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Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters

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Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by cthia   » Mon May 04, 2015 1:01 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
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The idea and credit for this thread goes completely to one of our few resident Grayson Princesses. So don't leave her hanging, gentlemen!

Besides, I'm rather interested in which ten characters speak more profoundly, resoundingly and/or astoundingly to you. It is one of the quintessential and fundamental formal literary type... discussions. Indulge us if you would. There may have been something of profound significance that we have missed. Which ten characters are your cats meow? And why, if you may. I'm sure RFC would also find it amusing. What follows is part of the discussion that sparked the flame of thought...

roseandheather wrote:I'm in your camp, actually. I do love Honor, a lot, but she's not going to make any of my "top ten favorite Honorverse characters" lists. There's no doubt she's the best tactician of her generation and very good at strategy, but there are better strategists in the novels - Esther McQueen, Hamish Alexander, Tom Theisman, Sebastian D'Orville, Theodosia Kuzak, James Webster, and Tom Caparelli, just to name a handful. I'd even throw Augustus Khumalo in there, at least for strategic and not tactical thinking - remember, he made absolutely the right call to leave only a light picket at the Lynx terminus before Monica, though nobody knew it at the time. And that's not even counting Sonja Hemphill, who basically breaks 'strategy' over her knee and rebuilds it to suit her on a regular basis.

Honor's an amazing series anchor, but that doesn't mean she's automatically the best at everything, and I like it much better that way. :D

cthia wrote:Honor isn't on your top ten favorite characters list? I must say Rose, that leaves my mouth agape. :o And makes me full of wonderment of all the books you've inhaled that I haven't. Jealousy, pure jealousy it is!

Because of all the books I've read, Honor makes a heckuva bid for the top five character spot. And if you give me the female stare and rubber neck, I'd surely bump her to top three. When I'm actually sitting down with a freshly minted copy of a new release about to attack, she's my favorite!

But then, I personally have always gone weak-kneed for the strong female character role. I'm like a baby with a pacifier. And you can't get much stronger than Honor - with the exception of little Sara Crewe from A Little Princess.

roseandheather wrote:I will admit that, when she is actively on the page, Honor makes a heckuva bid for my favorite, too.

Top 10 Honorverse Characters (as of right now):

10. Wesley Matthews
9. Mark Sarnow
8. Sonja Hemphill
7. Abigail Hearns
6. Michael Oversteegen
5. Estelle Matsuko
4. Michelle Henke
3. Thomas Theisman
2. Augustus Khumalo
1. Eloise Pritchart

...yeah, not even close to the top. :P

I love her, I honestly do, but there are just so many other characters who speak to me on a deeper level than she ever could.

cthia wrote:I don't like you much right now Rose. The idea of picking and choosing my top ten characters in the Honorverse is way too challenging. AND TOO DAMN EMOTIONAL. Do you have ANY idea how difficult that is? Ten isn't nearly enough! Darn that roseandheather! Now, if you'd at least allow a top ten Honorable mentions to coincide, then I'll try and fergive ya.

Top 10 Honorverse Characters
(Sharpen yer pickaxes, roseandheather incited this riot!)

10. Andrew LaFollet
9. Helen Zilwicki
8. Michelle Henke
7. Horace Harkness
6. Abigail Hearns
5. Alice Truman
4. Shannon Foraker
3. Ginger Lewis
2. Carolyn Wolcott
1. Honor Harrington

Top 10 Honorable Mentions

10. Howard Clinkscales
9. Emily Alexander
8. Mark Sarnow
7. Thomas Theisman
6. Scotty Tremaine
5. Protector Benjamin
4. Nimitz
3. Elizabeth Winton
2. Eloise Prichart
1. Sonja Hemphill

Even the top ten honorees(supporting cast) is just as difficult. There are just way too many engaging people in the series.

Dammit Rose!

I'm not so sure you shouldn't have began a new thread here. This is exciting, informative, revealing, rather interesting and I daresay, quite a challenge as well. And it's the kind of meat and potatoes literary discussions are made of. "The top 10 characters profoundly speaking throughout a novel or series Grammy."

Characters profoundly speak differently to different readers for different reasons. With Carolyn Wolcott, I feel as if I've lost a sister.

If you'll notice, only two males made my main list. I guess that makes me a male chauvinist of the best kind. Or would that be a female chauvinist? Or a male female-chauvinist. Oh what the hell, a battle of the sexes is so silly. A screw without a nut is worthless.

Now let me go and cool off, #$@#%$#@ $#@%#@$ $%#&$# @ Rose!

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by Hutch   » Mon May 04, 2015 2:23 pm

Vice Admiral

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You two are aware of just how many characters there are out there in the Honorverse? Seems to be a few...hundred, and you want us to pick ten?

What the hell...I've always liked a good challenge (quoting one of my top ten).

10. Mercedes Bingham - I admit, I have a bit of a crush on her, nowhere near as severe as rose's, but she's been an integral part of the Honorverse since the start, has been through Hell (Blackbird in THotQ) and still comes shining through. I could be argued into Andrea Jarawolski (sp), but she's only been around since book 5.

9.Protector Benjamin - As one who is aging himself (62), I can feel the changes Benjamin is going through, yet he still is the man who changed Grayson forever and is still a vibrant and enjoyable character to me.

8. Nimitz - Because, treecats! And for being the echo of Honor, letting us see deeper into herself. Along with a wicked sense of humor...

7. Shannon Foraker - I could put here anywhere from #3 to #9 in the order. She's been memorable since her first appearance and has THE quote of the series to her name. Hope we see more of her in the next book.

6. Mike Henke -She's become more the "Queen of Battle" now that Honor is pretty much locked in Manticore, and following her exploits has been fun and illuminating. (dammit, I don't have room for Aviars..arrrgh...)

5. Ginny/Kevin Usher - Because I don't know how to separate them (yeah, with a crowbar, ha ha ha..). Both are such standout characters and simply belong together, neither is quite as good when standing alone.

4.Queen Elisabeth - I've been hers ever since I heard the line that "She holds grudges until they die of old age, then has them stuffed and mounted." I do to, albeit very, very few and to date I've never had the same opportunity that she had (with Michael Janvier) to stick it too them.

3. Thomas Theisman - The man is the living definition of integrity. And I like integrity. Nuff' said.

2. Honor Harrington - I just re-read Field of Dishonor, a book I don't particulary care for, but it reinforces my belief that no other character, no matter how well-written, could have carried a series like this besides Honor.

1. Anton Zilwicki/Victor Chacat - Yes, I'm cheating again, but those two are intertwined in chapter and verse since "From the Highlands" and even though they have had memorable moments apart, things (and stories) are always better when they are working together. Utterly different yet strangely similar, they are the most memorable to me.

Ok, next...
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by roseandheather   » Mon May 04, 2015 3:44 pm


Posts: 2056
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Location: Republic of Haven

10. Wesley Matthews: Before I fell in love with Haven, Grayson was my favorite, and Wesley was one of the first characters I ever fell in love with. He absolutely exemplifies Grayson's best self, and I will never forget his courage, his kindness, or the way his character changed - and yet remained so essentially the same - from the moment we met him. He didn't appear nearly enough, but every time he did, I fell a little bit more in love.

9. Warner Caslet: In the early days, Warner was my Havenite love. What can I even say about his courage, honor, gift for tactics, and self-honesty? Watching him walk away from the nation he loves so much is still one of the most painful moments of the series for me, and though in the end he really had no choice - and did far more for Haven fighting for her from the outside than he would have dying in her service - I still wish things could have ended just a little bit differently. He could have been another Tourville.

8. Sonja Hemphill: What can I say? Sonja hits all my buttons. I've loved her for her tactless, cranky, insufferable, good-hearted self almost from the start, and after Field of Dishonor, I was absolutely sunk. I've always had a weakness for tactless, socially-impaired geniuses, and Sonja fits the bill superbly. (Now can we please have a few dozen chapters chronicling her adventures with her soulmate Shannon out at Bolthole??)

7. Michelle Henke: How do I love Michelle Henke?? Let me count the ways. I love the way she rises to every challenge, even when she thinks she can't. I love her sarcasm, her sense of humor, and the fact that she feels far more like an everyday person than towering giants like Pritchart, Theisman, and Harrington. She's not larger than life - she's just a brilliant military officer doing her job under extraordinary circumstances, and I love how human she is. I love her weakness for doughnuts, the way she moans and groans about having to do too much with too little... she's so wonderfully real, someone I'd love to sit down with and have a drink or three and trade stories until we're laughing ourselves silly. She's just... she's absolutely wonderful, and I adore her, and while I do agree that nobody but Honor Harrington could have carried this series, if we could keep Michelle's point-of-view coming as often as possible, that would be just lovely, thank you.

6. Abigail Hearns: My beloved Grayson princess - what isn't there to love about her? The more I see her, the more I fall in love with her. It's like someone's taken a Regency-era heroine, gifted her with extraordinary tactical ability, and packed her off to the Navy, and I absolutely adore how she remains completely feminine and so very much a woman of Grayson even as she blazes a trail for all those who would come after her - and does it magnificently. If we could just keep her point-of-view segments coming... oh, who the hell am I kidding? She needs her own series, stat, and I'd buy every new release in freakin' hardcover.

5. Michael Oversteegen: When I was twelve years old, I was introduced to a character by the name of Lord Wyldon of Cavall in Tamora Pierce's Tortall series - and ever since, the sight of an honorable conservative aristocratic military man is enough to make me melt like butter. (See also: John Chandler Simpson.) And I still melt like butter every time this man appears on the page. If Abigail is a Regency heroine, Michael is most definitely a Regency hero - a dashing aristocratic officer whose honor, sense of duty, and noblesse oblige make him the stuff of too many romance novels to count. And if I can't have him as one of those, I'll take him just as he is - making me swoon every time he shows up.

4. Estelle Matsuko: The first Honorverse character I ever fell in love with, bar none - the squeals I most definitely did not make when she reappeared as a main character could have woken the dead. In the Andromeda Galaxy. She is... I love her to pieces, because she is extraordinary. I love her grace, her composure, the way she wears silk over fire. I love the way she can make anyone do anything she wants them to do, at any time, and make them think it was their idea in the first place. I love that she is in instant command whenever she walks into a room, even if she's the smallest person there. I love her for the way she grieved so intensely for her NPA personnel back in OBS, the way she worries over her new charges in Talbott, and the way she will let no one stand between her and getting the job done. I love that she can stare down a Solarian admiral with battle steel in her eyes and kick off her shoes under her desk. I absolutely adore her.

3. Augustus Khumalo: It was most definitely not love at first sight with this one. In fact, when I first met him, my first instinct was to hug Estelle and say, "Oh, you poor girl - another one?" But it wasn't Monica that brought me over to his side, even if it was Monica which brought him over to his own side. No - the way Loretta Shoupe and Victoria Saunders regarded him started softening my views toward him before Terekhov ever set off for Monica, and so by the time he arrived in the system and told President Tyler to go fuck himself, I had, quite predictably, lost my heart. You see, give me the overlooked ones. The ones who don't know how good they are until the stakes are monumental and they have everything to lose. Give me the quiet ones, the not-so-flashy ones, who get the job done in the background while the others take all the glory. I love his grumbly temper and his sarcasm and his enormous heart and his dogged work ethic. I love him for everything he is and everything he isn't, and the Talbott Quadrant basically thinking he walks on water is, in my opinion, only his just due.

2. Thomas Theisman: I don't have the words for Thomas Theisman. I honestly don't, except to say this - he is the kind of human being we should all strive to be.

1. Eloise Pritchart: And here she is. My baby, my darling, the love of my life. She's not just my favorite character from the Honorverse, she's in my top five list of fictional characters from anywhere. Her heart, her drive, her passion, the way she keeps going in the face of unimaginable grief - there is nothing about her I do not love, and I only wish I had the words to do her justice. She is incredible, she is unbelievable, she is an inspiration, and she will remain my favorite until... well, until ever, basically, because she is a living symbol of hope triumphing over despair and a beacon in the darkness.

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by Senior Chief   » Mon May 04, 2015 9:50 pm

Senior Chief

Posts: 227
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:02 am
Location: Bear Flag Republic

Oh this is hard... I like the minor characters more than the major characters.... So I have listed them in no particular order and of course ladies first.

Berry Zilwicki
Abigail Herns
Shannon Foraker
Judith Winston
Susan Hibson
Naomi Kaplan
Ginger Lewis
Sally McBride
Catherine Montaigne
Golden Voice (Samatha)

Alfredo Yu
Samuel Houston Webster
Aubrey Wanderman
Horace Harkness
Thomas Bachfisch
Victor Cachet
Warner Caslet
Howard Clinkscales
Klaus Hauptman
Andrew LaFollet

I expect some flak for putting Klaus in the list but as a character he did grow (to the better)any way this is my list.
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by Tom   » Mon May 04, 2015 11:43 pm


Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:36 pm

My personal top ten--in no particular order...

10. Jeremiah Sullivan:the right man in the right place at the right time, the one Grayson clergyman who had the willingness to change necessary for the times, and the credibility to get even the more conservative types to go along with it, even after his death.

9. Roger Winton: the man who made the Honorverse possible by deciding to prepare for a war he knew was coming, even though it was decades away, and raised not just a house but a soul of steel to see his nation through the fire.

8. Abigail Hearns: for pulling off something on her middy cruise that Honor Harrington herself couldn't top--cleaning the floor with a band of pirates on planetside--and becoming basically a tac angel--she's not a witch, but she is supernatural.

7. Honor Harrington: for occasionally dragging, but more often leading, Grayson forward into the modern age, conciliating Haven in the teeth of all the presuppositions otherwise, needing to be dragged by Emily Alexander into a relationship with Hamish, and grasping the Solarian League's weaknesses.

6. Hamish Alexander: for sinking his teeth into Trevor's Star, wearing pants reinforced with steel plates to foil Esther McQueen's spanking attempts, applying his massive technical and tactical superiority properly, and needing to be dragged by his wife Emily into a relationship with Honor.

5. Thomas Theisman: for possessing Benedict Arnold's tactical acumen, Ulysses S. Grant's strategic vision, Abraham Lincoln's political savvy, and George Washington's integrity.

4. Eloise Pritchart: for waging a clean war against the Legislaturists, knowing to flee the Aprilists, then undermining Rob Pierre and Oscar Saint-Just until the final collapse of the People's Republic, then leading the Republic in the civil war in such a way that it is largely intact at the end and StateSec is a bunch of cruisers and destroyers.

3. Victor Cachat and Anton Zilwicki: for being self-detonating claymore mines that know who the true enemy is and will stop at nothing to see to it that everyone else does.

2. Bernardus van Dort: the man who ended up putting the Talbott Cluster in a position where it could actually end up benefiting from the discovery of the terminus and who cheerfully jumped on board with seeking the interests of the cluster as a whole once he realized that the capacity to do so was available.

1. Jeremy X: for not letting decades of brutal war to the teeth turn him into a complete psychopath, understanding that his best role in an actual government is as a subordinate, and willingly handing over the reins to who is best for the job.
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by cthia   » Tue May 05, 2015 5:42 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Once more, for those who were absent from the party. I like strong female characters. It borders on an addiction. (Ok, I'm in denial. It is an addiction) - ever since my virgin encounter with A Little Princess and the darling of all darlings, the lovely Sara Crewe. I'm telling you people, they don't come much stronger than that. Actually, female characters speak to me the most. Perhaps it's a Freudian thing.

So, little wonder only a couple of men round out my top ten. I'm just being true to myself. Maybe it was because of the influence of my mother and father, who taught all of their six boys the true meaning of chivalry. And all five of their girls that they are indeed princesses. I love my sisters and nieces with a frightening passion, as all of us brothers do. It is all we know. And just like my father told me in secret, "Always show your sisters the love and respect due a true princess and I promise you'll get it back in ways that will shake you." It took me a few years to understand those words, but the way we treat our women have made them rise to the occasion. What lovely princesses they all are. My father taught us to love and respect all women, and not one of his sons would ever contemplate harming a woman. Which brings me to why I profoundly identify with Andrew LaFollet...

10. Andrew LaFollet: I understand Andrew like no other. I am sure about that. Andrew loved Honor with a passion. Any one of Honor's crew would have died for her. But Andrew died crying inside. Because it meant he could no longer look after her. The truth - Honor couldn't handle the truth of Andrew's very deeply rooted love. Every time something hurt Honor, it rocked Andrew inside. He wanted to shelter her from all pain - gallant men often feel powerless. Because of it, they are dangerous. Andrew also loved his sister Miranda dearly. As she him. I simply loved their bond. It was all so very familiar to me. And that... touched me to tears. Honorable mention goes to all of Grayson's armsmen. And most Grayson men. I love that planet's attitude that women are flowery princesses to be cared for and protected. Period!

9. Helen Zilwicki: Both Helens. In fact, I fell in love with the entire Zilwicki family when Helen Sr., who was CO of an escort protecting a convoy headed for Grendelsbane, ordered that escort to turn around and face a superior Havenite force so the convoy could escape. A convoy which held her four year old daughter Helen and her husband. It reminds me of many National Geographic type shows about how dangerous it is to tangle with a lioness protecting her cub.
"General message to all units, Com." Her voice sounded rusty and strained in her own ears. "Message begins: From CO escort to all ships. We have detected six warships, apparently Havenite heavy cruisers, closing from astern. Present range one-three-point-six light-minutes, closing velocity three-zero thousand KPS. On present course, they will overtake us in two hours and fourteen minutes." She drew a deep breath, staring down into her display. "In view of Admiralty warnings, I must assume their intention is to attack. All escorts will form on me and turn to engage the enemy. The convoy will scatter and proceed independently. Zilwicki clear."

"Recorded, Ma'am." The com officer's voice was flat.
"Transmit." The word came out fogged with tears, and the captain cleared her throat harshly. "Helm, prepare to bring us around."

"Aye, aye, Ma'am."

She kept her eyes on the display, trying not to think of the two most important people in her universe or how they would react to her last cold, official message, and someone touched her shoulder. She looked up, blinking to clear her vision. It was her exec.

"Tell them you love them, Helen," he said very softly, and she clenched her fists in agony.

"I can't," she whispered. "Not when none of the rest of you can tell your—

Her voice broke, and his hand tightened painfully on her shoulder.

"Don't be stupid!" His voice was harsh, almost fierce. "There's not a soul on this ship who doesn't know your family's over there—or who thinks for one minute they're the only reason you're doing this! Now get on the com and tell them you love them, goddamn it!"

He shook her in her command chair, and she ripped her eyes from his, staring almost desperately at the other officers and ratings on her bridge, pleading for their forgiveness.

But there was no need to plead. She saw it in their eyes, read it in their faces, and she drew a deep breath.

"Helm," her voice was suddenly clear, "bring us about. Jeff," she looked at the com officer, "please get me a personal link to Carnarvon. I'll take it in my briefing room."
The moment I developed an acute infatuation with the Zilwicki family spearheaded by Helen Sr. Posthumous awards, say it all.

Because of that moment, I've personally followed the life of the Zilwicki's. I paid close attention to any passage featuring the daughter Helen. It doesn't surprise me one bit that she ended up on Saganami Island following in her mother's footsteps to defend and protect the weak from they who would do them harm. And she didn't disappoint. That trip with Helen, aboard Hexapuma during her middy cruise, was one of the most enjoyable vacations I've had. Ensigns! - the stuff of legends! Ensign Zilwicki was promoted to flag lieutenant by Commodore Terekhov. Now Terekhov was newly promoted himself and one of the first things he did was draft him one hell of a flag lieutenant. Regardless of her rank! And to hell with what anyone thought. How about that for a resume plumper! There's so much more I can say about Helen and the adversities she faced, fought and overcame. From the Highlands I have yet to read. Where Master Tye taught her how to survive. Poor little Helen - whose life was influenced by three great personages. Her mother, her father, her master.
The Peeps won't get us, baby," he whispered. "We're safe now." He drew a ragged breath. "Mommy made it safe."
And thusly, the moment that the severe infatuation morphed unopposedly into... into... into... love.

8. Michelle Henke: I love Henke. For so many reasons. First and foremost, it has to be difficult for a first cousin of the Queen of Manticore to decide to enter the Navy. Even if she had been certain of her decision to seek a naval career, what internal conflicts must have been churning around about her insides trying to settle like whiskey with wine. On the one hand, Henke felt like serving the Star Kingdom of her birth as protector of that which it stood and for the lives of all of its innocent citizens. On the other hand, there must have been the pull of politics - where undoubtedly she could have made her mark. And between those hands, was the weight of the worry of embarrassing her Star Empire with an infamous naval career, which sat in her lap - all too evident in her entire series-pig-headed-stubbornness to resist promotion for worry of nepotism. A woman, though very loftily born was she, did not afford herself an impetuous act that would prevent - not only befriending, but allowing a budding relationship to form between herself and a baseborn Yeoman that grew into immense love and respect. One of the more solid, more profound friendships in the entire Honorverse. I worried that Henke would do something to be disavowed, yet it touched me that she formally sent a letter to Elizabeth giving her "permission" and her understanding to do just that with one of "the big calls" she was about to make. I love how expertly she walked the line between cousin and officer of the Queen's navy.
7. Horace Harkness: That's Sir Horace to us all. I love that Harkness remained true to himself. It is no doubt that he was in the navy to serve his Star Empire and to honor his Queen. Accolades meant nothing to him. Promotions meant nothing to him. Nothing personal, but I'm going to kick the ever loving shit out of any marine in which I come into contact, because they need toughening up, for the honor of the Queen. Harkness was a man's man, and there was no doubt that he'd fight for the lives of any damsel in distress and her brother too! But mess around with Honor or any of his crewmates and I'll kill you all, even if I have to take on your whole phucking ship by my self. And for the gentle way in which he befriended and big-brothered Scotty Tremaine. But when it was revealed that his defection was a fake after fooling everyone, including his best friend and me, why, I couldn't stop pissing my pants with glee! Scotty wanted to kiss him. He really did. I ain't gonna admit I did too. Who said that! Very memorable character.
6. Abigail Hearns: Or, another name for a strong female character. In many ways Abigail must have grappled with some of the same issues as Michelle, with added servings of her Grayson-bred sensibilities. Would she fail as a Grayson? Would she fail as the pioneer for many other Grayson women laying their hopes upon her shoulders? Would she fail as the daughter of a prominent Steadholder? Would she fail her most important and special patron, who was also the object of her hero worship - would she fail herself? It's incredible when I consider the immense psychological and emotional pressure on the shoulders of Miss Hearns - picture perfect essence of a Grayson Princess. And she stole my heart standing on that balcony that night. Perhaps those pinpricks of light wasn't the brilliant explosions of battle, but the vibrant explosions of my heart reacting to the birth of a love affair for the lovely princess with luxuriously long hair and lively dresses that swish when she walks.

But will she perform after donning that uniform? Or, just like many jealous officers of her talent and recognition thought, was she just the unfair product of nepotism? We all know how she performed, but the quiet way she allowed her mettle to speak for her was so much like little Sara Crewe of A Little Princess that I could cry.
By 1921 PD, she had been promoted to Lieutenant (junior grade), serving as Assistant Tactical Officer aboard the Edward Saganami C-class heavy cruiser HMS Hexapuma, under Captain Aivars Terekhov, accordingly also serving as Officer Candidate Training Officer. In this capacity she trained Helen Zilwicki, Ragnhild Pavletic, Aikawa Kagiyama, Paulo d'Arezzo and Leopold Stottmeister on their Midshipman cruise. Already teaching and passing on what Honor undoubtedly passed on to her.
She was brevetted to Lieutenant Senior Grade during that time, and was later confirmed to that rank.
Already teaching and passing on what Honor undoubtedly passed on to her.

She was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for courage under fire for her actions, and subsequently commissioned as an Ensign.
That's my girl!

5. Alice Truman: My bond with Alice as a character is rather interesting and strange. Inasmuch as I can't seem to put a literary finger on exactly what it is about her that endears me so much. I've often mentioned that I am certain that somewhere inside her lurks a tactician of immense ability. Of that I am sure. But she accomplishes everything in a rather subtle way. She would be a certain nominee for "Best Character in A Supporting Role" award.

When Truman ordered the safety interlocks on the ship's hyper-generator to be disconnected to decrease travel time to Manticore, she won my heart for certain. "Ride like the Valkyries girl. Ride like the Valkyries." Then when she arrived back in Grayson space with the cavalry in tow and then figured out Fearless' communications were out from battle damage, which explained why Captain Harrington had not responded to Admiral Alexander's message, I cried with her. Damn, all for naught. And my infatuation has nothing at all to do with golden hair and blue eyes.

4. Shannon Foraker: "OOPS." Come on. Who doesn't love Shannon for that? And what in the series is more memorable.
And then he saw Shannon Foraker's right hand come out of her lap and move slowly, almost stealthily, towards her panel. Something about its movement caught at his attention, and he crossed quietly to stand behind her. She heard him and looked up, and her hand moved away from the "ERASE" key even more slowly—and far more reluctantly—than it had come.
The moment I realized my eternal love for Shannon and cooled the ice in my veins towards Havenites in general. This isn't the place for the novel that I could write starring one Shannon Foraker.

3. Ginger Lewis: Ginger as a Hexapuma just won me over. Her performance and attitude aboard that ship was exemplary. Her relationship with Aubrey Wanderman is indicative of the kind of friends I hang around. Ginger would fit right into my family or circle of friends. Easily. And again, we all know of her accomplishments. It hurt so damn much when her EVA suit was sabotaged. I thought I'd lose another very special person. It made it all the more sweeter when Randy Steilman GOT HIS ASS KICKED!
2. Carolyn Wolcott: Carolyn Wolcott reminds me of one of my sisters. Her death hurt me more than any other death in the series. When Grayson officers sexually assaulted her, well... I hated Graysons then. I feel uncannily close to Miss Wolcott. And for some reason my mind wishes to place her aboard Honor's very intimate circle of friends on Fearless at Basilisk Station.
1. Honor Harrington: I have only read one book from beginning to end in one day. Little Sara Crewe of A Little Princess did it for me. Most people can inhale a book in an hour or two. My sisters and niece are like reading piranha. With them, it's a feeding frenzy. Well, On Basilisk Station wasn't read in a single day either, but it came very close. And had it not been for the reason my inhalation of it had been delayed, I am sure I would have. It was good, the delay. The most memorable and profound stage was set for the most incomparable read of what was to become my most favorite book in any series. And my second favorite book of all time - second only to, A Little Princess.

I'm not going to rehash all of the wonderful accomplishments of our outstanding heroine, or the bad times that made us all pull together behind her. I will say, that I hurt dearly when she was sent out to Basilisk Station as a sort of punishment.

And when the crew finally called her skipper, I cried. I don't ever recall being so satisfied for the first time until this very lovely passage when she finally got her just recognition and acknowledgement...
"You're what?" Captain Reynaud demanded, and Lieutenant Andreas Venizelos wrinkled his brow in puzzlement.

"I said I'm your customs and security officer, Captain. I'm sure Captain Harrington's dispatch will explain everything."

Reynaud accepted the message chip almost numbly, and Venizelos's puzzlement deepened. He couldn't understand why the ACS man looked so confused. It wasn't as if Venizelos were using any big words.

"Let me get this straight," Reynaud said after a moment. "Your Captain Harrington actually expects you and your people to be quartered here at Control? He means to leave you here to support our operations?"

"Yes, Sir, she does." The darkly handsome lieutenant stressed the pronoun's gender, and Reynaud nodded, but he still looked so dumbfounded Venizelos was moved to continue. "Why do you seem so surprised, Sir?"

"Surprised?" Reynaud shook himself, then smiled oddly. "Yes, I suppose 'surprised' is a pretty good word, Lieutenant. Let me just put it this way. I've been chief controller in Basilisk for almost twenty months. Before that, I was senior assistant controller for damn near two years, and in all that time, you're the first—what did you call it? security and customs officer?—anyone's bothered to assign me. In fact, you may be the first one any station commander's ever bothered to assign to Control."

"I'm what?" Venizelos blurted, then flushed as he realized how exactly his tone matched Reynaud's original emphasis. The two of them stared at one another, and then the ACS captain began to grin.

"Now that I think about it," he said, "I believe I did read something in my original orders about the Navy being responsible for inspections and station security. Of course, it's been so long I can't be certain." He glanced at the habitat services tech standing at his shoulder. "Jayne, do me a favor and find the Lieutenant's people some quarters and get them checked out on the basic emergency procedures, would you? I've got some station regs to plow through to find out what the hell we're supposed to do with them."

"Sure thing, Mike." The tech gestured to Ensign Wolversham, Venizelos's second in command, and Reynaud turned back to Venizelos, still grinning.

"In the meantime, Lieutenant, perhaps you'd care to join me in my data search?" Venizelos nodded, and Reynaud's grin grew broader. "And perhaps you'd care to tell me a little something about your CO, as well. But take it slow, please. I'm not as young as I used to be, and I don't know if I'm ready for the concept of a competent senior officer on Basilisk Station!"

Andreas Venizelos grinned back, and for the first time in weeks, it felt completely natural.

I love Reynaud for that.

And for those unfamiliar, the profound stage on which the reading of On Basilisk Station created and cemented a love affair with one Honor Harrington.


My apology for taking so long to post this. But this time of the year, I'm busier than a worker bee on speed.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by timmopussycat   » Wed May 06, 2015 11:44 pm

Lieutenant Commander

Posts: 116
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Location: Vancouver, BC

Tom wrote:My personal top ten--in no particular order...

10. Jeremiah Sullivan:the right man in the right place at the right time, the one Grayson clergyman who had the willingness to change necessary for the times, and the credibility to get even the more conservative types to go along with it, even after his death.

Rev. Sullivan is still living AFAWK. Don't you mean Rev. Julius Hanks who was killed by Burnette's man in FiE?
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by stewart   » Thu May 07, 2015 1:24 am

Captain of the List

Posts: 715
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Location: Southern California, USA

My top 10, in no particular order because they all have different but interesting characteristics in their personalities

Jeremiah Sullivan
Bernardus van Dort
Alice Truman
Howard Clinkscales
Horace Harkness
Thomas Bachfisch
Sally McBride
Andrew LaFollet
Protector Benjamin
Mercedes Bingham

and a list of close "runner-up's" for my favorites

Susan Hibson
Mike Henke
Michael Oversteegen
Estelle Matsuko
Ginger Lewis
Alfred Harrington
Alfredo Yu
Amos Parnell

-- Stewart
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by cthia   » Thu May 07, 2015 5:02 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

stewart wrote:My top 10, in no particular order because they all have different but interesting characteristics in their personalities

Jeremiah Sullivan
Bernardus van Dort
Alice Truman
Howard Clinkscales
Horace Harkness
Thomas Bachfisch
Sally McBride
Andrew LaFollet
Protector Benjamin
Mercedes Bingham

and a list of close "runner-up's" for my favorites

Susan Hibson
Mike Henke
Michael Oversteegen
Estelle Matsuko
Ginger Lewis
Alfred Harrington
Alfredo Yu
Amos Parnell

-- Stewart

Thanks Stewart. But another where Honor doesn't even make the list? You been talking to Rose? :D

I am sad that Estelle didn't make my list. She is certainly a memorable character. As Hutch said, there are so many characters, but I didn't want to assign too much homework. :lol:

Besides, it's all Rose's fault. Though I like her thinking. I'd love to discuss this topic in a formal setting.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse top ten most favorite & memorable characters
Post by cthia   » Thu May 07, 2015 5:12 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Tom wrote:My personal top ten--in no particular order...

10. Jeremiah Sullivan:the right man in the right place at the right time, the one Grayson clergyman who had the willingness to change necessary for the times, and the credibility to get even the more conservative types to go along with it, even after his death.

9. Roger Winton: the man who made the Honorverse possible by deciding to prepare for a war he knew was coming, even though it was decades away, and raised not just a house but a soul of steel to see his nation through the fire.

I certainly understand your including Roger. But I think he should get "Character Emeritus" or something. Same for Saganami.

8. Abigail Hearns: for pulling off something on her middy cruise that Honor Harrington herself couldn't top--cleaning the floor with a band of pirates on planetside--and becoming basically a tac angel--she's not a witch, but she is supernatural.

Me likey lots :D
7. Honor Harrington: for occasionally dragging, but more often leading, Grayson forward into the modern age, conciliating Haven in the teeth of all the presuppositions otherwise, needing to be dragged by Emily Alexander into a relationship with Hamish, and grasping the Solarian League's weaknesses.

6. Hamish Alexander: for sinking his teeth into Trevor's Star, wearing pants reinforced with steel plates to foil Esther McQueen's spanking attempts, applying his massive technical and tactical superiority properly, and needing to be dragged by his wife Emily into a relationship with Honor.

I can go for including Hamish for making available his hindpot for hammering.
5. Thomas Theisman: for possessing Benedict Arnold's tactical acumen, Ulysses S. Grant's strategic vision, Abraham Lincoln's political savvy, and George Washington's integrity.

4. Eloise Pritchart: for waging a clean war against the Legislaturists, knowing to flee the Aprilists, then undermining Rob Pierre and Oscar Saint-Just until the final collapse of the People's Republic, then leading the Republic in the civil war in such a way that it is largely intact at the end and StateSec is a bunch of cruisers and destroyers.

3. Victor Cachat and Anton Zilwicki: for being self-detonating claymore mines that know who the true enemy is and will stop at nothing to see to it that everyone else does.

2. Bernardus van Dort: the man who ended up putting the Talbott Cluster in a position where it could actually end up benefiting from the discovery of the terminus and who cheerfully jumped on board with seeking the interests of the cluster as a whole once he realized that the capacity to do so was available.

1. Jeremy X: for not letting decades of brutal war to the teeth turn him into a complete psychopath, understanding that his best role in an actual government is as a subordinate, and willingly handing over the reins to who is best for the job.

I enjoyed reading this.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense

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