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Merlin was careless?

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Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by tootall   » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:38 pm

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JeffEngel wrote:

I'm sure he (Magwair) is tired of it. I imagine one thing he's doing is cultivating his own intelligence sources and his own routes of communication with his commanders. One may be through Duchairn's logistics clerks -

If one recalls the meeting in "The File Room" toward the end of A Rising Thunder, Marine Major Bryce indicates that the Marines had developed their own intel because the "Navy" didn't always give them the info they really needed.
RFC may allow Magwair to do the same.
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by lyonheart   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:44 am

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Hi JeffEngel,

I don't believe I even hinted that I expected that by not winning or effectively losing the first and only jihad, ie losing, that they would all be exterminated, nor that the even Siddarmark's understandable revenge ever intended to go that far, especially when just the nominal TL's on the rest of Haven alone outnumber the republic's pre-SoS population by four to one; thus wiping them all out seems out of character for our heroes.

I thought I made it rather obvious that the overwhelming majority of TL's survived the war; because the allies' blood lust is relatively very limited after all, NTM they're far smarter than that; and wouldn't change their minds, despite the incredible world-turned-upside-down they now face, but if you had doubts let me dispel them.

First of all, I thought it was plain that even if the alliance had plans to lay the rest of Haven waste in retaliation, which they don't of course, that almost all of the population would be out of the way of the allied armies; in part because the allied armies would be doing their best to avoid the TL population centers including cities, except for Zion, wherever and whenever they could.

Thus most TL's would remain alive and still convinced of the heretic's guilt, regardless of whatever attempts Rhobair made to correct the record [how soon after he accepted the allied terms before some inquisitor killed him?], and prey to whoever screamed the temple was betrayed by the corrupt vicarate the loudest?

I should clarify that by 'national churches', I meant that the CoGA would fracture into churches more identifiable by their primary nationality than any particular doctrine or claim on Zion and the temple [which would mainly mirror each other], though they'll certainly be there at the temple, seeking to disrupt things as soon as they have a realistic plan to route the allies and win the unfinished [to them] jihad.

Of course that's not going to happen. ;)

Just as Sherman destroyed slavery many miles from where he actually marched, the serfs of the BS and eastern KotTL are going to know the allies policies and expect protection NTM support; so yes I expect considerable border changes so the republic has direct land access to the temple via land where the allies and their policies are popular, NTM no apparent military threat to that land bridge for some years to come given how all the other continental powers have been humbled if not shattered.

As for reformists, by the time the allies reach the temple this fall, Duchairn may be seen by most TL's if not the surviving inquisitors, as a reformist when he may be just trying to preserve what he can at that point.

PeterZ and I among others have discussed this nexus over month's in the last couple of years and a few different threads as I recall, whether the temple remains as a central authority of the CoGA or it shifts to more nationalistic is one of those unresolved questions that waits in patience for RFC.

To be the victory you say the allies need will require dictating it in Zion, on the steps of if not in the temple, as anything reached on the battlefield will be renounced if not outright ignored for dealing with heretics etc.

Hence somebody has to get to Zion to do the dictating; BGV is the closest in terms of time and place by this summer; and its only 2-3 5days from Salyk in Spinefish Bay to the Zion tidal river and thus the temple, NTM he's already equipped to stay the winter :D , or however long it takes to ensure the allies accomplish their current 'permanent peace' terms, including recognition and protection of pilgrims etc [I've previously suggested reformists would alternate with the TL's choirs etc].

The reason I suggested some Siddarmarkians might not survive the revelation is because sooner or later they will lose some candidates, especially since the law of averages being what it is, so feel free to suggest some who might fit that category from either the imperial college or political etc.

However I suspect that the right Siddarmarkians will survive, if I'm understanding their comments correctly.

Cayleb needs more 'seasoned' wise counsel that he respects, since he's been losing patience with the brethren of St Zherneau, NTM if something happened to Maikel, and I don't know who else fits the bill.


[quote="JeffEngel"][quote="lyonheart"]Hi JeffEngel,

First let me congratulate you.

I didn't realise you were only a week from your first anniversary and already well past a thousand (almost 4 posts a day), well ahead of most posters; so is your goal to reach 2000 in less than 6 month's or even faster? 8-) [/quote]I just gotta post, I haven't got time for goals!! :P [quote]

Secondly, given what we know, I don't think your third option is going to work on Safehold. ;) [/quote]No? What else do you expect Temple Loyalists to do eventually? Either they win outright and it stays that way; they are all exterminated; they lose and all change their minds; or they lose and don't all change their minds.

I don't expect them to win outright. I don't expect them all to be exterminated - that's the point of noting a cap on Allied bloodthirst. I don't expect them to lose and all change their minds right then - people don't tend to work like that. That leaves losing and changing their minds over time - or renewing the war and looping back to the beginning of this decision tree.

We're expecting an end to this war and then subsequent wars down the road. We've got to suppose this war will end on pretty good terms for Charis and Siddarmark - likely about as good as they can expect without so much more fighting it risks their victories or defeats their purposes. It's got to be a victory good enough to take as a stopping point. I'd peg that as security for Siddarmark, Charis, and any other nation out from under the Temple, with a treaty that treats the Church of Charis as a legitimate entity.

The war also needs to accomplish drastically reducing the power of the Inquisition and authority of the Church, else security isn't accomplished. Frankly though, I don't think that's something you can accomplish with force of arms directly without a whole lot more occupation and violence than anyone on the Allied side cares to contemplate. (Well - other than some people who saw too much bitter guerrilla warfare too close for too long.) But it can be accomplished by that treaty setting a precedent for national churches, and it can be helped along even more effectively by a chastened, reformed, and nearly or actually bankrupt CoGA.

That's my expectation for an end to this war: a reduced, troubled CoGA, including Reformists working out a theology on the fly and conservatives hankering after power and authority they cannot afford and cannot demand; national churches in Charis and Siddarmark at least; some but not much adjustment of pre-Sword national borders but a whole lot of adjustment of power relations; nations with a whole lot of vulnerability to internal upset, particularly Harchong; and nominally Temple Loyal nations asserting more effective control over the Church in their territory than would have been thinkable before all this.
[quote]By the way, How soon do you figure before the Lord Protector and other top Siddarmarkians are inducted into the inner circle?

Of course they may very well lose some of them this time.

Yes. And that's a good reason to put it off.

The knowledge does need spreading, just so the burden of preparing [i]everyone[/i] to know can be spread. But I'm not sure how far the need to know goes in Siddarmark's ruling elite.

The time Cayleb has had with Stohnair - the infamous all-nighters - may make a lot of difference in evaluating him as a candidate for the Inner Circle. I'd like to see Zhasyn Cahnyr spend time with Maikel Staynair for working out a good relationship there, so that Cahnyr can be considered. If he takes it in stride, he would be the best argument for everyone else in Siddarmark that this story isn't a pack of Shan-wei's lies. But that contact may not be practical. By contrast, Nynian/Aivah/She Who Is Every Third Woman On Safehold [i]does[/i] know Cahynr well and may be the best point person for his candidacy.[/quote]
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by JeffEngel   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:43 am


Posts: 2074
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lyonheart wrote:Hi JeffEngel,

I don't believe I even hinted that I expected that by not winning or effectively losing the first and only jihad, ie losing, that they would all be exterminated, nor that the even Siddarmark's understandable revenge ever intended to go that far, especially when just the nominal TL's on the rest of Haven alone outnumber the republic's pre-SoS population by four to one; thus wiping them all out seems out of character for our heroes.

I thought I made it rather obvious that the overwhelming majority of TL's survived the war; because the allies' blood lust is relatively very limited after all, NTM they're far smarter than that; and wouldn't change their minds, despite the incredible world-turned-upside-down they now face, but if you had doubts let me dispel them.
Right. I was taking the opportunity to respond to other posters in one go; I wasn't supposing that you'd necessarily disagree with much of what I was asserting.

The overarching issue is how much a war can settle and how. The larger struggle on Safehold is a matter of conscience, of worldview, of what constitutes authority and how it is implemented. That's not the sort of thing that victory on the battlefield settles - not entirely, not on its own, though it does make a difference. It can settle it if you destroy everyone who disagrees with you, but that's not on the table for the Allies. At least I don't think so. Sometimes Isilith and Don seem to.

The Church of God Awaiting will have its power broken when people no longer support it. An Allied army in Zion would be impressively symbolic that way, but it's open - wide open - for anyone to take that as (e.g.) God allowing Shan-wei victory in this world to humble us, to remind us of the need for faith and resolution. Outright victory in Corisande, even with a collaborating Royal Council and a Church of Charis Archbishop, still left Reformists hesitant to speak. ICA troops wandering the Temple can still leave the whole mainland still in support of the idea of the CoGA and eager to return to that institution. The most it may do - not nothing, but not the end of the struggle - is leave people more free to take the risks of stepping up in favor of reform and a theology that has a greater scope for freedom of conscience. And that's only if they can set up or encourage governments tolerant of that, which would take either rulers whose minds have changed or an occupation in far greater scope than they can carry out.

What they really can accomplish with a war is (1) territorial reasonable security and the recovery of western Siddarmark, (2) formal recognition of the CoC and Reformist churches, (3) the symbolic breaking of the CoGA's world power, and (4) nebulously, reverberations to shake up other power relationships.

Church bankruptcy can accomplish a whole lot more besides. It's likely to contribute more to breaking the Church and Inquisition's power than Cayleb's triumphant butt in Clyntahn's favorite powered chair.
First of all, I thought it was plain that even if the alliance had plans to lay the rest of Haven waste in retaliation, which they don't of course, that almost all of the population would be out of the way of the allied armies; in part because the allied armies would be doing their best to avoid the TL population centers including cities, except for Zion, wherever and whenever they could.

Thus most TL's would remain alive and still convinced of the heretic's guilt, regardless of whatever attempts Rhobair made to correct the record [how soon after he accepted the allied terms before some inquisitor killed him?], and prey to whoever screamed the temple was betrayed by the corrupt vicarate the loudest?
Indeed. Insisted on, in fact. It goes back to the point about how much victory on the battlefield won't achieve.

I should clarify that by 'national churches', I meant that the CoGA would fracture into churches more identifiable by their primary nationality than any particular doctrine or claim on Zion and the temple [which would mainly mirror each other], though they'll certainly be there at the temple, seeking to disrupt things as soon as they have a realistic plan to route the allies and win the unfinished [to them] jihad.

Of course that's not going to happen. ;)

Just as Sherman destroyed slavery many miles from where he actually marched, the serfs of the BS and eastern KotTL are going to know the allies policies and expect protection NTM support; so yes I expect considerable border changes so the republic has direct land access to the temple via land where the allies and their policies are popular, NTM no apparent military threat to that land bridge for some years to come given how all the other continental powers have been humbled if not shattered.
I don't see why those borders would change, as opposed to the conversion in place of Border States from Temple-oriented serf and slave states to Siddarmark-oriented (tumultuous) free labor ones.

I'm afraid I have to wonder though just how much the Allies will be able to support changes in other states. If they suppose that the rulers of these states had little choice but to follow the Temple's orders, then interference in their internal affairs after their fealty to the Temple is broken amounts to an act of war, and aggressively so at that. That will raise the hackles and fears of every other ruler on Safehold. That may be minimized if the interference is subtle enough, and it's not (much of) a problem if it's a matter of sheer example, but the effect is also minimized in either of those cases.
As for reformists, by the time the allies reach the temple this fall, Duchairn may be seen by most TL's if not the surviving inquisitors, as a reformist when he may be just trying to preserve what he can at that point.

PeterZ and I among others have discussed this nexus over month's in the last couple of years and a few different threads as I recall, whether the temple remains as a central authority of the CoGA or it shifts to more nationalistic is one of those unresolved questions that waits in patience for RFC.

To be the victory you say the allies need will require dictating it in Zion, on the steps of if not in the temple, as anything reached on the battlefield will be renounced if not outright ignored for dealing with heretics etc.
Anything accomplished by force of arms at all will be. Doing it in Zion's a powerful statement. Among other things, it means that the Church's military forces cannot stop the Allied movements at all. But it's still wide open to true believers to frame that as the low point, the purging of all false pride, before the true faith's renewal and return to throw down the proud heretics.
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by n7axw   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:55 am

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No you don't kill everyone who disagrees with you. But you do make victory decisive in a way nobody can miss. You don't leave the leadership on the other side in place. Trials for war crimes should take place. The location for those trials should be in Zion and it should be plain who is in charge.

The TLs can explain what happened however they like. But, contrary to COGA teaching, theirs is a God who didn't intervene to avert the outcome. Above all, that very basic fact must confront them, leaving no room for denial. Their belief doesn't provide them with a way of dealing with failure.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by Isilith   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:32 am

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n7axw wrote:No you don't kill everyone who disagrees with you. But you do make victory decisive in a way nobody can miss. You don't leave the leadership on the other side in place. Trials for war crimes should take place. The location for those trials should be in Zion and it should be plain who is in charge.

The TLs can explain what happened however they like. But, contrary to COGA teaching, theirs is a God who didn't intervene to avert the outcome. Above all, that very basic fact must confront them, leaving no room for denial. Their belief doesn't provide them with a way of dealing with failure.


Well said.
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by JeffEngel   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:42 pm


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n7axw wrote:No you don't kill everyone who disagrees with you. But you do make victory decisive in a way nobody can miss. You don't leave the leadership on the other side in place. Trials for war crimes should take place. The location for those trials should be in Zion and it should be plain who is in charge.

The TLs can explain what happened however they like. But, contrary to COGA teaching, theirs is a God who didn't intervene to avert the outcome. Above all, that very basic fact must confront them, leaving no room for denial. Their belief doesn't provide them with a way of dealing with failure.


That same God didn't stop the traitor Kau-yung from striking down the mortal bodies of Holy Langhorne and his loyal archangels. That was certainly a decisive victory no one could miss. And yet the true sons and daughters of God recovered evn from that.

This certainly is a faith that can accommodate losses in this world. Heretics laying impious hands on inquisitors and executing them like common criminals hasn't been evidence that God's on the heretics' side. Entire nations falling to the worship of Shan-wei hasn't been that. Heretics - again - coming to the holy city and striking down God's chosen servants, heretics there executing them after show trials, this isn't any more reason to reject the Writ and will of God than it was for the martyrs in the War Against the Fallen.
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by n7axw   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:02 pm

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JeffEngel wrote:
n7axw wrote:No you don't kill everyone who disagrees with you. But you do make victory decisive in a way nobody can miss. You don't leave the leadership on the other side in place. Trials for war crimes should take place. The location for those trials should be in Zion and it should be plain who is in charge.

The TLs can explain what happened however they like. But, contrary to COGA teaching, theirs is a God who didn't intervene to avert the outcome. Above all, that very basic fact must confront them, leaving no room for denial. Their belief doesn't provide them with a way of dealing with failure.


That same God didn't stop the traitor Kau-yung from striking down the mortal bodies of Holy Langhorne and his loyal archangels. That was certainly a decisive victory no one could miss. And yet the true sons and daughters of God recovered evn from that.

This certainly is a faith that can accommodate losses in this world. Heretics laying impious hands on inquisitors and executing them like common criminals hasn't been evidence that God's on the heretics' side. Entire nations falling to the worship of Shan-wei hasn't been that. Heretics - again - coming to the holy city and striking down God's chosen servants, heretics there executing them after show trials, this isn't any more reason to reject the Writ and will of God than it was for the martyrs in the War Against the Fallen.

There will be a lot of people who will reason exactly that way, but as I am sure you remember, the COGA won that war. So they were able write the story the way they wanted it remembered and interpreted.

That's one of the reasons it is very important to make sure that the allied victory is decisive here. There will be people, probably even a majority, who will rationalize as you have suggested. That can't be helped. What can be done is to break the power of the COGA and the inquisition to dictate to people's consciences and its political power to make or break princes at will. What actually happened in this war must be exposed to light and air, including who instigated the original attack on Charis, the Sword of Schueler, the consentration camps and the whole bit.

Finally a "purified" COGA with its political power still intact would actually be a net loss for the allies and Merlin's goals since ot would still be able to enforce its will on others, this time without the corruption to undermine its credibility.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by SWM   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:52 pm

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n7axw wrote:Finally a "purified" COGA with its political power still intact would actually be a net loss for the allies and Merlin's goals since ot would still be able to enforce its will on others, this time without the corruption to undermine its credibility.


Just because it is bad for our heroes doesn't mean it won't happen.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by n7axw   » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:19 pm

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SWM wrote:
n7axw wrote:Finally a "purified" COGA with its political power still intact would actually be a net loss for the allies and Merlin's goals since ot would still be able to enforce its will on others, this time without the corruption to undermine its credibility.


Just because it is bad for our heroes doesn't mean it won't happen.

Very true which is what makes the possibility worth being concerned about.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Merlin was careless?
Post by C. O. Thompson   » Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:57 pm

C. O. Thompson
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dwileye13 wrote:
Philip Stanley wrote:I don't know if this has been brought up before, but I think I've found a serious goof-up by Merlin in LaMA!
On pp. 328-340, acting in the persona of Dialydd Mab, Merlin attacks the barge carrying Vyktyr Tahrlsahn and Hahskyll Seagairs back to Zion, firing many shots and killing everyone aboard with his M96 Mahndrayn rifle and his two revolvers, both cartridge-firing weapons. In connection with this, he has occasion to reload all three weapons.
My question is this: did he police up his brass? There is no textev suggesting he did. Did he just leave the rifle magazine and all the loose brass cartridges lying around when he left?
Finding that magazine and those cartridges at the attack site would give the Temple armorers an enormous insight into the next generation of Charisian weapons, allowing them to duplicate them!
Why didn't he police his brass?
Philip Stanley

It is mentioned in a conversation I think, that they had found a campsite for a single individual but did not mention any thing special. aaaaaa sume Merlin is a competent sniper and secret keeper and it is no issue.

I agree... the story line mentioned the the evidence at the 'campsite' and I understood or presumed that Owl set the evidence as well as cleared up any that should not have been found
Just my 2 ₡ worth

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