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What ship?

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What ship?
Post by Dauntless   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:25 am

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You are a Capitan of the List in the RMN and because you are owed a favour by the fifth space lord you can have your pick of a ship. What ship would you choose? (i'm talking general class, not specific model, though you can specify that as well if you like)

I would probably choose a heavy Cruiser. CA's are often the ship of choice for interdependent commands. They are big enough to fight anything smaller then a BC (assuming its a modern BC) if i end up in a fight but small enough to move quickly if needed.

They (to me) just sound more fun.

Second choice would be Battlecruiser, most of the same benefits as the CA but less likely to be sent off alone, so odds are i'll have someone looking over my shoulder. still a BC is likely to get more interesting (in the Chinese sense of the word) missions assuming i'm not tied up escorting an SD
Re: What ship?
Post by Belial666   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:40 am


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A mobile repair / depot ship.

What? I like the tech stuff more than the tactical.
Re: What ship?
Post by Hutch   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:49 am

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Invictus-class SD(P). I'm a big, rather ponderous guy, and the ship suits my profile...
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Re: What ship?
Post by Dauntless   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:29 am

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Belial666 wrote:A mobile repair / depot ship.

What? I like the tech stuff more than the tactical.

fair enough. though, i've always wondered if captain of said ship actually has time to play with his spanners and assorted other toys.
Re: What ship?
Post by HB of CJ   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:19 am

HB of CJ
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Maybe not a ship. I would consider passing it all forward. Perhaps a tour of the Island as an instructor? If not a ship, I for one would consider how I could best help the Navy, thus the Throne, thus the tax payers and citizens. Silly old me. But ... since sometimes I can be very egocentric, maybe a nice soft staff job on or around the planet of Montana. Hee Haw! HB :)
Re: What ship?
Post by munroburton   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:46 am


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BC(L) - kind of a cheat, as there's only one kind so far, but failing that, a regular BC would do. This is supposed to be the battlecruiser-mania navy, after all!

Granted, choosing between a Reliant IV and a Sag-C would be quite difficult.

I suppose in the final analysis, it depends what kind of enemy I'm to be fighting. Don't bring battlecruisers to a waller fight. :P
Re: What ship?
Post by Somtaaw   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:16 pm

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munroburton wrote:I suppose in the final analysis, it depends what kind of enemy I'm to be fighting. Don't bring battlecruisers to a waller fight. :P

Tourville did, during Icarus.

Pre-Buttercup, I'd have been just like Honor, and hungered for a battlecruiser command. I've always favored slightly faster, powerful units than full up capital ships. And in Honorverse, the BC is the largest unit that ever gets detached duty, anything bigger and you're spending a lot of time waiting for a flag officer to give orders.

Post-Buttercup through to post-BoMa, and same scenario of having just enough influence/favor to pull a command of my choice? I'd want to skipper either a Sag-C, or a CLAC.
Re: What ship?
Post by MobiusCipher   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:19 pm


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munroburton wrote:BC(L) - kind of a cheat, as there's only one kind so far, but failing that, a regular BC would do. This is supposed to be the battlecruiser-mania navy, after all!

Granted, choosing between a Reliant IV and a Sag-C would be quite difficult.

I suppose in the final analysis, it depends what kind of enemy I'm to be fighting. Don't bring battlecruisers to a waller fight. :P

Uh stupid question... what is a BC(L)? I know what a BC(P) is but never heard of that.
Oh, and personally, I would go with a SD(P), because I would want to be in as hard to kill as possible a platform.
Re: What ship?
Post by Somtaaw   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:28 pm

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MobiusCipher wrote:
munroburton wrote:BC(L) - kind of a cheat, as there's only one kind so far, but failing that, a regular BC would do. This is supposed to be the battlecruiser-mania navy, after all!

Granted, choosing between a Reliant IV and a Sag-C would be quite difficult.

I suppose in the final analysis, it depends what kind of enemy I'm to be fighting. Don't bring battlecruisers to a waller fight. :P

Uh stupid question... what is a BC(L)? I know what a BC(P) is but never heard of that.
Oh, and personally, I would go with a SD(P), because I would want to be in as hard to kill as possible a platform.

BC(L) is the forum term we use, for the Nike-class. Those big-assed battlecruisers that are 2.5 million tons, the first one commanded by Oversteegen I believe.

And according to the wiki, there are 11 known BCL Nike-class in existance. So it's possible to swing a command of one of those, but you'd need one helluva favor from the Fifth Space Lord to swing it.
Re: What ship?
Post by Dauntless   » Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:00 pm

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that wiki must be out of date as michelle henke had 2 squadrons of 8 when she deployed to talbott. not to mention Oversteegen appearing later with a 3rd squadron. none of those 24 were the class leader (HMS Nike herself) as far as i know.

so as min there must 25 floating about the galaxy somewhere.

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