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Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!

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Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by Relax   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:35 pm

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Where Tsang came from, or where exactly the bases are is irrelevant pretty much.

Why? We know close enough, they are IN the core. Might be a couple in the old shell. Beowulf is ~60 light years from Sol. One week dispatch boat transit. Core "extends out from Sol about 100LY. So, every BF base is within 160LY from Beowulf, and over half are under 80LY from Beowulf or thereabouts.

So, 2000 SLN SD's are all within the core. 1000 are within 80LY or roughly less than 2 weeks time transit. Add dispatch boat orders from earth and we are looking at a loop time of roughly 3-4weeks for over 1000 SLN SD's. For all 2000 we are looking at roughly twice this time period. Two months.

Plenty of SLN SD's are very close to Beowulf. 1000>>36
Tally Ho!
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by Somtaaw   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:30 am

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roseandheather wrote:
OrlandoNative wrote:Actually, the exact definition of "treason" tends to depend on the current government.

One could argue that Thiesman and Pritchart committed "treason"; but against just whom or what? If you look at the old Legislaturist government, Pritchart might have, but not Thiesman. If you look at Pierre's government, then both. If you look at the current government of the Republic, then obviously they didn't, if only because they're the ones actually *running* it.

Treason committed against some previous government only continues to be so if the current government considers it the same way.

A rebellion becomes a revolution when it succeeds.

But I think you are all missing a critical point here. Everything Tom and Eloise did was internal. Rebellion, yes; revolution, yes; but against the government, not the nation. They were fighting for the preservation of Haven, and while they did in fact conduct personal violence against members of its government, it was never violence against the nation itself.

Warner and Alfredo, in contrast, took up active service in a navy directly involved in active hostilities against Haven. Yes, they both had every reason in the world to do so, when all other choices had been ripped out of their hands. Yes, I believe Eloise understands precisely why they did it, and in fact is well aware that she owes a large part of the Grand Alliance to their actions. Does she understand it? Of course. Does she sympathise with them? Of course. Does she forgive them? Almost certainly.

But the inescapable fact is that Warner Caslet and Alfredo Yu engaged in active military hostilities as part of another nation's navy when that nation was in a state of war against the nation they had sworn to serve. And as President, Eloise can't pardon them. She simply can't. Because to do so would be to admit that such actions were not the very definition of treason, when, in fact, they are.

I love Warner. I love Alfredo. I love Eloise, and Tom, and even broken, battered, slowly healing Haven. But Alfredo's and Warner's situation is very different from those who pulled off the Theisman Coup, and cold political reality states that pardoning them would be an irretrievable sanction of something that no head of state could possibly afford to sanction.

Some good points, but also there's a LOT of Legislaturalist admirals who turned coat. And we know from Hamish, that some (maybe even most) didn't hold back when they spoke to ONI, saying they (the Legislaturalist Admirals) didn't believe the Navy did Pierre's revolt.

By extension, they probably turned State's Evidence on hardware too, which is treason because it's giving tactical information to the enemy in time of war. That's just as bad, as actively taking up arms against your nation, but they're being pardoned in the Haven/Manticore agreements.

So, I think it really could go either way if Grayson edges into the main agreements. And since Grayson is the only allied power from the Anti-Haven Alliance, that's still in the new Grand Alliance, then they could get the same agreements.

Heck, Manticore might ante it up, since it's Willie Alexander as PM, not High Ridge.
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by Brigade XO   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:51 am

Brigade XO
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So, where are the FF logistic nodes and actual bases? We have no information about ship building or even ship repair at Meyers though it was the seat of the OFS Commissioner, a surface base for the Interdiction Battalions.
Could it really be that FF has to cycle ships back deeper to the Core to have serious work and maintenance done?
No mentions of repair ships for FF. No Technodyme subsidiary yards doing refits. Monica had yards and repair facilities by they were not (as best I can remember) a FF base, that would have been a challange when the "scrapped" BCs showed up to be refitted for the Monican Navy.
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by OrlandoNative   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:16 am

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Relax wrote:Where Tsang came from, or where exactly the bases are is irrelevant pretty much.

Why? We know close enough, they are IN the core. Might be a couple in the old shell. Beowulf is ~60 light years from Sol. One week dispatch boat transit. Core "extends out from Sol about 100LY. So, every BF base is within 160LY from Beowulf, and over half are under 80LY from Beowulf or thereabouts.

So, 2000 SLN SD's are all within the core. 1000 are within 80LY or roughly less than 2 weeks time transit. Add dispatch boat orders from earth and we are looking at a loop time of roughly 3-4weeks for over 1000 SLN SD's. For all 2000 we are looking at roughly twice this time period. Two months.

Plenty of SLN SD's are very close to Beowulf. 1000>>36

It's never said *all* SD's are within the core. The shell is also full League territory, and probably has some SD's and BF bases scattered through it as well; though near the outer periphery the bases are probably actually FF bases. The occasional BF task force could no doubt stop by for supplies. Almost certainly "more than a couple"; since the expanse of the shell is much vaster than that of the core. It has to be, since it *surrounds* the core. The area of a circle (though the SL is probably more like an ellipse/ovoid of some sort rather than a circle); increases as the *square* of the radius, not linearly. A sphere would be similar. So logic would suggest that there are probably even more BF *bases* in the shell than the core. Just probably not as big, since they likely concentrate on support rather than construction. What was noted was that no group of 50+ SD's *together* had been accumulated outside the core for several t-centuries. If, as I speculated earlier, the SLN had more of a "task force" than "fleet" mentality (due to only having faced small threats here to date), and each "task force" being 20-25 wallers at most, then it would fit perfectly with the "no group of 50+ outside the core" statement above.

As for sending *all* the SD's to Beowulf, the probability is near zero. While the Beowulf terminus might be the most *direct* highway of attack from Manticore into the SL, it's certainly not the *only* one. Indeed, there's a lot to be said in not choosing the obvious route. The Manties could just as easily attack from Talbot. Or backtrack Filereta's path taking out the support bases he used along the way.

Also, there's the Manty detachment at the Beowulf terminus. Given the results of the 2nd battle of Manticore, I'm not sure the SLN would want to take the chance of facing off against Manty SD's no matter what kind of numerical advantage they had.
"Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again."
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by OrlandoNative   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:22 am

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Brigade XO wrote:So, where are the FF logistic nodes and actual bases? We have no information about ship building or even ship repair at Meyers though it was the seat of the OFS Commissioner, a surface base for the Interdiction Battalions.
Could it really be that FF has to cycle ships back deeper to the Core to have serious work and maintenance done?
No mentions of repair ships for FF. No Technodyme subsidiary yards doing refits. Monica had yards and repair facilities by they were not (as best I can remember) a FF base, that would have been a challange when the "scrapped" BCs showed up to be refitted for the Monican Navy.

We know the system does have space based infrastructure, however. I doubt most of the sector capital systems have warship *building* capability - after all, to be useful it would have to be up to SLN standards, and these are OFS "protectorate" systems, not full League members. If, by some chance, there was a successful rebellion, the last thing one would want would be for the rebels to possibly get a complete shipyard as well. However, it would only take one space station somewhere in the system (possibly near an asteroid belt?) to handle routine maintenance.

Since no battle damaged ships escaped to make their way to Meyers, there'd really be no reason to catalog the entire system's space based infrastructure. But we know Thurgood's battle cruiser squadrons were based there, and they would require at least *some* servicing ability. Ships sent off (especially for relatively minor repair) aren't very useful if something happens and you need them...

As for Monica, it was not a League member. I don't think it was even an OFS protectorate, though it obviously had some OFS *contact*. So Technodyne doing what it did wouldn't have come to the recognizance of anyone in the SLN (in this case the FF portion) unless some SLN ships paid a courtesy "port call" unexpectedly.
"Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again."
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by munroburton   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:28 pm


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OrlandoNative wrote:
Relax wrote:Where Tsang came from, or where exactly the bases are is irrelevant pretty much.

Why? We know close enough, they are IN the core. Might be a couple in the old shell. Beowulf is ~60 light years from Sol. One week dispatch boat transit. Core "extends out from Sol about 100LY. So, every BF base is within 160LY from Beowulf, and over half are under 80LY from Beowulf or thereabouts.

So, 2000 SLN SD's are all within the core. 1000 are within 80LY or roughly less than 2 weeks time transit. Add dispatch boat orders from earth and we are looking at a loop time of roughly 3-4weeks for over 1000 SLN SD's. For all 2000 we are looking at roughly twice this time period. Two months.

Plenty of SLN SD's are very close to Beowulf. 1000>>36

It's never said *all* SD's are within the core. The shell is also full League territory, and probably has some SD's and BF bases scattered through it as well; though near the outer periphery the bases are probably actually FF bases. The occasional BF task force could no doubt stop by for supplies. Almost certainly "more than a couple"; since the expanse of the shell is much vaster than that of the core. It has to be, since it *surrounds* the core. The area of a circle (though the SL is probably more like an ellipse/ovoid of some sort rather than a circle); increases as the *square* of the radius, not linearly. A sphere would be similar. So logic would suggest that there are probably even more BF *bases* in the shell than the core. Just probably not as big, since they likely concentrate on support rather than construction. What was noted was that no group of 50+ SD's *together* had been accumulated outside the core for several t-centuries. If, as I speculated earlier, the SLN had more of a "task force" than "fleet" mentality (due to only having faced small threats here to date), and each "task force" being 20-25 wallers at most, then it would fit perfectly with the "no group of 50+ outside the core" statement above.

As for sending *all* the SD's to Beowulf, the probability is near zero. While the Beowulf terminus might be the most *direct* highway of attack from Manticore into the SL, it's certainly not the *only* one. Indeed, there's a lot to be said in not choosing the obvious route. The Manties could just as easily attack from Talbot. Or backtrack Filereta's path taking out the support bases he used along the way.

Also, there's the Manty detachment at the Beowulf terminus. Given the results of the 2nd battle of Manticore, I'm not sure the SLN would want to take the chance of facing off against Manty SD's no matter what kind of numerical advantage they had.

Crandall's Task Force 496 had 71 SDs. Tsang's Task Force 11.6 had 100. Textev is that the last major engagement the SLN fought(before Spindle) was Farley's Crossing, which involved less than a dozen wallers, though there were 160 SLN ships in total battling about 500 opponents. That engagement was about 200 years in the past, so those wallers might even have been battleships. Crandall's training exercise was the first since 1831 PD when more than a squadron of wallers left the Old League.

When stopping at Frontier Fleet bases outside of the core, where exactly were those Battle Fleet squadrons of yours going to? And what were they planning to do when they got there?
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by OrlandoNative   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:30 pm

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munroburton wrote:
OrlandoNative wrote:It's never said *all* SD's are within the core. The shell is also full League territory, and probably has some SD's and BF bases scattered through it as well; though near the outer periphery the bases are probably actually FF bases. The occasional BF task force could no doubt stop by for supplies. Almost certainly "more than a couple"; since the expanse of the shell is much vaster than that of the core. It has to be, since it *surrounds* the core. The area of a circle (though the SL is probably more like an ellipse/ovoid of some sort rather than a circle); increases as the *square* of the radius, not linearly. A sphere would be similar. So logic would suggest that there are probably even more BF *bases* in the shell than the core. Just probably not as big, since they likely concentrate on support rather than construction. What was noted was that no group of 50+ SD's *together* had been accumulated outside the core for several t-centuries. If, as I speculated earlier, the SLN had more of a "task force" than "fleet" mentality (due to only having faced small threats here to date), and each "task force" being 20-25 wallers at most, then it would fit perfectly with the "no group of 50+ outside the core" statement above.

As for sending *all* the SD's to Beowulf, the probability is near zero. While the Beowulf terminus might be the most *direct* highway of attack from Manticore into the SL, it's certainly not the *only* one. Indeed, there's a lot to be said in not choosing the obvious route. The Manties could just as easily attack from Talbot. Or backtrack Filereta's path taking out the support bases he used along the way.

Also, there's the Manty detachment at the Beowulf terminus. Given the results of the 2nd battle of Manticore, I'm not sure the SLN would want to take the chance of facing off against Manty SD's no matter what kind of numerical advantage they had.

Crandall's Task Force 496 had 71 SDs. Tsang's Task Force 11.6 had 100. Textev is that the last major engagement the SLN fought(before Spindle) was Farley's Crossing, which involved less than a dozen wallers, though there were 160 SLN ships in total battling about 500 opponents. That engagement was about 200 years in the past, so those wallers might even have been battleships. Crandall's training exercise was the first since 1831 PD when more than a squadron of wallers left the Old League.

When stopping at Frontier Fleet bases outside of the core, where exactly were those Battle Fleet squadrons of yours going to? And what were they planning to do when they got there?

I think they used to call it "showing the flag".

In any case, why are you assuming they were going to "do" anything? We have naval task groups scattered around the world, but none of them are necessarily doing anything of significance all the time. They're there in case they're needed. They train. They make the locals aware an eye is being kept on them. Lots of things, but not necessarily war related.

In any case, like I said, and you apparently overlooked, I doubt *all* the bases outside the core are FF. I would think that the inner and middle shell bases would be BF bases as well. Only bases in the outer shell and the verge would likely be FF. BF units might occasionally stop by a FF base in the shell if it were on their path, but I doubt they'd stray into the verge except for something like Crandall's exercise, and we already know how rare something like that was.

I would guess the BF bases in the core are mostly construction and mothball locations - it would make sense to have those two functions combined (since units coming out of mothball would likely need some serious refits), and we know there were more mothball sites than just the one near Mars. If so, it would be crowded enough there to keep ships *not* needing major service elsewhere.

As for the numbers of units under Crandall's and Tsang's commands, you have to remember that those forces were set up for specific reasons; so it's likely that the counts weren't the *normal* number of ships each usually commanded. Crandall's was to test endurance of a major fleet away from it's normal basing infrastructure. More ships mean more problems. It's very likely that several smaller task forces were assembled into one larger one just for the test.

Tsang's group was supposed to reinforce and aid Filereta in the attack on Manticore. With possible resistance from Beowulf, and the Junction fortifications, sending a small number of units wouldn't have much chance of even getting through, much less affecting the battle outcome. You'd need a significant number just to have a chance. So it's likely her group was composed of several smaller forces joined together for the exercise. She was probably just the most senior officer.

Remember, we don't even get a bit of the organizational breakdown of Tsang's fleet, and we don't as far as Crandall's either until she's killed and O'Keeley surrenders the survivors in her place. It's quite possible the ships under O'Keeley's direct command were originally a task force of their own, prior to the commencement of the test exercise.
"Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again."
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by Relax   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:46 pm

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We know the BF bases are based either entirely or nearly so from the Final War. At that time, the SL did not exist and neither did the Shell except as colonies outside the Final Wars influence. Then FF came about to "Help" the Shell and now 700 years later, the protectorates. I would expect major FF depots to be in the Shell.
Tally Ho!
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by stewart   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:22 pm

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roseandheather wrote:
George J. Smith wrote:snipped

--Eloise and Emperess Elizabeth are going to forge even closer ties between Haven and Manticore, by giving citizenship in one polity the same recognition in the other (i.e., if a Manticorian moves to a Havenite system, he will be treated the same as if he was a Havenite, and visa versa for Havenites in the SEM.

Alfredo and Warner will be able to return to Haven without a death sentence hanging over their heads.

I would just like to point out one minor snag in this plan.

This snag is that Grayson, despite all outward appearances, is not really an appendage of Manticore.

It is its own sovereign nation, not subject to Manticore's decree. And I suspect that Grayson, with its inherent conservatism and, to an extent, provincialism, would hesitate to involve itself in a diplomatic move of this magnitude.

I could, however, very easily see an EU-style 'reciprocal relationship' forming between Grayson and Haven, in particular because of those two individuals you named, as well as the rest of the Elysian Space Navy.

That said, I very much doubt Warner or Alfredo would ever be pardoned. I elaborated on this in an earlier thread, but, however much she might wish to, Eloise can't pardon them. They did commit treason, and as a head of state, she cannot risk giving treason legitimacy.

With all that gloom and doom out of the way, however -- look at them just look at them they've found each other at last!!!


Alfredo Yu and Warner Caslet are both now Grayson citizens, and Caslet is likely a Harrington Steading resident.
As noted in previous threads, Yu had not committed treason but requested asylum after a failed operation. He had received Grayson citizenship prior to 4th Yeltsin and at the time of the SEK-RH Treaty, had Grayson citizenship for close to 15+ years.
Caslet's "treason" was against the CPS and hence on a par with Theisman's.
In short, They should not have anything to worry about, although if any of their families survived the CPS reign, I suspect they might emigrate to Grayson.

-- Stewart
Re: Notes from Weber--SPOILER WARNING!!!
Post by Hutch   » Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:03 am

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Relax wrote:Where Tsang came from, or where exactly the bases are is irrelevant pretty much.

Why? We know close enough, they are IN the core. Might be a couple in the old shell. Beowulf is ~60 light years from Sol. One week dispatch boat transit. Core "extends out from Sol about 100LY. So, every BF base is within 160LY from Beowulf, and over half are under 80LY from Beowulf or thereabouts.

So, 2000 SLN SD's are all within the core. 1000 are within 80LY or roughly less than 2 weeks time transit. Add dispatch boat orders from earth and we are looking at a loop time of roughly 3-4weeks for over 1000 SLN SD's. For all 2000 we are looking at roughly twice this time period. Two months.

Plenty of SLN SD's are very close to Beowulf. 1000>>36

I would note that it is now about 1500 SD's (given that Crandall's and Filareta's ships are no longer available). And 600 of those are out at Tasmania (and all we know of it's location vis-a-vis Beowulf is that it takes a DB about a month to get there, while it only takes a week to get to Beowulf), so there is only about 900 SD's to draw on.

I do agree that the vast majority of them are at bases in the Core and can be assembled and sent off within 4-5 weeks (1 week to get DB's to the bases, 1.5 weeks to prepare, depart and arrive and the marshalling point (Sol?), 1 week to train, organize units, and 1.5 weeks to Beowulf). I'd estimate that you could put a force of 400 or so SD's together by that time, which would be nearly 50% of your available forces.

Still wondering what is going to happen to those SD's out in Tasmania...they do represent the single most powerful force in the whole SL--I wonder who the commander is and what he/she may be thinking....
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5

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