Weird Harold wrote:Kytheros wrote:Harkness has reformed these days, between Tremaine and getting married.
Besides, Harkness can just hack BuPers to make the idea disappear and send whoever had it to whatever the RMN's hellhole duty assignment is these days.
He's also promised to stop hacking the personnel computers, too.
But both of those promises would last a very short time after someone tried to make him an officer.
I think he'd pass on the shore patrol option unless he had absolutely no other options to dodge a commission. After all, taking that option would likely irritate Iris, and Horace is bright enough to avoid getting in trouble if he doesn't have to.
Hacking BuPers, while something he's stopped doing (mostly), is something he can do and avoid getting in trouble for, because while it might be 'known' that he did it, there wouldn't be enough in the way of evidence or proof to get him for it.