Relax wrote:Since the ship CLAC, is a "thing," it will be pronounced as the shortest possible. It will be CLACK. Two syllables. It certainly will not be 3. c, la, ck. cl-ack is shorter.
COLAC will be pronounced however the military thinks is most austere yet respectable. Why it was not COWLAC.
So, Co-Lack = COLAC
Relax --
Bite your tongue !
A Commissioned / Christened vessel is always refered to as a "she" as the ship develops a personality of it's own.
A ship becomes an "it" only when IT is in your targeting scope.
As to pronunciation, I see / read CLAC as "see-el-ay-cee" much as I read CVN as "see-vee-en" -- for both I think Carrier as applicable.
-- Stewart