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Updated Government slang names

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Updated Government slang names
Post by Kizarvexis   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:30 am

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Ok, the Solarian League citizens are still Sollys. SEM citizens are Manties. Andermani Empire citizens are Andies. Citizens of Mesa are Mesans. Secondary Citizens of Mesa are Seccies. Medusans are Stilties. People born on Earth are Terrans.

The People's Republic of Haven citizens were the Peeps, but now with the reborn Republic of Haven, Havenites seems too formal. Havies seems silly as does Pubs. What slang term should be used for the citizens of the RoH?

And what about the Graysons? They don't get a cool slang name?

Beowulf; wolfies??

What do we do with the Mesan Alignment? Mesans is already taken, Alignies? Malignies?? Which is kinda cool since the word malign means "evil in nature or effect; malevolent".

Any other polities solely lacking in a cool slang name for it's people?

P.S. Treecats don't count as they already have the short name, cats and don't really have a government above the clan level, but that is another discussion.
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by Valen123456   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:09 am

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People from Beowulf are called "Beowolfers" and the "Stilities" is a nickname based on appearance rather than political connection or national faction. ''Havenite'' seems to be sticking around as a substitute for 'Peeps' which is now (and for most of the series) is more an insult than a nickname.

Also do not forget the new Star Kingdom of Torch are called "Torchies". And once the Mayan sector breaks away from the League they may take the new nickname "Mayans".

According to the Honorverse wikipage there are at least 61 named star nations at present (although not all exist anymore) so that is a long list of potential nicknames.
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by JeffEngel   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:08 am


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Kizarvexis wrote:Ok, the Solarian League citizens are still Sollys. SEM citizens are Manties. Andermani Empire citizens are Andies. Citizens of Mesa are Mesans. Secondary Citizens of Mesa are Seccies. Medusans are Stilties. People born on Earth are Terrans.

The People's Republic of Haven citizens were the Peeps, but now with the reborn Republic of Haven, Havenites seems too formal. Havies seems silly as does Pubs. What slang term should be used for the citizens of the RoH?
They may be managing not to attract enough venom for a derogatory nickname. If they do, then people can still use 'Peeps', suggesting that they've not really changed.

I think 'Havies' could work though, if it had to.

And what about the Graysons? They don't get a cool slang name?
Call them 'Grays'. Then you can start suggesting they abduct people and probe them. Maybe tip cows....

Beowulf; wolfies??

What do we do with the Mesan Alignment? Mesans is already taken, Alignies? Malignies?? Which is kinda cool since the word malign means "evil in nature or effect; malevolent".
Maybe just 'Maligns' there. Not everything needs the diminutive form, and there it's perfectly descriptive.
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by Bill Woods   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:14 am

Bill Woods
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Kizarvexis wrote:What do we do with the Mesan Alignment? Mesans is already taken, Alignies? Malignies?? Which is kinda cool since the word malign means "evil in nature or effect; malevolent".

I had been calling them 'the MAlign', but since they're no longer Mesan and we need to distinguish, I've knocked the capital-A down: 'the Malign'. The amount of human misery they're responsible for, past and future....
Imagined conversation:
Admiral [noting yet another Manty tech surprise]:
XO, what's the budget for the ONI?
Vice Admiral: I don't recall exactly, sir. Several billion quatloos.
Admiral: ... What do you suppose they did with all that money?
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by Kizarvexis   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:22 am

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JeffEngel wrote:Call them 'Grays'. Then you can start suggesting they abduct people and probe them. Maybe tip cows....


I can definitely see the cow tipping.

Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by Yow   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:03 pm

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Kizarvexis wrote:And what about the Graysons? They don't get a cool slang name?

JeffEngel wrote:Call them 'Grays'. Then you can start suggesting they abduct people and probe them. Maybe tip cows....

Kizarvexis wrote:

I can definitely see the cow tipping.


In addition to reporting crop circles, alien abductions and mind control, misleading BUSHIPS about actual Graser production

Cthia's father ~ "Son, do not cater to the common belief that a person has to earn respect. That is not true. You should give every person respect right from the start. What a person has to earn is your continued respect!"
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by saber964   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:36 pm


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Kizarvexis wrote:P.S. Treecats don't count as they already have the short name, cats and don't really have a government above the clan level, but that is another discussion.

Actually the treecats have a pseudo-government namely Bright Water Clan, look at the three or four most important events in the history of the treecats since humans arrived. Bright Water Clan has been involved in all of them.

Signs Truly convincing clan elders to expand bondings and observe and report on humans.

Singer from Silence joined Bright Water because of its interaction with humans gave the treecats the understanding of human language.

Samantha and Nimitz convincing clan elders to send a colony expedition to Grayson.

Sorrow Singer probably convinced (not very hard) Bright Water elders to declare defacto war on th MA. Also IIRC HH said that treecats were very pissed off in the aftermath of Oyster Bay.
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by jchilds   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:58 pm

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I can see one set of pejoratives possibly gaining traction given the trajectory the Sollies are on, especially in the GA (starting with the Graysons, no doubt!).

Minor Leaguers, Little Leaguers and Tee-Ballers.

The first two referring to Frontier & Battle Fleet (with who is which a point of debate, I suspect) and the latter being used as a moniker for the admirals & leaders on Terra.

It could also be used to refer to a shrinking League too.
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by HB of CJ   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:06 pm

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Haven-Havenites ... Hay-vies? I dunno. Graysons? ... I have not one clue and I need to be very careful as I am an Agnostic and probably am not qualified one way or another to say. Just me. Respectfully. HB of CJ (old coot) Junior Captain.
Re: Updated Government slang names
Post by Yow   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:26 pm

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Like HB of CJ said: Graysons <<<<< with the s. With a large dose of respect. One planet with a war fighting capability equivalent to Manticores maybe even exceeding it (based off an impression from Hamish Alexander-Harrington) is nobody you want to insult if you know that.

Cthia's father ~ "Son, do not cater to the common belief that a person has to earn respect. That is not true. You should give every person respect right from the start. What a person has to earn is your continued respect!"

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