Jonathan_S wrote:Somtaaw wrote:But a spherical bubble wouldn't help protect the ship, which is what this possibility was aiming to do. I just speculated on to how to achieve a workable second sidewall, without breaking the pearls.
Honestly, neither will a buckler. The biggest buckler wall seems to be less than 1/2 km is diameter
("It was a much smaller, circular shield, its diameter less than twice the ship's extreme beam" [SoS]). Even out at the normal sidewall standoff range of 10 km that only provides protection from shots within a few degrees of the ship's heading.
And a Keyhole style drone is much further out, well past 150 km, where the wedge end. So even if a keyhole type drone can generate a buckler that large, the whole area the buckler covered would be a miniscule dot compared to the size of the broadside wedge opening.
Hmm, that's a good point I failed to consider just how large the buckler was, and how far away the drones were.
I guess the only real way to get better sidewalls, is installing the bigger, better generators. I'm sure at some point, Manticore will get around to miniaturizing
them too.
Can you picture Grand Alliance light craft, DDs and CLs, running around with sidewalls tougher than old-style Battlecruisers? And Heavy Cruiser or Battlecruisers roaming around with sidewalls as tough as second/third-gen CLACs?
Note: I selected the CLACs, because without any need for gunports in their sidewalls, CLAC sidewalls are arguably even tougher than that of podnoughts, who still have their broadside tubes.
Or even more horrifying.... fourth generation podnoughts with sidewalls that rival those on the Junction Forts?

Edit elaboration: This seems like a logical progression of the arms progression, mostly being pioneered by Grayson, who started off the "cramming over-sized things into smaller hulls", with arming their
Courvosier I's with SD grasers instead of more, smaller ones.
So the logical progression from giving smaller and smaller ships, the same guns as their fatter cousins, would be giving said smaller ships similar sidewalls too. After all, to hammer the armor, you first have to get past the sidewalls. It's not a magic "I win" for smaller combatants, but it does give a tremendous edge.
Textev shows that the DN Bellerophon, even from total surprise (Rear Adm. Pierres two BC divisions in tSVW) achieved only 1-2 hits despite firing with total surprise. Sultan's have 12 lasers, and 12 grasers, giving a total broadside attack of over 96 light-speed weapons firing. That works out to just over 0.03% of shots fired getting past DN sidewalls from BC-sized lasers & grasers.
end of edit.