Carl wrote:Relax. Space is big sure. But CM wedges aren't tiny and they have to keep their after aspect clear to point at the friendly controlling ship. That restricts them to purely 2 dimensional shapes for any given wave of CM's.
Size. Currently an Invictus launches roughly 300CM's and 60MDM/s every 12s. They clear the wedge, turn 90 degrees and head for the enemy in front of the ship. That is a VERY tiny volume of space. Those missiles are not fratriciding themselves. Now, take same number of CM's/time launched and let them drift. What happens to the area of of a circle with an increase in radius? Its AREA(limiting to 2d here) increases by the SQUARE of its radius. Therefore all those predeployed CM's, have MORE room to maneuver/time than those that Immediately start their wedge! When one considers the 3d characteristics, the volume separation goes up by the third power of their drifted time!
CM volume density decreases by drifted time making wedge fratricide rates decrease. Not increase. Communication: How is that a problem? They are ballistic, they have no wedge. There is zero need to interact with said CM's until they are in front of your ships and headed towards the incoming missiles with their arses pointed at your ship. Of course who says the CM's cannot cannot be communicated with from the side? LAC's can do so, why can a ship not do so?
Carl wrote: When each missile just for wedge on wedge fractacide issues needs a cross section many km a side that starts to add up to a really large chunk of space. Worse still in the finial maneuvering phase the CM's need maneuvering space around them so they can maneuver to intercept an evading missile without risking hitting each other. Given the lag the controlling ship isn't going to be able to coordinate the maneuvers so the spacing needs, (especially now with apollo), to assume that the missiles will begin hard evasive maneuvers deliberately designed to force CM's to kill each other right around the moment the CM command loop becomes too long for the ship to respond. That at maximum range equates to a time of 6.25 seconds. Call it 6 for easy sums. Depending on missile movement that's a separation at the start of that point of between, (depending on what drive settings are available to the attacking missiles), 8250-16,500 km. That starts to make even a small number of coutermissles take up huge great bloody gobs of space.
What has time lag from ship got to do with wedge CM fratricide from predeployed CM's??? You are at an initial logic fail as at no point has this discussion veered anywhere near terminal CM/MDM interaction. Those threads are already on this board in numerous forms. All agree a form of FTL must be used. Mine uses RD's in a sector format, or use a 2 short stage CM with a low/high setup in the stages with FTL RD's. Or some variation between those two or three themes. This thread is not about those issues. Those are separate and I wholly agree, they must be dealt with.
NOW, back to what this thread was discussing:
A single ship can launch ~10,000 MDM's but only launch 1500 CM's in retaliation. Currently they are trying to use LAC's to help bolster the imbalance, but said LAC's have miniscule magazines are effectively only good for roughly 2-3 minutes of continuous CM fire, making them a stop gap measure at best. The problem currently is rather obvious. Even a 2nd grade kid can figure out that 10,000 >>> 1500! Total number of CM's must increase. Drastically. Therefore one can increase total number of CM tubes, or one can increase the length of time the CM tubes you already have, can fire missiles.