Zarz wrote:Charybdis wrote:Of course given our author's proclivities ...
What would happen if CoGA forces managed to capture our good Major, hmmm? Might be a bit of a dicey accomplishment - no?

The one catch from Merlin's perspective would be that he'd have to be very wary of anyone getting close enough to realize exactly how hard to hurt he truly is - or that he's missing minor things like blood, or a heartbeat. Or at least - he has to be wary of anyone who has realized that living long enough to share that knowledge with others....
We actually saw that situation when he first appeared as Mab. He was shot several times, but he didn't care because he didn't plan on leaving anyone alive. He's worried a time or two of how he'd explain bullets bouncing off of him (which is why he wears his armor all the time!) but a shot to the face would be just a
wee bit difficult to explain - and he'd have to grow a new scar of course.
Merlin isn't the only one with this problem. Not only is
Cayleb's armor bulletproof, so are his clothes and undies, so unless he's shot in the head, he isn't going to die. He might have a tougher time explaining his survival than Merlin would. We all saw the reaction when Sharley was shot in Corisande and her clothes spread the impact of the bullet so it merely cracked a rib or two rather than killing her. Tongues wagged. They're probably still wagging!
Why Hektor and Irys weren't slipped some antiballistic undies for the wedding without their knowledge is a plot point that I simply didn't understand. Merlin made sure that everyone close to him and important to the Empire had them whether they knew it or not, and that certainly applied to the Royal Family. So I was shocked (or I would have been if the explosion hadn't come up in the snippets) that Hektor's clothing at the wedding had no antiballistic features, and neither did Irys'. It made good copy for the people of Corisande when their princess nursed her mortally wounded husband back to health, and that her love was what pulled him through, but seriously? Yeah, it gave Merlin and Staynair an easy way to introduce both of them to the inner circle and have them accept it - not that Hektor was going to have a problem, but Irys would have struggled to accept the truth. Plus it gave us the tender scene where she'd given up hope and Merlin suddenly appeared. That was good writing...
Merlin and OWL are fallible, as the wedding demonstrated, and even Nahrmahn screwed it up, but to me that was an inconsistency in the plot that made me say "Hey, wait a minute!"
It did allow RFC to weave the plot the way he wanted, it solved a couple of problems quite nicely, and after all, Safehold
is his sandbox, he just lets us play in it from time to time.
way off topic, so I'll just point out that everyone in the inner circle who wears antiballistic clothing is faced with the same problem as Merlin if they're hit by bullets or bombs. If too many of them walk away or merely survive, people are going to start wondering...
Of course Merlin could come back as a completely different Seijin if he was damaged so badly that he had to feign his own death. I imagine he'd be
really confused as to what he ought to know and what he shouldn't if that happened!