Fox2! wrote:saber964 wrote:
Yes the Alaska's were considered large cruisers because they did not have some design features that cruisers have but not battleships. like the fact that they have only one rudder versus twin rudders for all modern US battleships.
The Alaskas only had 9x12/50s in their main battery. Another reason to think "whomping' big cruiser" rather than battlecruiser. BBs required at least 14s to open, preferably 15in/38cm, and much better with 16s. Or even 50cm. New build BCs, at least by Jackie Fisher's logic, should have been equivalent. As the Lexingtons would have been.
Depends on the era, during WWI BB's and BC's went upward in gun size.
USN 12in 14in to finally 16in guns.
RN 12in 13.5in and 15in with some designs receiving 16in and 18in.
IGN 11in 13in(?) 15in
Query what ship was ever built with 50cm guns. The only ship that comes even remotely close was the German H44 design study with 50cm/20in guns and the Japanese who had theoretical design for a 60cm gun. The largest guns ever put to sea was HMS Furious and Yamato class both with 46cm/18in guns. Also the German army of both world wars had very large railway guns.