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Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 1073
Soctty has done well for himself since that intial cruise out to bassilisk, aside from his customs work he's had comands on a number of Lac wings and now this Sag-C cruiser.
where does he go from here? Command of a LAC carrier? Promotion to flag rank and a division/squadron of LAC carriers? Command of another non LAC ship but bigger like a BC (l) Fearless or an SD? few admirals will be as closely aware of what happens on an LAC deck as he would so flag rank and squadron of LAC carriers seems logical, but with more non-lac time he could then be given a SD(P) squadron (eventually a fleet?) and he would be able to see and plan from both sides of the fence. There would be a huge amount of support from the LAC wings for an admiral who has been there on and knows exactly how things look from a LAC's Bridge. thoughts/comments? |
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 129
I'm thinking either a staff position, maybe as the Admirals resident expert on all things LAC, command of a larger non-LAC ship, or possibly an assignment on the beach somewhere. Maybe as an instructor at Saganami Island or BuShips. Manticore has had a tradition of moving officers around so they have experience in all things Navy. |
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 2379
Scott's already put in some staff time, as electronics officer for Commodore Harrington's cruiser squadron, even if that assignment did go somewhat astray. And staff duty, whilst an useful experience for any prospective RMN flag officer, is not essential - Honor for instance didn't land any staff duty. Careerwise, Scotty's probably where Honor was around the start of HotQ - a battle seasoned senior captain in a heavy cruiser. Theoretically, he could be where he is for five years, especially with the slight issue that the RMN isn't going to be expanding for a while(no new squadrons, no new flag officer billets) getting in the way. That means he could end up virtually anywhere - BCs, CLACs, SD(P)s, fleet COLAC, or a squadron of cruisers. With his experience in Cerberus using Haven-built vessels, he might be amongst the first to command GA hybrid vessels. |
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 1608
Of course, at present plot speeds, poor Cap'n Tremaine will get no rest for the weary. But in an ordinary Honorverse... I think we could use him for about a year as...
Yep, advanced tactical instructor at Saganami Island. Kicking the uppity butts of all the tactical whiz kids coming up for a while and gaming out tactical variants for the new toys coming out of the Foraker / Hemphill alliance. Prolly getting his own uppity butt kicked by the unholy duo of Harrington and Andrea J. occasionally in the process. HHAH does need something to keep her from chewing on the bulkheads before the Big Finish, after all. What I'd REALLY like out of this story line would be the "next gen" cruiser designs we're all dying to see. ---------------------
All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all |
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 2423
You have to look at his current assignment for an idea of where he's going next. The powers-that-be often map out the future of an officer. Scotty is currently CO of CruDiv 96.1. Most likely Scotty was being tapped to command CruRon 96 in the near future, but the Yawata strike derailed those plans. Officers assigned to out of the way areas are often sent out 'early' to get a lay of the land. Look at ADM Henke as an example, she was first given command as a VADM in what was nominally a RADM command with the expectation of her assuming command of 10th Fleet when the rest of the assigned units were sent forward months later. IIRC Mike was sent out with BatCruRon 106 then about 6 T-months later CruRon 94 and DesRon 301 were sent out to Spindle then roughly 6 T-months after that BatCruRon 108 arrived and then 10th Fleet was formally activated. |
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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HB of CJ
Posts: 707
He also needs to pass it forward. How about one tour at the Island? Teaching. Then perhaps a nice plump new BC command? Then maybe a CLAC division command? Then another staff slot. Then finally a CLAC squadron command and his first star?
All possible. I hope the character does NOT get killed off. Just me. Respectfully. HB of CJ (old coot) Post Captain. I can see him in command of a new CLAC squadron under HH when they visit Old Earth for a cup of hot chocklate. Forum running wierd indeed. |
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 5997
I think it's interesting that Scotty's first gig as post captain is squadron level command which basicly means acting commodore's hat along with command of his very own Sag-C. The Admiralty is obviously pushing him toward flag rank in a hurry. He is going to need a bit more seasoning before he actually gets that Commodore's beret. I wouldn't be surprised to see him with another appointment to squadron level command as a sr captain, but this time with an opportunity to operate independently rather than under the sheltering wing of Terekov/Henke. There is going to be opportunity for that coming up with the current situation in the League.
Don When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 1368
I suspect he's right about where he needs to be for the next few years. Command of a division of Saganami Cs is a perfect finishing school for his future career. He'll need the independent command experience that will be needed in the new and changing Honorverse. Anti-commerce raider patrols in the Quadrant and Madras sector will be a potentially harsher proving ground than Silesia was for Rafe and Honor in their early careers.
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 1073
I thinking that is unlikely. if he gets another cruiser command it'll either be captain of a BC or commordore of a squadron and the new cruisers are theoretically replacing CL and DD which don't stay together as a squadron much, Niomi Kaplan's is an exception the rule. |
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Re: Scotty's New commands | |
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Posts: 2074
For "ticket-punching" purposes, or just giving a future flag officer a broad range of experiences, it'd be useful for him to command a SD(P) or division thereof.
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