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If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?

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Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by Erls   » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:19 pm

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Sphinx, of course. With my incredible mind, I'd easily find a 'Cat to adopt me. Heck, I'd probably end up as the first human with has a mated pair of 'Cats adopt him/her.

From there, who knows. I'd go to Saganami Island, and with my two 'Cats would come out at the top of my class and likely be eventually given a nice chunk of the Unicorn Belt as the first Duke Erls, along with a suitably sized house somewhere on Jason's Bay of course.

Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by munroburton   » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:54 pm


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What about a ship going everywhere? I'd be up for a Grand Tour of my own.

I wonder if it's possible to have breakfast on San Martin, lunch on Sphinx and dinner on Beowulf. Might require borrowing Honor's runabout...

A previous poster has a good point about the seeming instability of the Haven Quadrant. I would think most core-world emigration went towards the south quadrant, although there's plenty of virgin territory north of Basilisk and to a lesser extent east of Erewhon/Terra Haute if the objective is to get away from the Solarian League.

Especially as, with prolong, the same emigrants would have to consider the hitherto unallayed creep of OFS. As the New Tuscany Incident didn't happen until late 1921, north beyond the Haven Quadrant between 1915 and 1920 represents the best bet for evading the League on a multigenerational basis.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by HB of CJ   » Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:29 pm

HB of CJ
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If I could, I would have already caught the last train to the coast and boggied out of Dodge City already. But ... one would have to be mega rich to do so.

As far as the other 99% of the pop of Earth, they probably do not have a real clue as to what really is going on. That plus the pesky fact that they probably ....

... can not afford to relocate elsewhere. Vacation maybe. Move there for good? Probably not. It might take too much money. Not an easy thing to do.

Short story. In about 1870 during or after a nasty war, about 100 of my well to do German distant relatives all put together and got about 10 selected family OUT!

They went to Wisconnsin. USA. My understanding is that it took pretty much all that 100 people $had$ to do that for only 10 or so. Not cheap then. Just me. HB
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by drothgery   » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:28 am


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HB of CJ wrote:If I could, I would have already caught the last train to the coast and boggied out of Dodge City already. But ... one would have to be mega rich to do so.

As far as the other 99% of the pop of Earth, they probably do not have a real clue as to what really is going on. That plus the pesky fact that they probably ....

... can not afford to relocate elsewhere. Vacation maybe. Move there for good? Probably not. It might take too much money. Not an easy thing to do.
Eh. Interstellar transportation is not especially expensive, and other than illegal immigrant ghettos in Old Chicago and some other large cities, the average Sol system resident is quite well off. The Sol system's per capita GSP may not match Manticore or Beowulf, but it's up there.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by SharkHunter   » Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:41 pm

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I'd head for the Maya sector first, to check in with the "new boss", then ask permission to emigrate to Torch as a fully qualified Naval officer. I figure they could use a cruiser captain, even a "recently retired" one. [not being corrupt enough to have family connections to go higher of course...]

From there I would see if the Powers That Be would give me a quick fresher (ATC style) on the Island. I'd love to be on the leading edge of the Department of Dirty Naval tricks, Torch style.
All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by HB of CJ   » Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:06 pm

HB of CJ
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If I could affort it and if my family was prepared to cut and run and if I knew what was really going on between the Sollies and the Grand Alliance, Montana the planet would be on my short list.

But, having said that, would the powers that be let my family leave Earth? Would a Visa with intent of immigrating to Montana even be possible? Do the Sollies have the right of non limited Liberty?

If everything could come together, Montana sounds nice. All of us were brought up around horses and can still ride. But ... because that planet is sooss big and soosss under populated...

That aforementioned private sub orbitable or space and warp capable air car or star ship would still be necessary. A very expensive family vehicle. Or maybe not either. Just me. HB
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by saber964   » Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:38 pm


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munroburton wrote:I wonder if it's possible to have breakfast on San Martin, lunch on Sphinx and dinner on Beowulf. Might require borrowing Honor's runabout...

Not in the same day its not. IIRC its an 18-19 hr trip from the MWJ to Manticore in a warship.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by kzt   » Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:51 pm

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saber964 wrote:
munroburton wrote:I wonder if it's possible to have breakfast on San Martin, lunch on Sphinx and dinner on Beowulf. Might require borrowing Honor's runabout...

Not in the same day its not. IIRC its an 18-19 hr trip from the MWJ to Manticore in a warship.

Not if you go through hyper.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by crewdude48   » Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:52 pm


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Personally, I think I would head southbound. Try to meet the other space fairing species that Mr. Weber has told us lives down there. See if there was a system with two planets in it, one earth-like and home to humans, the other high gravity and home to the aliens. That is where I would like to live; somewhere with neighbors who you could work with, trade with, and help defend the system, but who would never want your planet.
I'm the know, that or His Dudeness, or Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Re: If we all lived in Honorverse, would you leave earth?
Post by BobfromSydney   » Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:32 am


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If I correctly recall Sol system has the highest GSP of all the inhabited Star Systems. I just don't remember where to find the textev however :(

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