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HFQ Official Snippet #28

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Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:45 am

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Hi Hooked,

Welcome to the forums, please enjoy your favorite simulated beverage on the simulated forum. ;)

Probably a couple of things have changed; Irys and Hector are now fully equipped members of the inner circle, with Nimue's help in using the local SNARC's for local security, well prepared to handle if something happens in the middle of the night, although Irys's pregnancy should not be a hindrance in any way this early on Irys's aim etc.

Secondly, I suspect the inner circle, particularly Cayleb was getting antsy about how tall all the reported seijins were.

Given Corisande is halfway around the world from the battlefields, or 13+ hours ahead; its quite convenient for Nimue to visit and return with no one save Irys and Hector] knowing she left in the first place, NTM how different Ganieda Cysgodol looks, no one outside the inner circle will ever think the two are the same.


Hooked wrote:The Inner Circle had Nimue (Seijin Ganieda Cysgodol) assembled to provide protection for Prince Daivyn and Princess Irys. Nimue is now providing spy reports in Siddarmark. That raises the question about what has changed in Corisande? Is Irys now so proficient with pistols that she can provide her own protection, is her pregnancy already confining her to the castle or has Coris been provided with more insight to the seigin spy reports, or?
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:53 am

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Hi Tonto Silerheels,

Yup, Irys is going to set the traditionalists way back.

But I suspect the palace may restrict her horseback riding as a precaution when they find out, which they may not, since we've had no public announcement yet.

Coming so soon after the wedding and the assassination attempt, Corisande's reaction will be wild, possibly awed at another 'almost' miracle.

Then there's Charis's reaction... ;)


Tonto Silerheels wrote:Hooked wrote:

The Inner Circle had Nimue (Seijin Ganieda Cysgodol) assembled to provide protection for Prince Daivyn and Princess Irys. Nimue is now providing spy reports in Siddarmark. That raises the question about what has changed in Corisande?

Excellent observation! I might suggest that there are times when Irys is in less danger than others, as you already suggested. When she's in Cathedral Square getting married, the presence of the public increases her risk. When she's in the royal wing of the palace caring for her husband there's rather less. She also has the purpose of conveying seijins' reports to appropriate people which can be done on an intermittent basis. She may also have the task of demonstrating to Safeholdians that some women are able to perform well in traditionally male rôles--something that doesn't have to be continuous.

Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:59 am

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Hi PeterZ,

First of all, no one outside the 'outer' inner circle knows Merlin has visions, which are not a normal seijin talent, so Merlin is not publicly reputed to have any such attribute because it'd get him denounced as a demon.

So Hector can't claim any 'visions like Merlin' without getting stoned etc.

Finally there's no one in Manchyr that's in the outer inner circle that 'knows' Merlin sees visions.


PeterZ wrote:One wonders if Hektor might not be able to claim some of the seijin's powers for general consumption? He has already proven he can heal rapidly. It is becoming common knowledge that God Graced him with health for his selflessness. Would it shock people to discover Hektor was also gifted with special "sight"? Sight like Merlin is reputed to have.

I think it highly likely people will believe it a divine gift if Hektor claims visions like Merlin's. At least to the second tier Charisian circle.
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Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:04 am

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Hi Kakai,

Thanks for pointing how awkward the personal aspects of just giving someone special unnatural powers suddenly become.

The idea of Hector becoming a junior grade seijin would certainly make Hector laugh, especially given the 20+ years of training evidently required.


Kakai wrote:
PeterZ wrote:One wonders if Hektor might not be able to claim some of the seijin's powers for general consumption? He has already proven he can heal rapidly. It is becoming common knowledge that God Graced him with health for his selflessness. Would it shock people to discover Hektor was also gifted with special "sight"? Sight like Merlin is reputed to have.

I think it highly likely people will believe it a divine gift if Hektor claims visions like Merlin's. At least to the second tier Charisian circle.

That's a nice idea. I wonder, though - is Destiny still in Corisande? 'Cause if it is, then his friends from it will sure start asking questions - nagging him, maybe? - about it. Would they start asking him about how their families back home are doing? Where the enemy is? The weather? Bah, Merlin's one thing, but I'm pretty sure there's be people who'd say that with his visions, Hektor is now valuable military resource (although perhaps they wouldn't put it like this). I'm not saying that's the reason not to do this, it's just that the Inner Circle should take it under consideration.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:10 am

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Hi JeffEngel,

Right on!

Quite right!

This is ludicrous on several levels that people need to think through before blithely accepting the notion.

I'm quite confident RFC has other rather satisfactory plans for Hector than this, and how he plans to handle the communication at sea conundrum will be fascinating as well.


JeffEngel wrote:
PeterZ wrote:One wonders if Hektor might not be able to claim some of the seijin's powers for general consumption? He has already proven he can heal rapidly. It is becoming common knowledge that God Graced him with health for his selflessness. Would it shock people to discover Hektor was also gifted with special "sight"? Sight like Merlin is reputed to have.

I think it highly likely people will believe it a divine gift if Hektor claims visions like Merlin's. At least to the second tier Charisian circle.

Seijins are reputedly a bit unearthly, and Hektor is one of the most charmingly salt-of-the-earth, this-worldly men on Safehold. Visions out of him would seem weird, really weird, and not in a seijin kind of way.

Seijin messages are getting through in Manchyr well enough as it is. They don't even need bricks as delivery systems anymore!
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:31 am

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Hi PeterZ,

While I understand your desire to provide communications at sea for the ICN, your premise is impossible because you forgot no one but the 'outer inner circle' etc knows Merlin has visions in the first place; NTM the 'outer' inner circle who're cleared for only knowing 'Merlin has visions' is rather tiny these days.

Care to name who's left?

With the exception of Baron Sea Mount, I think they're either dead or in the inner circle these days.

The only people who know about Merlin's 'visions' are the inner circle, and they're certainly not talking! ;)

OTOH, there are quite a number of people who've been miraculously healed without becoming religious, even if they attribute their healing as a miracle of god, and while some few then claim a special power or two afterward, any secular success rarely lasts.

So expecting or claiming some special power for Hektor is unusual and dangerous for him.

Besides it shows a certain lack of faith in RFC. ;)


PeterZ wrote:Visions that are given to Hektor might allow him to accompany the KH VIIs and perhaps direct their fire with surprising accuracy. Besides providing phenomenal firing solutions, Hektor might be on hand to guide the ICN at sea.

Notes that appear mysteriously on board ships traveling as fast as the KHs might draw more questions than they are worth. Better to have a junior seijin develop than have truly "impossible" things happen routinely. Those visions begin as insights or intuition and gradually grow more explicit. Of course both Merlin and Nimue and nod sagaciously and agree that receiving that sort of gift comes at different ages. Heck, they wouldn't be surprised if Keys began experiencing similar insights.

JeffEngel wrote:*quote="PeterZ"*One wonders if Hektor might not be able to claim some of the seijin's powers for general consumption? He has already proven he can heal rapidly. It is becoming common knowledge that God Graced him with health for his selflessness. Would it shock people to discover Hektor was also gifted with special "sight"? Sight like Merlin is reputed to have.

I think it highly likely people will believe it a divine gift if Hektor claims visions like Merlin's. At least to the second tier Charisian circle.*quote*
Seijins are reputedly a bit unearthly, and Hektor is one of the most charmingly salt-of-the-earth, this-worldly men on Safehold. Visions out of him would seem weird, really weird, and not in a seijin kind of way.

Seijin messages are getting through in Manchyr well enough as it is. They don't even need bricks as delivery systems anymore!
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:54 am

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Hi EdThomas,

Thanks for the support!

You're quite right that Tanshar is indeed a long haul away, ie more than 2400 miles by land and canal to get to Aivahnstyn and beyond, so arriving within two month's means travel by sea in the eastern Gulf of Dohlar [where Sharpfield doesn't intend to go much until he gets the KH VII's in late summer or fall] is practically required.

The Charayn Canal being iced in maybe the primary bottleneck at the moment, but getting the troops as close as possible before then would seem best for the Go4.

Since there's only 30-40,000 of them, none evidently cavalry, compared to 750-800,000 for the expected AGS, moving them should be a proportionally far smaller problem.

45-60 tons per day is a lot less than 4200. ;)


EdThomas wrote:Some thoughts on the military discussions here...
1. Lyonheart's the only one using textev in his calculations and and seems to be being faulted for not assuming/presuming high(er) levels of re-supply of scarce items in the AOG's cupboard.
2. K's reinforcements are said to include a large contingent from Tanshar. Tanshar's a long haul away. It'll be interesting to see how Magwair moves them without impacting MHOG movements. They could be used for a test run of the AGS movement through Dairnyth
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:07 am

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Hi Peter2,

An excellent question!

You're quite right it was all Nynian's operation from what we know.

We have no textev that Merlin added anyone or anything [like wagons etc] to Nynian's succored families.

I think he [aka Ahbraims] was mainly moral support or emergency back up which thanks to Nynian's incredible planning wasn't needed.


Peter2 wrote:
n7axw wrote:

In addition to that there has been the occasional covert mission such as getting Nynian out of Zion and keeping Daivyn and Irys alive and getting them out of Delferak.


I've never been clear on precisely how far Merlin was involved in that, in terms of who did what.

My understanding was that Nynian was beyond doubt the prime mover in getting her own people to safety, and I'm 98% confident that it was her organisation that set up the route along which Archbishop Cahnyr escaped. I'm also pretty sure that she was responsible for the mechanics of the escapes. I think Merlin may well have done more in arranging the later stages of the escapes, though – things like shipping, say – and his visit to Nynian was one of the main factors in setting the ball rolling.

What I'm not clear about is what happened in the middle, where the two operations touched. I don't know where the list of Nynian's people stopped, and the others started. Did Merlin "piggy-back" on Nynian's route by adding more people, or even more wagons amd so on? He must have had an input, but I don't know what.

But I don't suppose it matters anyway.
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Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:37 am

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Hi Don,

On the contrary Irys and Hektor can have OWL do what Merlin did in an emergency in passing messages to Gahrvai, and if necessary I suspect the SNARC sensors can kill or injure any assassins etc they find in extremis and then arrange more plausible causes [obvious evidence] of death or accidental injury afterward.

You [NTM Irys, Hektor and Nimue] could have a lot of fun with all sorts of embarrassing or humorous accidents that leave assassins easy captures, broken or twisted ankles, feet, fingers, or arbalest bolts etc from unseen seijins keeping watch. ;)

Imagine how if necessary, the news that Corisande is being watched over by its own network of secret seijins or their friends will help secure the public to the empire.

Strategically, having Nimue at Manchyr [13+ hours ahead or behind east Haven] means she's able to visit east Haven as needed while Merlin is obviously publicly elsewhere is probably helping Cayleb, Sharleyan and the rest of the inner circle sleep better after Nynian saw through his attempted disguises so easily.


n7axw wrote:So far in the Safehold books, the Seijin has done primarily two things. The first has been to provide security for and advice to the dynasty. For Merlin that has been primarily Cayleb, although there has been occasion where he has gone with Sharleyan instead. In fact there was one time when he took a trip with Archbishop Mikael to Corisande. The second has been intelligence which basically monitoring the feed on the snarcs and seeing to it that the info gets into the proper hands, especially at critical moments.

In addition to that there has been the occasional covert mission such as getting Nynian out of Zion and keeping Daivyn and Irys alive and getting them out of Delferak.

I don't see it being different for Nimue. Her basic security task is to see to the security of Irys and Daivyn. At this point, they are critical as glue binding Corisande to the Empire. The actual level of threat is diminishing, but still there. But there is also the intel function. While Irys can monitor the feed, she has no way of getting critical info into the hands of people who can act upon it. As a known Seijin who has established her credentials, Nimue can. And while I like the overall direction things have been going in Corisande, that situation is going to require special attention from the snaecs for some time to come.

I see no reason at all why Nimue can't also do the special op that takes her away from Corisande just like Merlin has. But on the other hand, it makes real good sense to have her "home base" in Manchyr with Irys and Daivyn just like Merlin's is with Cayleb and Sharleyan.

Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #28
Post by n7axw   » Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:13 am

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lyonheart wrote:Hi Don,

On the contrary Irys and Hektor can have OWL do what Merlin did in an emergency in passing messages to Gahrvai, and if necessary I suspect the SNARC sensors can kill or injure any assassins etc they find in extremis and then arrange more plausible causes [obvious evidence] of death or accidental injury afterward.

You [NTM Irys, Hektor and Nimue] could have a lot of fun with all sorts of embarrassing or humorous accidents that leave assassins easy captures, broken or twisted ankles, feet, fingers, or arbalest bolts etc from unseen seijins keeping watch. ;)

Imagine how if necessary, the news that Corisande is being watched over by its own network of secret seijins or their friends will help secure the public to the empire.

Strategically, having Nimue at Manchyr [13+ hours ahead or behind east Haven] means she's able to visit east Haven as needed while Merlin is obviously publicly elsewhere is probably helping Cayleb, Sharleyan and the rest of the inner circle sleep better after Nynian saw through his attempted disguises so easily.


Hi Lyonheart,

Yes, there is Owl. But that's not quite the same as having your very own Seijin on the spot to advise and help interpret the info. As optimistic as I've become about Corisande, it remains the only province in the Empire that was compelled to join by force of arms. That is bound to rankle for a while even though things seem to be going well at the moment.

I wholeheartedly agree that having Nimue aboard helping with the special ops and visits to the field is going to be a real asset as the story plays out on the mainland for exactly the reasons you mention.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.

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