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Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda

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Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by Reader Bob   » Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:06 pm

Reader Bob
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Please consider how gullable we humans are. We believe that our enemies are minions of Satan (or some other evil) when our glorious leaders are making war. We will believe things that have been scientifically proven to be impossible or that have'nt been shown to even be likely. I won't go into details because some of our dear friends in this forum might believe some of them. Of course all things that I believe are not only possible but probable. :lol:

What better way to get your population to fight to the death than to paint your enemy as being the minions of an alien species?
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by pokermind   » Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:14 pm

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Mange, <What's the latest universal excuse in the Star Kingdom of Manticore?>


Chief, "The treecat made me do it."

Poker & Mange
CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by Direwolf18   » Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:28 pm

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Haha I love it! It WOULD be true to say the Treecats have been influencing the Manticorians, especially the Royal Family for centuries. Although it was purely domestic. Look at the fluffy kitties!

Although the Mandarin's are to incompetent and arrogant to view the treecats as anything other then some filthy bloodthirsty neobarbs bloodthirsty flea-ridden pet. The fact that Admiral Filareta even knew what Nimitz was called surprised me.

It's not that they don't care, and they don't, its that its simply irrelevant to their vastly superior intellect. And everyone knows Manticorians are bloodthirsty imperialistic liars.

I can readily see a campaign to attack the reliability of treecats. I am thinking in particular Mesa, and how they would respond to say an interrogation involving a treecat, and its reliability as a lie detector. That seems like a far more important thing to get the Solarian public at large to buy into.
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by Dilandu   » Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:46 am


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There are one point: the League science MUST knew at least something about treecats. You see, the xenology and xenobiology just couldn't possibly be "Leagie-centered" - because to claim that "any interesting forms of life could be discovered only in the borders of the League" will be too incompetent to even the Mandarins (they are, after all, have some education!)

So, the League's scientist (xenologist and xenobiologists) MUST knew a lot about treecats. Let's don't forget, that until recently there was a Beowulf, that was a good connection between the League's and Manticoran science. And xenology isn't a science, where some "state secrets" where logical or possible.

And the average Solarian citizen, who looks in the "Solarpedia" about treecats, will see in article: "Treecatse - the semi-intelligent animal species with possible telepathic abilites" And this citizen will thought: "Whoa! The Kolokoltsev was right! This damned cats actually are telepaths - because our superior science said it! Brr... on the referendum, I definitely will vote for the direct military taxation. We will need a strong navy to defend the humanity against telephatic conquest!"


Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by pokermind   » Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:56 am

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Mange, <Robot obviously believes Sollie Anti-Treecat Propaganda!>


Chief, "Oops!"

Poker & Mange
CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by svenhauke   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:11 am

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it won t work to make treecats evil aliens

all it needs to counter is a HD of the mathew girls playing frisbee with treecatkittens ...

soo cute
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by Kizarvexis   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:47 am

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Dilandu wrote:Well, the Manticorans claim that the cats have some telepathic / empathic abilities. Others may believe it, or may not ... but why not to use it?

Let's just note that telepathy - the ability to penetrate into some other thought - definitely isn't something, that most people can easily accept. Peoples tend to be very nervously about the sovereignty of their brains, you know.

So... why no one has yet figured to use the treecats in the anti-manticoran propaganda?

I could figured out the three possible ways, that a named "the alien invasion version", "the epidemic version" and "the artifical version"

1) (Alien invasion version) The treecats, those furry bastards ARE actually the covert manipulators of events! They penetrated the structure of the Star Kingdom and took control over the goverment and military officials (even the royal family!) Oh, the treecat's bonded peoples would deny... but only because "their" treecats has forced them to do that! ;)

2) (Epidemic version) Well, the treecats bonding were obviously affected human mind. So, the "bonded" peoples, possibly, couldn't really think logically at all. It's not treecats fault, this is only a terrible mistake that treecats-affected individuals, like Elisabeth Winton, could become the rulers of the Star Nations...

3) (The artifical version) The treecats abilites couldn't be developed naturally. After all, it's completely scientifically impossible, that the evolution of so different species, divided by the hundreds of light years, could produce the human-treecat telephatic bonding!

So...obviously, the treecat's abilites are the result of Beowulf-Manticoran secret project to develope a telephatically-based methods of control, and mentally enslave the Manticoran population! And due the fact, that under the pretense of "defense against mesan-blah-blah-blah-nanotechnology", treecats where send to the goverments of Andermani and Haven... Their leaders are under telepathic control too!

Nice suggestion, isn't it? :D

Well I don't see Tinfoil Hat Nation dying off in the future, so I fully believe that all three of those (with some combining them willy nilly) are running in the fringes of any society that knows about treecats. Especially, in the Manty, Andie, Havenite, and Grayson societies.
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by saber964   » Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:04 pm


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svenhauke wrote:it won t work to make treecats evil aliens

all it needs to counter is a HD of the mathew girls playing frisbee with treecatkittens ...

soo cute

It's actually Mayhew, and yes it would be extremely cute and adorable.
Re: Treecats in anti-Manticoran propaganda
Post by SethStar   » Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:00 pm


Posts: 11
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In general, the Manticorans are saner and smarter than average because of the way they were recruited, especially after the first wave, so the tinfoil hat crowd on Manticore is apt to be small. Clearly not true for Solarians, but would anti-treecat propaganda be more effective for Mesa in Solarian space than the current strategy of saying the Star Empire are a bunch of imperialist pirates?

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