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If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?

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Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by Somtaaw   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:06 am

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kzt wrote:
saber964 wrote:
Not in the same day its not. IIRC its an 18-19 hr trip from the MWJ to Manticore in a warship.

Not if you go through hyper.

You'd need one helluva astrogator to microjump like that. Manticore doesn't even use microjumps when it left Basilisk Terminus and chased Giscard during Icarus, they traveled inwards on impellers.

from the MWJ to Sphinx, and back, you might be able to do the micro jumps, depending on whether Sphinx is in the RZ. It could be as little as a day and a half, mostly in the San Martin-terminus and Terminus-Beowulf legs.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by Brigade XO   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:57 am

Brigade XO
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HB of CJ wrote:As far as the other 99% of the pop of Earth, they probably do not have a real clue as to what really is going on. That plus the pesky fact that they probably ....

... can not afford to relocate elsewhere. Vacation maybe. Move there for good? Probably not. It might take too much money. Not an easy thing to do.

Short story. In about 1870 during or after a nasty war, about 100 of my well to do German distant relatives all put together and got about 10 selected family OUT!

They went to Wisconnsin. USA. My understanding is that it took pretty much all that 100 people $had$ to do that for only 10 or so. Not cheap then. Just me. HB

My Irish ancestors left the Old Country in two time blocks. The early ones in the 1850-1865 period (Potato Famine and related "local" economic trouble) and the rest in the late 1880 to mid 1890s. More economic and political problems. That is not to say there wasn't a lot of Irish comming to the US before, between and after those times, just it is when my various lines got to CT. Try a book called: The Famine Ships. The conditions were very bad, quite a few of the ships didn't make it. My French (Canadian) all came down to work in the CT mills in the late 1870 through 1880s. More economic crisis stuff.
Half of my wife's English lines got here in the early to mid 17th Century , apparently looking for a better life and opportunity. Her German lines appear to be all Palatines which arrived as in the early 18th Century (have a war to two in there plus religion still very sticky) part of the several schemes to bring villages and lots of farmers over to the upper Hudson River area of NY. Literaly whole villages enticed over with promises of land plus the work in a new life and shorlty found out that they were being mistreated as indentured labor and worse in the pine & "forest products" camps. Not actual slave labor but bad enough.

These are the ones who took the chance as an escape from starvation, political &/or religious oppression, a chance to survive and to be able to make a life other than what was being forced on them by conditions. Some had to pay for the trip, some traded labor agreements for transport. And these are some of the success stories. Mostly you don't get to hear about the ones who don't compleat the journey, fail to do more than survive or who die. Try things like couple who lose 6 children in 8 years- some at birth, some from later sickness before the wife dies in childbirth complications with her last child(who also doesn't survive).
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by JeffEngel   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:53 am


Posts: 2074
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Re microjumps from the Junction to Manticore-A (or B)'s hyperlimit -
Somtaaw wrote:
You'd need one helluva astrogator to microjump like that. Manticore doesn't even use microjumps when it left Basilisk Terminus and chased Giscard during Icarus, they traveled inwards on impellers.

from the MWJ to Sphinx, and back, you might be able to do the micro jumps, depending on whether Sphinx is in the RZ. It could be as little as a day and a half, mostly in the San Martin-terminus and Terminus-Beowulf legs.

You know, you'd think Astro Control, with enormous computers and sensors keeping up with the whole area, could support microjumps that would be that (potentially) routine from right about there to specific points.

It doesn't appear that they do, but it's quite puzzling that they don't.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by svenhauke   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:44 pm

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id start a flashmob to colonize the galaxy, see my new topic
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by HB of CJ   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:52 pm

HB of CJ
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Great family story Brigade XO and thank you. Coffin Ships abounded at many times the normal $fare$. Quite a few never made it across the ocean. Also called Death Ships. Rotten hulls and fittings, bad officers and crew. Death traps.

We were lucky. Apparently my relatives had the $resources$ to take Packet Ships. Even then they split up the 10 members into two trips in separate ships with 5 each. I do not remember anybody dying along the way. Very lucky.

They split up into two groups so if one ship floundered, at least one half of the family would still make it. Wow. Life boat rules. I remember also learning that the adults did speak pretty good English. Lots of them got sick.

Your and my historical points here are that some folks can afford to vacation for short hollidays. It takes much much more to take up, pull roots and trans relocate clear across the planet .... or in this case the stars. Expensive.

HB of CJ (old coot) Junior Captain now. Wow!
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by KNick   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:43 pm


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I wonder if it is still possible to work your way from planet to planet on a freighter or passenger liner, as Stephanie's friend Jessica's family did? (From "A Beautiful Friendship" and "Fire Season")

The berthing might not be the best, but it could get you away from Earth.

Try to take a fisherman's fish and you will be tomorrows bait!!!
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by JeffEngel   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:21 pm


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HB of CJ wrote:Your and my historical points here are that some folks can afford to vacation for short hollidays. It takes much much more to take up, pull roots and trans relocate clear across the planet .... or in this case the stars. Expensive.

HB of CJ (old coot) Junior Captain now. Wow!

In particular, you need to have the money for the trip and to hope to live at the far end, in a new place, with no connections, no references, talking like a suspicious foreigner, while that new place presumably has no special interest in helping you out.

We've read about the rootlessness of escaped slaves, and they may be more likely to get some support from friendly governments and organizations, just because it's dead obvious to anyone that they need help and you cannot turf that problem to where they came from instead, or blame them for not staying there.

You also have to have the reliable information to know where to go to get going given your means. The familiar hell-hole is at least familiar, and if you've been left to remain pig-ignorant, you're not well set up even apart from finances to pick a new address.

Knowing what we do, it's a lot easier to figure on getting off Earth with a lot of risks, and even then, we're still able to picture that in rosey dream fashion and not worry about landing on Planet X and dying in the cold in an alley, or about being picked up and sold into non-genetic, does-still-happen slavery because that's how the shipping line you could afford covers the rest of the costs.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by HB of CJ   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:27 pm

HB of CJ
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My family in Southern Germany already had relatives and firm contacts in Wisconsin USA. They had anchors at both ends. A great advantage and probably necessary then, today and maybe in the future Honorverse.

My sister inherited a very nice European cut diamond from the family. Some of the little surviving portable wealth brought over from Germany. We also dropped off the "Von" and removed one "n" from our last name.

Sadly, for whatever reasons, we have pretty much lost contact with our family in Germany today. We do have many relations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Virginia and North and South Carolina USA. Large family indeed. HB
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by stewart   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:21 pm

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HB of CJ wrote:My family in Southern Germany already had relatives and firm contacts in Wisconsin USA. They had anchors at both ends. A great advantage and probably necessary then, today and maybe in the future Honorverse.

My sister inherited a very nice European cut diamond from the family. Some of the little surviving portable wealth brought over from Germany. We also dropped off the "Von" and removed one "n" from our last name.

Sadly, for whatever reasons, we have pretty much lost contact with our family in Germany today. We do have many relations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Virginia and North and South Carolina USA. Large family indeed. HB


One of the biggest draws for European emigration to N.America, whether the States or Canada, was to get away from the Feudal Land system and have a family own their own land rather than being tenant farmers / serfs to a baron or lord. Of course we re-instituted nearly the same thing post-Civil War and called it Share Cropping, but lets leave that for another discussion.

The Harringtons arrived on Sphinx and established their Freehold in much the same way as the old USA Homestead Act provided.

Colonization is generally driven by (1) a need to leave "someplace" whether that is 1600's to 1800's Europe with its multiple wars or 1700-1900 PD worlds in the Honorverse and (2) a viable place to go -- whether it be N.America, Sphinx or Tiberian (Service of the Sword).

-- Stewart
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by viciokie   » Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:16 pm

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would i leave earth, it depends on the situation. If i was there without any family, the answer is totally yes. However if i had family i would want to be close to them unless circumstances forced me to move and then i would move as far as i can.

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