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A certain RMN Officer...

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Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by Dafmeister   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:45 am


Posts: 754
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Top wrote:How old is Shannon Foraker?

THAT would be a VERY interesting couple! 8-)

Oh God, don't even think it. If Shannon ends up with anyone but Sonja Hemphill, roseandheather will never let us hear the end of it.
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by SharkHunter   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:30 am

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Dauntless wrote:Naomi and Scotty!? now that would be a scary pair, with harkness and terekhov in the background to push it along
Other than Shannon and Scotty, who have already met, I kinda like this one. Picture this:

"We respectully submit that it it's in your best interests to turn over Ms. Anismova, MAlign scum. I was trained by Honor Harrington, and you've sorta pissed me off. My wife here, though, she was trained by Aivars Terekhov and lost shipmates at New Tuscany. You really really don't want me to tell her that it's okay for her to play with all of her toys, right now, do you?"

Kaplan smiles beautifically, twitches a little bit. Like a "treecat unsheathing claws" sort of twitch.

Chain of command /Article 119(?) problem though: they're both in 10th Fleet.

[edit getting the article # corrected]
Last edited by SharkHunter on Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by Dafmeister   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:21 pm


Posts: 754
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SharkHunter wrote:Other than Shannon and Scotty, who have already met, I kinda like this one. Picture this:

"We respectully submit that it it's in your best interests to turn over Ms. Anismova, MAlign scum. I was trained by Honor Harrington, and you've sorta pissed me off. My wife here, though, she was trained by Aivars Terekhov and lost shipmates at New Tuscany. You really really don't want me to tell her that it's okay for her to play with all of her toys, right now, do you?"

Kaplan smiles beautifically, twitches a little bit. Like a treecat unsheathing claws sort of twitch.

Chain of command /Article 19(?) problem though: they're both in 10th Fleet.

I don't think Article 19 would be an issue. They're both in 10th Fleet, but neither is subordinate to the other (unless Naomi's ship was attached to Scotty's division). At the moment their position is no different to Helen and Paolo's on Hexapuma.

Edit - It's Article 119 that concerns social relations between an officer and a direct subordinate. Article 19 is conspiracy to desert - the one Stielman's happy band of thugs was arrested under in Honor Among Enemies.
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by roseandheather   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:20 pm


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Dafmeister wrote:
Top wrote:How old is Shannon Foraker?

THAT would be a VERY interesting couple! 8-)

Oh God, don't even think it. If Shannon ends up with anyone but Sonja Hemphill, roseandheather will never let us hear the end of it.

I see I've made an impression. :twisted:


I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
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Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by saber964   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:44 pm


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Dafmeister wrote:Andrea Jaruwalski's single so far as we know, isn't she? Or there's Naomi Kaplan, assuming she decides it's time to settle down.

IIRC Naomi already has a main squeeze. She was having an exciting evening in SoS with Alf San Felipe on Hephestus station.
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by roseandheather   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:59 pm


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Dafmeister wrote:Andrea Jaruwalski's single so far as we know, isn't she? Or there's Naomi Kaplan, assuming she decides it's time to settle down.

My preferred pairing for Andrea is Andrea Jaruwalski/Lifelong Happiness, so I'm all in favor of this!

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by Dauntless   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:04 pm

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saber964 wrote:
IIRC Naomi already has a main squeeze. She was having an exciting evening in SoS with Alf San Felipe on Hephestus station.

but did he survive the destruction of the station? or was he ship based and his ship was in for refit just before Hexapuma deployed to the talbot.

not enough info to answer as far as i'm aware
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by exiledtoIA   » Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:13 pm

Lieutenant Commander

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How about Susan Hibson?
After all he has Sir Horace's example that mixed marriages do work.

SharkHunter wrote:Sddly, we've neglected our unofficial duties on the forum for way too long. Our own expert seems to not have as many opportunities for romantic fun lately [I hereby give her permission to grade/judge our offerings]s o...

... A certain RMN Officer has been single and eligible WAY too long. Gotta get that "boy" attached to some delightful and worthwhile female, near term. Goes by the name of Captain Prescott Tremaine*...

Qualified applicants may apply. Y'all up to the task of being Scotty's matchmakers?

... and... go!

[*later: same game with other characters...]
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by SharkHunter   » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:19 am

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exiledtoIA wrote:How about Susan Hibson?
After all he has Sir Horace's example that mixed marriages do work.

SharkHunter wrote:Sddly, we've neglected our unofficial duties on the forum for way too long. Our own expert seems to not have as many opportunities for romantic fun lately [I hereby give her permission to grade/judge our offerings]s o...

... A certain RMN Officer has been single and eligible WAY too long. Gotta get that "boy" attached to some delightful and worthwhile female, near term. Goes by the name of Captain Prescott Tremaine*...

Qualified applicants may apply. Y'all up to the task of being Scotty's matchmakers?

... and... go!

[*later: same game with other characters...]

I was thinking that for quite a while until I realized that Susan is an amount older than Scotty, though in a prolong society that likely matters diddly squat. She might look at him like a "younger kid brother growing up and doing well", which is worse than being friend zoned.
All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all
Re: A certain RMN Officer...
Post by JeffEngel   » Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:28 am


Posts: 2074
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Dauntless wrote:
saber964 wrote:
IIRC Naomi already has a main squeeze. She was having an exciting evening in SoS with Alf San Felipe on Hephestus station.

but did he survive the destruction of the station? or was he ship based and his ship was in for refit just before Hexapuma deployed to the talbot.

not enough info to answer as far as i'm aware

Yeah, he was at least in more danger than many people based on what we know. But beyond that, we don't know that she was all that attached to him on a long-term basis. She seems, with all the cat-like references and fear/attraction inspired in men, not at all in a settling-down habit so far.

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