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Rolling Cannon Balls Across The Deck In The Honorverse ...

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Re: Rolling Cannon Balls Across The Deck In The Honorverse .
Post by Weird Harold   » Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:47 pm

Weird Harold
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JeffEngel wrote:... [Elvis Santino was] a moral coward willing to lose them all rather than look bad. My hat is off to her.

Santino wasn't willing to "lose them all" because he didn't expect his forces to be utterly destroyed. His intention was to do some damage in a passing engagement at maximum range with the vast majority of his forces, (including his own precious backside,) escaping with only minor damage. His ONLY priority was not being seen as a coward for surrendering the system without at least token resistance. By the standards of any previous action against the PRN/RHN, his intentions and results should have matched fairly closely.

Given the difference between past experience and the unknown current reality, I don't find it at all unrealistic that his subordinate commanders accepted his "plan" without dissent.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Rolling Cannon Balls Across The Deck In The Honorverse .
Post by HB of CJ   » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:12 am

HB of CJ
Captain of the List

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Excellent answers everybody and thank you. The free beer is on me. How in the world did they screw up so bad as to promote me? That I do not know. HB of CJ (oldest coot) POST CAPTAIN! I love this Excellent Forum. No spell check with Lenix Mint 17 Mozilla Firefox and this Forum. My house cleaner hid all the dictionaries which I can not use anyhow because the font is too darn small. Yikes! :)

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