term acting reasonable and restrained despite repeated (unprovoked) attacks seems like a good diplomatic ploy.

I agree with most of what you said, Jonathan, but I think you add to the pressure by hitting Solarian League targets in their systems, while leaving alone the resources that belong to the system.

For an example, the Core World Pittsburg has a large SLN manufacturing base for BC's. There is a Squadron of SLN SD's defending it, and Pittsburg's SDF amounts to a couple of 50-year old CA's and a half-dozen older DD's.
And suddenly a Squadron of Havenite SD's, with a half-squadron of Grayson CLACs and 6 Sag-B's come hypering in.

The Commander of the GA force then makes the following speech: "We are here for the sole purpose of destroying the SLN installation in this system. We have no wish to injure or cause any destruction to units of the Pittsburg SDF or to the economy or civilian installations of the planet. We will not fire at or request the surrender of the Pittsburg SDF, provided they do not fire on us. We will, however, fire upon any ship that tries to impede us on our mission. We will give the civilians working on the SLN platform time to evacuate the station and have no intention of capturing any merchant vessels that belong to Pittsburg interests. We do wish to leave you with the records of the SL aggression against Manticore and our efforts to end it, and we will be sending diplomats and economic experts to your planet to consider other options."

"To the commander of the SLN SD Squadron; you have 90 minutes to surrender your ships and abandon the BC-building slips; at 91 minutes we will fire for effect, and we are transmitting the battle details from Manticore, Zucker, and Cinnammon to show that we mean it. If you comply, no SLN personnel need to die today; but if you think today is a good day to die, we can accomodate you."

I think that would be an interesting approach...

We shall see, eventually. IMHO as always. YMMV.

How about telling the SLN ships to stand down as the GA is not interested in killing SLN spacers just because they are following illegal orders. If they do not stand down and move to stop the construction facilities from being destroyed then make a demonstration strike against the flagship, if they still try to intervene then they get what they have coming to them.

It would destroy the SLs ability to construct its war machine, whilst leaving the civilians (and SLN spacers if their COs have any sense)unharmed.

I know it would mean leaving intact warships behind, but the effect of seeing the building slips destroyed at extreme range would also bring it home to the SLAN that they don't have a chance against the GA.

just a thought you understand.

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Re: GA tactics
Post by Jonathan_S   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:51 pm

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OlorinNight wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:I agree it's an interesting approach. And basically what I'd say to do once you decide to move against the SLN bases.

But my personal preference is the run a little risk, given the current tech edge, and wait. If FF or BF units in a given sector are just acting to maintain real order (piracy surpression; not the bully tactics they use on Verge planets) I'd tend to leave them in peace. But in retaliation to any raids or offensive action; well that's another thing entirely.

But I do acknowledge that it's a risk leaving those (currently 'peaceful') bases and forces free. It's a lot easier to preemptively hit them while you know where they are than risk them getting dispersed hither and yon chasing down your commerce. OTOH if you had another proto-Maya situation where the FF commanders was quietly supporting the local planets in their attempts to maintain peace and sit out this League Manticore war then attacking them is likely to rile the planets no mater how clearly you explain you're really just hitting SLN targets.

The problem I see with the "waiting approach", you leave the initiative to the league, and thus risk getting hurt quite seriously. It is clear that the SLN has no chance to win facing the GA fleet, and they (finally) realise it. And they are already planning something that is far more dangerous for the GA: they plan to hit the GA by attacking convoys, maybe hitting a few backwards system in the havenite area,... With enough battlecruisers, even the SLN may succeed in taking over a convoy, and they have plenty of them.

You need to place them in such a situation that most of the SLN forces will end up scattered between the core worlds, being thus useless for more offensive actions...

I agree there's risk to the waiting approach. And I certainly wouldn't advocate waiting indefinitely.

But I still see some benefit to appearing the be the restrained and aggrieved party; and immediate attacks on all SLN basing and construction within reach doesn't really give that impression.

It seems a hard balance to strike; avoid too many short term losses by letting the SLN get their raids off before you strike, avoid long term giving them too much time to rebuild; but simultaneously limit the possibility of pissing off enough core worlds for them to really commit to a war to the knife against you.
Re: GA tactics
Post by SharkHunter   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:28 pm

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Hazarding a guess....

David is on record that a huge number of Beowulfan citizens are not going to survive.

I think that means that the GA's gloves come all the way off, short of Eridani edict violations. At that point, I think the tactic will be "SLN ships, drop your wedges, bubble sidewalls, etc. we take control of your ships and space stations until further notice... Either that or ka-boom plus the slow strangle.
All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all
Re: GA tactics
Post by kzt   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:48 pm

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I doubt the GA Wants to trade planets with the SL. It's pretty clear who would still have planets left at the end.
Re: GA tactics
Post by n7axw   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:36 pm

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Weird Harold wrote:
OlorinNight wrote:I may have missed it, but I do not think anyone suggested that murdering entire governments (and their families!) was a good way to win the war. Anyway, no one in the GA will ever stand for it, so it's not a problem.

That's pretty much what Terekhov did:

Shadow of Freedom
Chapter Thirty-One
(in orbit above Mobius Beta) wrote:
“Why is it,” Terekhov asked conversationally, “that people like you always think you’re more ruthless than people like me?”

Something about his tone rang warning bells in the back of Yucel’s brain, but she refused to look away. She held her glare locked on him, refusing to back down, and he shrugged.

“Stilt?” he said without glancing away from Yucel.

“Yes, Sir?” a voice replied from outside his com pickup’s field of view.

“Pass the word to Colonel Simak. Then set Condition Zeus.”

“Condition Zeus, aye, aye, Sir.”


She frowned, wondering what the hell he was talking about.

She was still wondering two and a half seconds later when the kinetic projectile struck Lombroso Arms Tower at approximately thirty kilometers per second.

* * *

The projectile impacted at barely one tenth of a percent of light speed. The tower was enormous, the projectile wasn’t all that huge, and its velocity might seem positively snail-like compared to the eighty percent of light speed a Mark 23 could attain, but it was sufficient. In fact, its produced an effective yield of just over sixty-seven kilotons as it struck dead center on the tower’s roof at an angle of exactly ninety degrees and punched straight down, pithing it with a spike of plasma that vaporized everything in its path.

Admittedly, the results were positively anemic compared to those of the far heavier strikes Yucel had used to obliterate “rebellious towns” as object lessons, but that suited Aivars Terekhov just fine. The structure’s massive ceramacrete walls confined and channeled the blast, and the towers around the impact point acted as cofferdams, further confining the blast and restricting the damage. Yet the explosion still reached out to obliterate the Presidential Palace and everything else (including the residential towers in which the System Unity and Progress Party’s leadership and the majority of the transtellars’ off-world personnel had been quartered) in a three-block radius. Within the primary zone of destruction virtually nothing survived; outside it, except for shock damage, there was remarkably little devastation.

I'm not sure that what happened in Mobius is a very good example. That was in the middle of a civil war where Terekov was trying to stop government and OFS sponsored violence. That's quite different than dealing with a peaceful and stable core world.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: GA tactics
Post by Erls   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:03 pm

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SharkHunter wrote:Hazarding a guess....

David is on record that a huge number of Beowulfan citizens are not going to survive.

I think that means that the GA's gloves come all the way off, short of Eridani edict violations. At that point, I think the tactic will be "SLN ships, drop your wedges, bubble sidewalls, etc. we take control of your ships and space stations until further notice... Either that or ka-boom plus the slow strangle.

I'm willing to bet that the GA starts out slowly, trying to limit their attacks in the manner described previously. Once Beowulf gets hit and millions die I am willing to bet just as much that the 8th is going to turn into Rommel's Ghost Division of 1940 - only this time instead of facing the French Army it'll be going up against the chariots and legions of the Roman Empire.

What I mean by that is, even when Rommel did everything right the French still had the ability to cause casualties and even stop him had they fixed their morale - If 8th fleet does everything right by the time they entire what would have been missile range the entire military and economic infrastructure of the target will be space debris.

Also, I don't think they will be targeting Verge or Shell planets either. They'll go after and absolutely destroy every military and economic target on the oldest and richest of the Core Worlds (except Sol) as a statement of their ability to completely wreck the very heart of the League - the only planets that have always enjoyed prosperity.
Re: GA tactics
Post by drothgery   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:04 pm


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kzt wrote:I seriously doubt that the SLN and regular manufacturing are clearly separated.

For example, Manticore. Where all the manufacturing for the RMN and everything else for the entire planet is on a single gigantic platform.
Well, the sites where the SLN does its manufacturing probably aren't clearly separated from anything else in that system. But there just aren't that many SLN shipyards.
Re: GA tactics
Post by Erls   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:19 pm

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Also, one other short-term tactic you could possibly see the GA doing..

There are what, 500-600 SDs at Tasmania? What would happen to them if a combined force of 200 GA SD(P)s along with another 50+ CLACs showed up? It couldn't take more than 5 or 6 full salvo's to completely obliterate that BF, after which the GA will have effectively destroyed over 50% of Solarian League Wallers in 3 actions (Spindle, Manticore, Tasmania).

The effects of a strike like that on the Core Worlds (who may still believe that their SDF and system forts can protect them) would completely shatter whatever is left of Solly morale and slap the entire League across the face concerning the actual power of the GA.

Best side effect? With the loss of that many additional Wallers it is all but certain that you would see a huge amount of attempted defections from the Verge and Shell protectorates and member planets.
Re: GA tactics
Post by kzt   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:54 pm

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drothgery wrote:
kzt wrote:I seriously doubt that the SLN and regular manufacturing are clearly separated.

For example, Manticore. Where all the manufacturing for the RMN and everything else for the entire planet is on a single gigantic platform.
Well, the sites where the SLN does its manufacturing probably aren't clearly separated from anything else in that system. But there just aren't that many SLN shipyards.

Every system will have a military shipyard within a few months. Whether they are producing for the SLN or someone else depends on the moment (and whether there is a SLN...)
Re: GA tactics
Post by Loren Pechtel   » Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:18 am

Loren Pechtel
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I think raiding SLN facilities, especially where there are ships is a very good idea. However, I think they could do it even cheaper:

Split their forces into 6 groups, box the target in at 20 million km out. Give them 12 hours to evacuate and scuttle, any ship that attempts to move will be destroyed immediately. If the combat data from the previous engagements doesn't convince them (nobody's that good, it must be fake!) punch out individual ships with a few pods of Apollo missiles--think the second battle of New Tuscany.

When they see their fleet defenses can't stop a few missiles they should realize the situation is hopeless.

Make it clear to the planetary authorities that Manticore's war is with the Mandarins, not the member planets.

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