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The Maya Crisis...

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Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by n7axw   » Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:36 pm

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munroburton wrote:
Annachie wrote:I think that the will activate it but not actually say anything. Just stop reporting to the league or sending them money.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

I concur. They'll stay under the covers as long as possible, carefully shaping their reports as to avoid extra forces being transferred in or current forces being recalled to deal with some crisis elsewhere in the League.

We readers know the Mandarins are prepared to go after any secessionists other than the Beowulfans with full force. Right now, the Maya Sector Detachment probably doesn't have enough firepower to stop something like the 600 SDs at Tasmania.

Therefore Governor Barregos should be waiting until he(and Erewhon) has at least 60 podlayers in commission and Battle Fleet has been whittled down below a thousand active wallers. And he will be if he doesn't want to end up owing the GA more favours than he has to(e.g. if he needs 100 or 200 GA SD(P)s to show up and save Maya from a SLN fleet).

Indeed, Barregos strikes me as being the sort of person who prefers being owed favours. Maya can collect a few of those by contributing to Manticoran rebuilding and offering a flag for "neutral" merchants to trade under(as well as 100% valid citizenship papers) and possibly as an intermediary between the GA and other potential breakaway sectors.

In return? Well, a discount on MWJ transit fees for several centuries would do nicely.

I'm not arguing here, but what is the basis for asserting that there are 600 SDs in Tasmania?

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by n7axw   » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:23 pm

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I guess I'm finding it a bit amusing that after I argued for this position and got hammered for it about a year plus ago, the consensus on the forum seems to be coming around to my point of view.

I've always thought that wormhole should have been regarded with suspicion because

*Verdant Vista was claimed by Mesa to start with and Verdant Vista's association with the genetic slave trade would mean that legitimate commercial traffic would tend to avoid the area.

*the attack by the State Sec renegades intending to wipe out the population on Torch which would have left nothing behin for anyone to defend or take an interest in.

*the disappearance of Harvest Joy.

I admit that any one of these things can be explained away, and frequently have. But I would also submit that taken together, there is sufficient cause for a suspicious intel agent to start asking questions and establishing precautions.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:37 pm

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Erls wrote:I think a competent intelligence analyst (and there are certainly a few of them between Torch, the SEM, and Haven) would view the wormhole as:

1- Only 1 known wormhole is impassable. The odds of this being the second is very unlikely. Beyond that, if it is impassable there is not further reason for us to examine it. Thus, we will conclude this view as incorrect and ignore it.

2- Assuming then that the wormhole is possible, there are 3 possible outcomes:[snip]
I'd think there's also an intermediate case you omitted where the wormhole is more dangerous or unusual than average; but not actually impassible. In that case Harvest Joy might have been destroyed even though a ship with better information / approach could transit successfully. (And the odd 'kick' reading they detected makes this feel more plausible)

That's more likely than a totally impassible wormhole, though presumably still less likely that your various case 2s.
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:37 pm

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Hutch wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:Even 4 SDs is probably overkill to secure the wormhole. You could make the cost of an opposed transit unacceptable high with just a 60-odd pods and something to provide fire control for them. In the vulnerable terminus lane that's enough to at least mission kill 30+ SDs; way more that it's worth paying to take Torch.

There is no "overkill". There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload. :evil: :o 8-)

I see the wormhole, or any unknown wormhole, as a risk analysis situation.

Yes, it's unlikely that there's an unknown hostile presence behind that wormhole. OTOH the probable damage if there is a hostile presence is quite high.
Matched against that the cost (upfront and ongoing) of defending against a hostile transit is fairly low - relative to the cost to secure the system.

So even before there was specific knowledge of the MAlign conspiracy it would have made sense to have dropped off some firepower to keep an eye on the terminus.

This cheap defense would really be effective only against a wormhole transit; you'd need a more expensive and robust defense to protect the wormhole from getting pounced through hyper. I'd say that a reasonable defensive level is enough firepower that it's "cheaper" for an attacker to come at you through hyper. Going much beyond that seems largely a waste.

In this case, it's not costing Torch a dime; everybody else is providing the ships (oh, I image a division of their frigates will be out there).

We shall see, eventually. I suspect that the MWW didn't set that up and get the Harvest Joy blown up (and more importantly, spared Drs. Kare and Wix) for nothing.

Sure, if Torch can get others to provide the defense gratis then got as (non)-overkill as they're willing to.

But if Torch did have to provide defense out of it's own military resources then they have to balance wormhole defense against system defense.
(And in that scenario it's nice that you can get quite a lot of wormhole defense for only a modest allocation of your overall system defense assets)
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by SWM   » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:08 pm

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Erls wrote:I think a competent intelligence analyst (and there are certainly a few of them between Torch, the SEM, and Haven) would view the wormhole as:

1- Only 1 known wormhole is impassable. The odds of this being the second is very unlikely. Beyond that, if it is impassable there is not further reason for us to examine it. Thus, we will conclude this view as incorrect and ignore it.

This is faulty logic. The correct analysis is: One wormhole is already known to be impassable. The odds that we have already discovered the only impassable wormhole are negligible, therefore we can be certain that there are more impassable wormholes. Given that there are impassable wormholes, there is some probability X that any given wormhole is impassable. Every time we explore a new wormhole, there X probability that it is impassable, all other things being equal. The possibility that any given newly discovered wormhole is impassable can never be ignored, because we know there are impassable wormholes. We cannot currently predict which wormholes will be impassable. We do not know how common impassable wormholes are. For all we know, we may have been lucky to have found only one impassable wormhole so far.

Conclusion: if a ship does not return from a wormhole exploration, an impassable wormhole must be considered a high probability.
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Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by SWM   » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:12 pm

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n7axw wrote:I guess I'm finding it a bit amusing that after I argued for this position and got hammered for it about a year plus ago, the consensus on the forum seems to be coming around to my point of view.

I think you are misremembering the response to your argument before. Your point of view back then is that people should have already suspected nefarious deeds in the disappearance of the Harvest Joy. Most people did not say that suspicion was impossible; what people said was that it was perfectly plausible for people to not suspect.

What several people are saying here is that, now that people know about the existence of the Mesan Alignment and have more evidence of their methods and intentions, it is plausible for a paranoid person (of which we can name three or four) to rethink the Wormhole again. This is not really a change of opinion.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by Somtaaw   » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:40 am

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Jonathan_S wrote:Sure, if Torch can get others to provide the defense gratis then got as (non)-overkill as they're willing to.

But if Torch did have to provide defense out of it's own military resources then they have to balance wormhole defense against system defense.
(And in that scenario it's nice that you can get quite a lot of wormhole defense for only a modest allocation of your overall system defense assets)

Well these small wormholes are outside the hyper limit (if only barely), so any task force you have stationed nearby the Torch wormhole could pop up into hyper, and then translate back down behind an incoming attack force.

Compared to the Manticore Junction with its multiple termini, Torch has a relatively small Resonance Zone, and such micro-jumps become far more viable. And they do have those ex-StateSec battlecruisers and heavy cruisers now, so those units would be prime to station as a possible wormhole, but microjump reserve.
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by Fox2!   » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:51 am


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There is no "overkill". There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload. :evil: :o 8-)

As we said in SAC, "Overkill is just right."
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by Hutch   » Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:53 am

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Fox2! wrote:
Hutch wrote:There is no "overkill". There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload. :evil: :o 8-)

As we said in SAC, "Overkill is just right."

That quote of mine comes from the "Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries", part of the webcomic "Schlock Mercenary". Other Maxims can be found here: ... ercenaries

There's some good ones there that apply to the Honorverse too, like "That which does not kill you has made a tactical error." or "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a big gun."
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5
Re: The Maya Crisis...
Post by n7axw   » Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:14 am

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SWM wrote:
n7axw wrote:I guess I'm finding it a bit amusing that after I argued for this position and got hammered for it about a year plus ago, the consensus on the forum seems to be coming around to my point of view.

I think you are misremembering the response to your argument before. Your point of view back then is that people should have already suspected nefarious deeds in the disappearance of the Harvest Joy. Most people did not say that suspicion was impossible; what people said was that it was perfectly plausible for people to not suspect.

What several people are saying here is that, now that people know about the existence of the Mesan Alignment and have more evidence of their methods and intentions, it is plausible for a paranoid person (of which we can name three or four) to rethink the Wormhole again. This is not really a change of opinion.

It may well be that I didn't explain myself sufficiently then. But I never intended Harvest Joy's disappearance as the only factor triguring suspicion, then or now. While I am not going to go through the effort to dig that out, it was one of several factors cited...a point of view which for me remains unchanged.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.

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