In short, you don't know the Calirath Talent as well as you think you do.
It would have been very easy for the Calirath Emperors to have set up a god-cult around themselves as most aristocracies have through out history have.
They didn't.
And they had a lot more reason to do so.
That continuing action, and the withdrawal Ternathian Empire, stem from the same set of Calirath Emperor calculations of "political economy".
It is far easier to wield real power when it is willingly and lovingly given to you than when it is taken.
The gradual withdrawal of the Ternathian Empire then meant they were going to get it all later, willingly.
In short, preconitives play the political long game better than anyone else.
brnicholas wrote:I hadn't thought through the effects as carefully as you do here. I think the general outline of your thesis is correct but the statement that its effects "cannot be overestimated" is in error.
If the "trickle down effect in terms of "mandate of heaven"" was as powerful as you surmise then the shrinking of the Ternathian Empire is impossible to explain, as is the clear fact that Ternathian's and other Sharonians have significantly different views of the Caliraths.
In summary the Calirath Talent clearly increases the quality of Calirath rule and the of the Caliraths themselves for the reasons you describe. In addition voices increase awareness of this quality among the general population (although only people with a little talent can hear voice transmissions). Still this hasn't produced the level of unity you seem to be postulating here.
Thanks for an extremely thought provoking post.
NicholasMil-tech bard wrote:The "Cultural Mary Sue" here is the "Calirath Talent" and the incentives its brutal self-honesty provides for Sharonan rulers.
The Calirath Emperors are operating on a level of hard reality that will make non-talented politicians run away in terror.
The trickle down effect in terms of "mandate of heaven" with everyone on Sharona and Sharonan's spun off universes cannot be overestimated.
Quite literally voices send real images, emotions and all sorts of sub-channel communications about the Calirath Emperors direct to other voices or those with projective talents to send to non-talents.
Sharonans get to know their leaders in ways we cannot imagine, and create loyalties so deep that average Sharonan soldiers will fight at the word of a Calirath Emperor the way that the Imperial Japanese serviceman did in WW2...and the Calirath talent means Emperors only ask it of their troops when absolutely necessary.
This sort of thing will move talented Sharonan leaders much as it does Sharonan troops.
Which, once you work through the full cultural implications of the "Calirath Talent", Chava of Uromathia being a non-talent is central to the storyline.