SharkHunter wrote:Known items. (1) Even back in HotQ the fusion reactors were kept operating while in the grav wave, so some power/bunkarage consumption was taking place -- but I'd think a fission core could manage it at fractional max-speeds in a given hyper band, and (2) what I am referring to as "afterburners" is really my way of saying that "maximum power" from a fission driven power plant isn't nearly enough" to accelerate and/or drive the ship under battle conditions.
(1) It is possible for a ship to completely turn off it's generator while running under sail in a grav wave. (2) Maximum power from a fission plant is not nearly enough to accelerate and/or drive a warship under non-battle conditions, too. Forget it--a fission generator is not enough for a destroyer.
Really the bigger issue is that the ship has to get to and outside the hyper limit with sufficient time to dropping back to .3C without getting trapped.
Ships almost never have to "drop back to .3C" because they almost never reach 0.3 c. To get up to .3c requires accelerating for much longer than crossing the entire sphere of the hyper limit.